Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1846

Chapter 1846
"How to do?"

Li Ji was startled when he heard this.

"Fortunately, you are still a heavenly rank, don't you have no plan for what is going to happen?"

Murongyin frowned, "If Baoyue is really trapped in Xirong, what will you do?"

It's not that Li Ji has no plan, but he doesn't think there is any hesitation in this kind of thing.

"Of course to rescue her," he said without thinking.

"How to help?"

Murongyin was expressionless, "Cross the Great Wall of Eternal Night alone, and go to the base camp of the Xirong people to rescue them?"

Li Ji was stunned.

Murongyin sighed in her heart, Ying Baoyue has disappeared now, but it is not sure whether she really fell into the hands of Xirong people.

But regardless of whether she was controlled by the Xirong people, even if she had three heads and six arms, it was impossible for her to escape from the wolves alone.

Ying Baoyue is not yet a heavenly rank, even if he is a heavenly rank, he can't do it.

"Even if you are a heavenly rank, you are no match for thousands of troops."

Murongyin watched Li Ji quietly, and said earnestly, "Once you cross the Great Wall of Eternal Night, you will be the enemy of all Xirong people. How are you going to find Baoyue and bring her out?"

If there is another world outside the Great Wall of Eternal Night on the Shanhai Continent, then this is another sense of being an enemy of the world.


Li Ji's body was a little stiff.

Murong Yin sighed in her heart, but just when she felt a little disappointed, Li Ji raised her head.

"I'm not alone."

"What did you say?"

Murong Yin was startled.

"I said, I'm not alone," Li Ji said softly, "I don't intend to face thousands of troops alone."

Just like participating in the high-level ceremony this time, neither he nor Ying Baoyue reached the end by relying on his own strength alone.

"I know someone who knows the way to Xirong White Wolf King's Court," Li Ji lowered his gaze slightly, but he didn't want to poke the scar in this person's heart unless it was absolutely necessary.

But if Ying Baoyue is really in Xirong, he really has no other choice.

Li Ji closed his eyes and opened them again.

"Senior," he looked into Murong Yin's eyes sincerely, "you go ahead and look for it, as long as you can find it, leave the rescue to us."

He may be very weak, but his relatives, his friends, Ying Baoyue's relatives, Ying Baoyue's friends, all of them together are not weak.

Everyone can do what everyone else can't.

"Besides," Li Ji said seriously with a flash of his eyes, "Senior, Baoyue is not someone who will wait for others to save her."

Murong Yin was startled.

"Although I don't know what kind of situation she is in now," Li Ji said firmly, "she must be trying to save herself."

Even compared to saving herself, she might be able to make some big noises.

This is the Ying Baoyue he has known all along.

Looking at the firm gaze of the man in front of him, Murong Yin was a little dazed.

"You really know her," she couldn't help but say.

Originally, she had been flustered after Ying Baoyue was taken away, but Li Ji's words at this time reassured her a lot.

"It's just that I have seen too much," Li Ji said softly, "She is that kind of person, and she will never give up until the last moment."

He could understand, and that also proved that he had been watching her by her side.

Murong Yin lowered her gaze slightly, "I understand, I will definitely do my best to find her."

"Thank you," Li Ji leaned over and saluted again, "Then the younger generation will go down the mountain."

"Okay," Murong Yin nodded, watching Li Ji turn and leave.

Li Ji walked out of the cave, walked across the frozen lake, and walked to the turtle-backed stone by the lake.

There were still traces left by yesterday's battle by the lake, and he took a last look before stepping up the path up and down the mountain.

At this moment, a lazy voice suddenly came from behind him.

"I thought you would be depressed, but now it seems that you cheered up so quickly?"

Li Ji turned his head and looked at the silver-haired boy who suddenly appeared sitting on the turtle back stone.

Facing the god who helped him see his heart clearly, Li Ji's eyes were a little complicated.

He bowed and bowed to the White Tiger God.

"You and I don't need these hypocrisy." The silver-haired boy jumped off the stone, walked up to Li Ji and stared into his eyes, "I heard that you are going to Xirong to rescue the former Qin princess?"

"If she is really in Xirong," Li Ji said calmly, "I will go."

It is estimated that he is not the only one who wants to go.

"You guys, it really is overprotective."

The white-haired boy sighed and looked into Li Ji's eyes, "It might be better for her to leave her alone in Xirong for the time being."

Li Ji was taken aback, he didn't doubt that the White Tiger God and the Xirong people were in the same group, but why did he say that?

"Former Qin Princess Ying Baoyue," the silver-haired boy muttered the name quietly, "Since she went to Nanchu to get married, she has had many people around her, right?"

Li Ji was startled, "Senior, why do you ask such a question?"

"Because it's true."

Having a celestial practitioner like Li Ji by her side meant that even if Ying Baoyue got into a catastrophe or did something risky, there would be someone to help her out.

But it's about time to change all that.

The silver-haired boy looked Li Ji up and down, "It's time for her to be alone and see the world."

"This girl has always been surrounded by the children of your aristocratic family, and it's time to see a different scenery."

The silver-haired boy exhaled and said solemnly.

"The way of kingship is swaying, and those who win the hearts of the people win the world."

"People's heart?"

Looking into the eyes of the silver-haired boy, Li Ji's breath suddenly became hurried.

Ordinary practitioners don't need to win the hearts of the people.

"It's about time you found out," the silver-haired boy glanced at him, "That girl has the ability to gather people around her."

To be able to attract capable ministers and generals, for a king, this is the foundation of his life.

"The former king of Qin, Ying Hanri, was a fool," the silver-haired boy said slowly, "Although the son left by the eldest prince Ying Su is popular, he is not capable enough."

But in the royal family of the former Qin Dynasty, besides these two men, there is another person named Ying.

"You mean..."

Li Ji's breath became more and more rapid.

"The former Qin princess Ying Baoyue, she is suitable to be the former Qin king."

The silver-haired boy said in a youthful voice, "To become a king, she still has one last thought."

Li Ji's heart was shaken, and he stared firmly into the eyes of the silver-haired boy.

"What's wrong?"

"It's not that the person involved cannot understand," the silver-haired boy said lightly.

"This time, if she can survive the catastrophe, she may be able to make up for the last missing thing."

He said softly, "Everything depends on her fate."



Everything the White Tiger God said was so shocking that Li Ji was still in a daze until he reached the foot of Tianqi Peak.


"Li Ji!"

"Second brother!"

However, the shouts one after another from the foot of the mountain made him wake up.

Li Ji stood at the exit, looking at his companions who were running not far away.

He saw Ji Jiashu in the crowd at a glance.

Because Ji Jiashu has been watching him since the moment he appeared.

Li Ji collected himself and walked to the crowd with the Sunset Sword.

"Second brother, are you injured? You..."

Seeing him excited, Zhao Guang was about to ask something, but was interrupted by Ji Jiashu.

"Zhaohua," the young man asked softly, staring at the Sunset Sword in Li Ji's hand.

"What about hugging the moon?"

(End of this chapter)

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