Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 195 Healing

Chapter 195 Healing
Just as Ji Qingyuan expected, Ji Ange really didn't want to get too close to this woman.

Although Ji Ange also knew that this woman could only live in her west courtyard considering her elder brother's mood, she only planned to let the nanny clean up an empty house, and then never have any contact with that woman.

Of course, it's impossible for them to get along for that long.

For at most three days, just pretend that person doesn't exist.

Ji Ange was the best at this kind of thing since she was a child.

Anyway, since the person has been accepted, he still has to do the most basic etiquette in order not to embarrass his brother.

In short, the first meal was to be eaten together. There had been no outsiders in the Qing'an Courtyard for many years, and there was no ready-made tidy room.

Considering the identity of this woman, she can't just get away with a bed like a servant.

Ji Ange had no choice but to have dinner with the three women who came to the west courtyard first, and at the same time sent the nanny and the rough envoy to clean up the house.

Originally, Ji Ange ate dinner with Ji Qingyuan at the Qing'an Academy, but during the meal, Ji Qingyuan sent a message that the Eastern and Western Academy would hold separate banquets tonight, and Ji Ange understood that it was her brother who specially left her preparation time .

But to Ji Ange's surprise, eating with this woman was not as stressful as she had imagined.This woman's style is casual but not rude at all. The only thing that is a bit out of the ordinary is that she insists on letting the two women who look like servants beside her also serve the table together.

What Ji Ange didn't expect was that she learned at the dinner table that the little girl next to the princess was actually the daughter of a former Qin Jia and other aristocratic family, and the two met not long ago.And the female officer beside her was not someone who grew up with the princess.

Ji Ange had no idea why the backgrounds of the people around this woman were so strange.What surprised her even more was the absolute trust in the princess named Ying Baoyue revealed by the two women, one big and one young.

Servants are one of the backgrounds of aristocratic families, and the personal maids around the aristocratic children all need to be trained from an early age to ensure loyalty.

This is the concept that Ji Ange has been instilled since childhood.

But the girl in front of her easily broke all this.

But no matter how special this woman is, it doesn't matter to her. Ji Ange suppressed her heart strangely, and also suppressed the dissatisfaction of the nurse next to her when she watched the woman let the servant serve the table. The intersection is over.

If she hadn't seen all that.

Standing in the brightly lit room, Ji Ange regretted why she had to look at that one more time.

Just after the weird dinner was over, Ji Ange was holding the after-dinner tea brought by his servants, and was waiting for the rough envoy who cleaned the house to reply.At this moment, the woman next to her stood up suddenly, and asked if she could borrow the screen beside her bed. By the way, she wanted to borrow a piece of home-made clothes.

This is not an excessive request, and Ji Ange has been putting up with the tattered clothes on the woman's body that were even faintly stained with someone's blood for a long time, but she kept silent because it had nothing to do with her.

Hearing what Ying Baoyue said, Ji Ange immediately asked the old lady beside her to find a home-made dress that she hadn't worn and brought it over. The woman took it and thanked her and walked behind the screen.

Everything is normal here.

At this time, the maid who was in charge of cleaning the house said that the house had been cleaned up, and Ying Baoyue asked the little girl and the female official to go and see behind the screen first, so Gui Li and female official Yao left under the leadership of the servants of the West Courtyard.

Ji Ange continued to sit at the table drinking tea, and his servants came in to clean up the dishes and left.And at the next moment, Ji Ange suddenly realized that there were only her and the girl left in the room.

Of course, as soon as she made a sound, the servants outside the door would immediately rush in. Ji Ange was not worried about her own safety.

Besides, her natural rank is much higher than that girl.

But when she realized that there were only her and the woman in the room, the strange feeling in Ji Ange's heart resurfaced.

At the dinner table before, she took off her veil to eat, but now when she took off her veil, she would think of what the woman had said to her, and the feeling in her heart became even more strange.

Listening to the quiet rustling of clothes behind the screen, Ji Ange did the most incomprehensible thing in her life.

The girl who was sitting at the table drinking tea got up holding the cup of tea in a strange way, and walked towards the screen beside her bed.

Of course, this behavior itself is nothing, as she is also the master, it is a kind of etiquette for her to just walk over to see if the woman needs anything else.

It's just that Ji Ange didn't understand what she wanted to do, and it was only when she walked to the screen that she felt so ridiculous.

With a wry smile, she felt that there must be something wrong with her brain, she turned around and wanted to leave, but the next moment the girl's feet were fixed on the ground.

The moment he turned around, Ji Ange caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye.

It was only for a short moment, but what she glimpsed was deeply imprinted in her eyes, making her care so much that she could not ignore it.

