Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1840 The Sheepherd

Chapter 1840 The Sheepherd

The sound of howling wind, the howling of wolves, the rubbing of fangs, the sound of hooves, the strange laughter of the Xirong people, the pain of the arrow hitting the shoulder, and the tearing of the muscles of the legs.

Amidst countless voices, Ying Baoyue left all the pain in her body behind and ran forward desperately.

Running so desperately without using her true energy for a long time, she suddenly felt a little dazed in her mind, as if she had returned to the days when she just traveled back.

At that time, she had no realm, and no matter what she did, she was extremely strenuous, and she had to devote everything to herself.

She is very much the same now as she was back then.

Possibly even worse.

If the place she traveled back to was not the former Qin Dynasty, but Xirong, then it would really be hell difficulty at the beginning.

Ying Baoyue thought bitterly, but no matter how optimistic her thoughts were, her current situation was not optimistic.

The body without the support of real energy was soon on the verge of exhaustion, and with a hiss, a piece of clothing on her back was torn off, leaving a claw mark covering the entire back.

Ying Baoyue jumped forward suddenly, dodging the forward bite of the wolf behind him, but the pain of tearing came from the root of his thigh again.

She can't run for long.

It is impossible for human legs to outrun wolf legs.

It was only a matter of time before she was thrown down.

She was looking for shelter all the time while running, but in desperation, there was not even a tree in the surroundings except for the desolate pasture.

The tearing pain came from the back again, but Ying Baoyue found that her legs were no longer able to accelerate.

Is it only here?
She closed her eyes and clenched the hilt of the sword in her arms.

It seems that she can only choose to expose her identity and fight for a while.

Compared with being torn apart by wolves, it is more cost-effective to fight as a practitioner.It's just that if she falls into the hands of the Xirong people this time, she doesn't know how she will be treated.

The coffin that imprisoned her appeared in front of Ying Baoyue's eyes, and she clenched her fists.

She opened her eyes suddenly, but her eyes froze suddenly.

I don't know if God heard her voice, but not far away, among the desolate grass leaves, there was suddenly a wave of light.

A huge lake appeared before her eyes.

It's not so much a lake, it's like a sea. At a glance, you can't see the opposite side of the lake, you can only see the vast waters.

Winter is gone, spring is coming, and there is a thin layer of ice on the lake.

For some reason, when she saw the lake, Ying Baoyue noticed that the pace of the chasing wolves suddenly slowed down.

But she didn't have time to think about it, there was no way to retreat behind her, and this lake was the best place for her.

Ying Baoyue ran to the lake and plunged in.



The wolves stopped by the lake, circling around with their tongues out, but they dared not approach the lake alone.


The horse team following the wolves also stopped, looking at the vast lake in front of them, the masked young man looked a little surprised.

At this time, other slaves also arrived at the lake, but looking at the huge lake in front of them, they all backed away with fear in their eyes.

It seems that this lake is more terrifying than the pack of wolves.

"Jump down?"

The obese middle-aged man rode his horse and stopped beside the young man, shrugging regretfully, "It's rare to have such a slave who can run, but he is so stupid as to jump into the black lake. Sure enough, a slave is a slave."

The young man put away his bow and arrow, staring at the treacherous lake in front of him.

This lake is a forbidden area for the Xirong people. It is said that it can swallow groups of cattle and sheep, and none of the living things can come out alive.

Seeing the young man put away his bow and arrow, the flesh on the middle-aged man's face trembled.

"Come on, Ah Dan, there are still plenty of slaves, don't lose interest, keep playing."

The man laughed and patted the young man on the shoulder, "It's rare for you to come to my territory, don't let people say that I have treated you badly."

"No," Chunyu Dan smiled, took off the mask on his face, and hung the bow and arrow to the horse's belly.

"I appreciate Uncle's kindness, but I'm also interested in that slave just now."

"That one just now? Is there anything special?"

The middle-aged man frowned, trying to recall the bloody woman just now.

"It's nothing special," Chun Yuzhang played with the finger on his thumb, his gaze slightly darkened, "It's just that he has a similar figure to a person I've met before."

"Meet someone?"

The middle-aged man frowned even tighter, "Who is it?"

"I don't remember the name, it's just a woman," Chun Yuzhang suddenly leaned over, took off the wine bag from the middle-aged man's horse, uncorked it and drank heavily.

He wiped the wine that dripped down his chin, and smiled generously, "Speaking of women, I heard that the most beautiful female slave in Xirong is in my uncle's tent?"

The middle-aged man laughed loudly, and the haze in his eyes was swept away.

"That is, I will let you open your eyes tonight."

"Let's go, go back to the tent, we won't go back tonight until we're drunk!"


The horse team clamored again, the slaves who were still alive were put back into the cages, and a group of people left the lake in a mighty way.



The sun was setting, and the night was getting darker.

On the shore of the silent lake, the tide beats the barren land.

In the north of the lake, a crack suddenly opened on the extremely thick ice layer.

A hand stretched out from under the ice.

Holding the Juque sword, Ying Baoyue climbed out inch by inch from under the ice.

There is a world of ice and snow in front of me.

Unlike the south bank, which already has a bit of spring, the north bank of this great lake seems to stay in winter forever.

Ying Baoyue looked at the endless snow field with a pale face, stepped on the thick snow layer, and staggered forward.

With every step, a drop of blood fell on her footprints.

I don't know how long she walked, but she fell headfirst on the snow.

Snowflakes fell, gradually burying her body bit by bit.

There was darkness in front of her eyes, and just when she was about to lose consciousness, Ying Baoyue seemed to feel a warm and furry thing sticking out into the snow and hugging her face.

But the next moment, everything in front of him was still in darkness after all.



In the early morning, a young man wrapped in a ragged sheepskin jacket opened the tent door.

"Father, I lost a sheep last night, I'm going to find the sheep!"

Just as he stepped out of the felt tent, he turned his head and shouted into the tent habitually.

But just as usual, there was silence in the tent, and no one answered him.

The expression on the young man's face did not change. Looking at the wind and snow outside, he tightened his sheepskin jacket and strode into the wind and snow.


The boy sucked his mouth and called the sheep, and walked on the snow with deep feet and shallow feet.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he kicked the snow layer on the ground, revealing a bunch of black sheep dung eggs under the snow.

"Have it!"

The boy trotted along the direction of the sheep dung, and after a while, he saw a sheep with a white body and a black head lying on the snow from a distance.

He suddenly became excited and ran away, but suddenly stopped while running.

Beside the sheep lay the body of a person covered in snow.

The boy stepped forward and brushed away the snowflakes on the man's face, blood flowed down the melted snow.

Seeing the face of the person in front of him clearly, he took a step back abruptly.

 This is not a new character, guess who he is
(End of this chapter)

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