Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1851 is missing

Chapter 1851 is missing
The trees in the north are not as dense as those in the south. Ji Jiashu tried his best to find a big tree with a few leaves hanging at the foot of Tianqi Peak, and put his palm on the trunk.

Frost was still hanging on the tree trunk, his palm was icy cold, but his chest was hot.

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the summer half a year ago. He leaned on the big tree on the back mountain of the National Teacher's Mansion, looked up at the vast starry sky, and spent every night with full expectation, waiting time and time again to meet the distant man. A conversation with a mysterious woman.

Later that girl came to him, and he had not needed to hear her voice in this way for a long time.

But now that fate has taken her away from him again, can he hear her voice again?

Ji Jiashu closed his eyes, concentrated, and began to chant softly.

"Autumn orchids are luxuriant, Luo Sheng is under the hall. Green leaves are plain branches, and the fragrance is beautiful."

"My wife has a beautiful son, why is Sun so sad?"

"Autumn orchids are green, green leaves are purple stems; the hall is full of beauties, and suddenly I am alone with Yu Xi."

This poem was still as beautiful as ever, but Ji Jiashu could hear his voice trembling slightly as he recited it.

At first, he only needed to recite a few lines to hear the response from the other side, but now until he had finished reciting the whole poem, the tree trunk in front of him still didn't respond.

After the recitation was over, the tree trunk in front of him remained motionless.

"Autumn orchids are overgrown, and Luo Sheng is under the hall. Green leaves are like plain branches, and they are fragrant and beautiful..."

Ji Jiashu's mouth felt dry, he gritted his teeth and recited it again.

Over and over and over and over again.

But the tree trunk in front of him still didn't respond.

What went wrong?
Ji Jiashu heard his voice becoming hoarse as he chanted, and the words he asked Ying Baoyue when he fell from Yunshou Peak appeared in front of his eyes.

"That method, can you still use it now?"

He confessed to her that he had long recognized her as the woman named "Teng Snake". Ying Baoyue nodded to him in surprise.

In other words, the method of connecting with trees has not failed, and Ying Baoyue should still be able to use it.

Why can't he hear her voice now that he clearly reproduced what he did back then?
Could it be that something happened to Ying Baoyue?

Ji Jiashu's heart was immediately occupied by great fear, but the next moment he looked at the setting sun in the distance, his eyes suddenly froze.

Could it be that the time is wrong?
Every time he called "Teng Snake" before, it was at night when the sky was full of stars.

By the way, stars!
Ji Jiashu looked at the motionless tree trunk under his palm, and the veins on the back of his hand were throbbing.

He still remembers the first time he heard Ying Baoyue's voice from the tree trunk, she called him "Star of the South".

Could it be that besides the big trees and the songs, the stars in the sky are also necessary?
Sweat dripped from Ji Jiashu's palms. No matter what, he could only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor now, and regard the stars in the sky as the last straw.

Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he will never give up.

But if he wanted to see the stars in the sky, he had to wait until he was on the road at night and look for trees from the side of the road before trying again.

Ji Jiashu looked at the setting sun in the distance, gritted his teeth, and suppressed the anxiety in his heart.


In the distance, Chen Zichu and Yeluhua looked at him on tiptoe with puzzled faces.

"I'm fine! Here it comes!"

Ji Jiashu responded, and walked towards the place where everyone gathered with heavy steps.

But just as he was about to leave, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of two figures deep in the woods.

It was Li Ji and Zhao Guang.

Ji Jiashu's heart skipped a beat. Yeluhua had said that Zhao Guang had gone to the woods alone, and indeed Li Ji had also gone to look for him.

The positions where the two of them were standing were quite hidden, and neither their breath nor their voices were revealed at all.Li Ji should have opened the barrier. Judging by the posture, these two people should have something to say that they don't want others to hear.

Although he was a little curious, Ji Jiashu didn't want to be an eavesdropper, so he turned around quickly and prepared to leave.

But just as he turned around, he inadvertently glimpsed a scene out of the corner of his eye.

In the depths of the forest in the distance, Li Ji and Zhao Guang were standing face to face, Li Ji's back was facing him.

Li Ji's figure suddenly became shorter.

Ji Jiashu's pupils shrank suddenly.

If he read correctly, Li Ji lifted the hem of his shirt and knelt down in front of Zhao Guang with one leg.

What is Li Ji doing?
Ji Jiashu was so frightened that he could hardly control his breath, and Zhao Guang in the forest was obviously also frightened, and he stretched out his hand to help, but this also proved that Li Ji had indeed saluted Zhao Guang.

At this time, I don't know if it was because of his aura leaking out, Li Ji's ears moved as if he wanted to turn his head to look over, but Ji Jiashu didn't dare to look any more, and quickly walked out of the woods.

Until he returned to Chen Zichu and Yeluhua, he was still a little out of his mind.

"Jia Shu, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Zichu asked puzzledly.

"It's nothing." Ji Jiashu's face was a little pale, and he forced a smile.

The details of the relationship between Zhao Guang and Li Ji kept flashing before his eyes.

Zhao Guang is the younger brother of the King of Soochow, and the only county king in the royal family of Soochow. Li Ji only has the title of Son of Soochow Master and has no official position.Given the disparity in status between the two, there was nothing wrong with Li Ji bowing to Zhao Guang, but the scene just now was obviously not kneeling in this sense.

Li Ji seemed to be begging Zhao Guang, and he was begging for something that was very embarrassing for Zhao Guang.

What's the secret between those two?
Ji Jiashu took a deep breath, and buried everything he had just seen in his heart.

No matter what happened between those two people, he is not qualified to comment as an outsider.



"Has it been seen?"

In the forest, Zhao Guang grabbed Li Ji's arm and asked in a stiff posture of supporting him.

Not only was his posture stiff, but his voice was also very stiff, and his whole face was ashen, like a stone.

"It's Chunhua, I was negligent just now."

Li Ji half-kneeled on the ground, and said lightly, "It should have been seen."

"then you……"

Thinking that Ji Jiashu happened to see the scene just now, Zhao Guang suddenly felt a toothache. He stared at Li Ji in front of him, anxious and angry, "Does it not matter if you are seen?"

"It's no big deal to be seen by Chunhua." Li Ji straightened up and patted the dust off his legs. "He won't tell anyone."

Not even speculating.

Ji Jiashu's character is trustworthy.

"No," Zhao Guang stared at him incredulously, "Don't you feel ashamed when Ji Jiashu sees you?"

Shouldn't these two be rivals in love?

"I'm not doing anything shameful."

Li Ji stared into Zhao Guang's eyes, "I forced you to do something against your will, kneeling down is nothing."

But after all, he didn't want Zhao Guang to feel uneasy, so he didn't choose to kneel down.

"Second brother, you..."

Zhao Guang's face flushed red, "Are you trying to annoy me?"

(End of this chapter)

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