It must be... her illusion.

Ji Ange's heart beat violently, and then she turned around again in front of the screen, quietly moving her steps to look around, taking a panoramic view of everything inside the screen.

Then the girl held her breath.

The other girl inside the screen had already stripped off all her clothes to change, but Ji Ange didn't have difficulty breathing because of this kind of thing.

Reflected in her eyes is indeed a young woman's body, the girl's complexion is as white as jade, with youthful vitality and the frailty of a woman in a deep palace compound.

But what made it difficult for Ji Ange to breathe was the scar on his body.

Criss-criss-crossed and scarred.

Ji Ange could recognize that most of them were from swords and arrowheads, some of which had healed, while others were so deep that the edges were still curled with flesh.

Big and small, deep and shallow.

But the wound seemed to have been treated, and there was no blood and blood.

Set off against the girl's white and jade-like skin, it looks like porcelain with cracks in ice.

Fragile, but shocking.

And on this white body, Ji Ange suddenly caught a glimpse of bright red, and there was a vine-like pattern winding up from the woman's left wrist, revealing an ominous atmosphere.

This is……

At the next moment, the owner of that hand suddenly grabbed her wrist and turned her head. Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Ange who was standing in a daze outside the screen, sighed, looked at the stunned girl and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ying Baoyue knew that Ji Ange was outside, but she was the owner of the room and she could look wherever she wanted. If it wasn't for Ji Ange, she would have to stare at the curse, Ying Baoyue planned to pretend that she didn't see it.

With a click, the teacup on Ji An's singer fell and shattered.

Ji Ange suddenly came back to her senses, and saw that the calm girl in front of her was in a mess, but she was a practitioner after all, and instinctively knew that the red scar on the girl's hand was not something to ask, so she took a deep breath Looking at the scars on Ying Baoyue's body.

"The injury on your body...what's going on?"

"Oh, these," Ji Ange watched the woman carefully examine the wound on her body, but her expression was calm, "I was hunted down a little on the way here."

Is this a bit of a chase?
Ji Ange suddenly had a sour feeling in her heart, which suddenly and inexplicably annoyed her.She herself didn't know where her mood came from at this moment, as if it was the instinct of the soul engraved in her body.

Her contact with this woman was very short, but she returned to Danyang in a carriage with this princess.However, along the way, she didn't realize that the woman was injured so badly.Not to mention those careless men.

But Ji Ange knew that her brothers were not careless, it was only because this woman was too good at hiding.

She hides all her hurts under her peaceful smile.

"You...Do you still want to be like this..."

Ji Ange looked at the large and small wounds on Ying Baoyue's body and was speechless for a while. She wanted to ask the woman if she wanted to marry after making herself like this, but when she said the words, she felt that she was extremely hypocritical.

This in itself is a blasphemy to this woman, and no one knows what this girl has experienced here.

No one knew what she had paid for looking relaxed.

The only thing Ji Ange knew was that she was not qualified to question this woman.

The woman doesn't need any sympathy either.

The girl took a deep breath and looked at Ying Baoyue, and said coldly, "I don't care how you get hurt, but don't die in my yard."

"Well," Ying Baoyue looked at the girl with a complicated expression and smiled.

"I'm going to get some medicine. There is no doctor who is proficient in medical skills in the mansion. You..." Ji Ange struggled for a while looking at the woman in front of him.

Women can't see a doctor better than men. This woman's wounds all over her body can't be seen by the doctor. Looking at these scars, Ji Ange was at a loss for a while.

"It's okay, I know medicine, as long as I have medicine." Ying Baoyue quickly comforted her.

For some reason, although there was no basis, Ji Ange was relieved to hear what this woman said, and seemed to subconsciously believe what this woman said.

What the heck...

However, before Ji Ange could relax, Ying Baoyue, who had detected a large wound on her side, suddenly raised her head to look at her, "By the way, besides medicine, do you have needles and threads here? Do you know how to embroider?"

"You... what are you going to do?" Ji Ange's eyes widened, and an ominous premonition suddenly floated in his heart.

She has worked with needlework since she was a child, but at this moment she suddenly didn't want to say that she knew how to needlework.

And the next moment, her premonition came true.

Ying Baoyue caught a glimpse of the embroidery frame next to Ji Ange's pillow and laughed, "It seems that you really know how to sew."

"So what are you going to do?" Ji Ange asked stiffly.

"There are a few wounds that haven't healed," she said the next moment when she saw the girl in front of her smiling and looking up at her.

"Please help me sew it."



 Ji Ange: I don't want to know how to sew...

(End of this chapter)

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