Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1971

Chapter 1971
Sensing that Uzhina was looking at her, Ying Baoyue lowered her head abruptly, trying to minimize her sense of existence.

When she saw the eagle, she had an ominous premonition in her heart, and she could only keep praying in her heart that the people of the Xubu family would win some attention, and that Chunyuye would not steal the limelight by herself.

After all, this hunt is not just a show where Chunyuye shoots the prey alone.

That's right, the people of Xirong love to fight. Since it is hunting, there is confrontation.

At this time, another burst of horns with different rhythms sounded on the grassland, and the wooden platform beside where Uzhina was sitting suddenly boiled.

For a while, all kinds of Xirong language were flying all over the stage, and the content was basically calling relatives.

Opposite the cavalry team led by Chunyu Ye, another team of heavily armed men came on the stage.

If you look carefully, you can see that the armor on the team is updated. The helmet on the head of the big man is actually golden. It shines golden in the sunlight, making people suspect that it is made of pure gold.

"Big brother!"

Uzhina also got excited, stood up and waved to the man in the golden helmet.

This pair of men and horses are all members of Xubu's family, that is, soldiers of Uzhina's natal family.The man at the beginning was the eldest son of the current head of the Xubu family, U Rina's direct elder brother, and Chunyu Ye's future brother-in-law. Ying Baoyue remembered that his name was Qing Getai.

Ying Baoyue glanced at the gold ornaments on Uzhina's head, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart that they are indeed brothers and sisters, and their hobbies are very similar.

Watching the two teams confront each other on the pasture from a distance, Ying Baoyue can probably guess what will happen next.

She learned in advance that the wedding process during the daytime today is roughly divided into four steps. The first step is hunting, the second step is tribal battles, the third step is the couple worshiping the heavens and the ancestors and parents, and the fourth step is the relatives and guests offering gifts and blessings after the ceremony is completed. .

The last two steps are easy to understand, but she has been thinking about what to do in the first two steps, and now she finally understands.

Emotional Xirong people get married is to let the brother-in-law beat the groom.

However, it is not accurate to say that it was a violent beating. Murong Heng has been practicing with Heli on the horse farm these days, and it should be to fight against the soldiers of the Xu Bu family.

Chunyuye's ability to lead troops is naturally one of the best in Xirong, but what is embarrassing is that his elite soldiers stayed in the fief and did not come here.Except for Murong Heng and Heli, all the cavalry he led were temporarily borrowed from the White Wolf King's guards.

The real masters must stay with the White Wolf King to protect their lord. Looking at Murong Heng's expression when he came back at night these days, Ying Baoyue speculates that the strength of these borrowed soldiers may not be very ideal.

Seeing the two teams getting closer and closer, Ying Baoyue couldn't help but look subtle.

She's feeling a little conflicted now, she doesn't want Murong Heng and Heli to suffer, but in fact, she really wants to see Chunyuye being beaten violently.

"Sa Ren, which side do you think will win?"

At this time Uzhina glanced at her and asked lightly.

Ying Baoyue looked at her with a surprised expression.

"What do you look at, who else can I ask here besides you," Uzhina frowned.

Although all the relatives sitting here are her relatives, according to the rules, she cannot have contact with male relatives before she gets married. At this time, she is surrounded by a group of female relatives.

She liked to dance with guns and clubs since she was a child, but among the female relatives, it is rare for her to have such an interest.At this time, apart from Ying Baoyue, no one else around her could understand the contest between these men on the court.

Ying Baoyue looked up at the two teams on the field. Uzhina's elder brother Qing Geertai was a fourth-level practitioner, and his assistants were two fifth-level practitioners.

In terms of the strength of the leader alone, Qing Geertai's side was not as good as Chunyu Ye's side.

Guang Chunyu Ye could crush him alone, let alone Murong Heng and Heli.

It's just that the soldiers behind Qing Getai are well-equipped, all of them are muscular, full of energy, and full of murderous looks, and they can be seen to be carefully selected.

On the other hand, Chunyu Ye...

Ying Baoyue looked at the loose formation and smiled wryly.

It could be seen that Murong Heng and Heli had tried their best. The White Wolf King was really unkind to his son. The cavalry he gave were not personal soldiers who often went to the battlefield, but ordinary guards.

Although Murong Heng and Heli guarded one side alone and tried their best to squeeze the group of guards into a ball, they obviously didn't adapt to the current organization system. Ying Baoyue glanced over and found that there were always people wanting to run around.

This kind of team is just hunting, and when the group fights next time, the opponent will have to disperse if they charge.

Ying Baoyue narrowed her eyes, but she could see this kind of thing, and Chunyuye and Murong Heng must also know it well.

After all, today was a wedding, and there were two duels, it was enough for Chunyu Ye to win one.

If he loses all, he will lose all face as King Zhai, and if he wins all, it will be too embarrassing to his uncle.

The ideal state is one win and one loss.

Chunyu Ye's side had no chance of winning the second match after that, so he had to win the first siege.

Ying Baoyue understood, and retracted his gaze and said softly, "If nothing happens, His Royal Highness King Zhai can win the first round."

Uzhina opened her eyes wide and glanced at her unexpectedly, "Oh? Are you so sure?"

Her tone was full of suspicion and dissatisfaction.

Ying Baoyue couldn't help smiling wryly, "Master Yan, don't you want His Royal Highness Di Wang to win?"

Although the other party was her brother, Chunyu Ye was the one she wanted to marry.

This kind of occasion is for the groom to show his strength to the bride. Under normal circumstances, he would hope that his husband would win, right?
"Hmph," Uzhina snorted coldly, "I just hope my elder brother will teach him a lesson!"

Let him never dare to show his prestige in front of her again!

Ying Baoyue shook her head, "Master Yan, if His Royal Highness King Zhai can't win your brother, what are you going to do if you marry him?"

To be honest, she didn't appreciate the Xu Bu family's way of wanting to take advantage of Chunyu Ye's influence, but also looked down on him.

Uzhina was taken aback when she heard this.

"His Royal Highness King Zhai is not very good at leading people this time," Ying Baoyue looked towards the hunting ground in the distance, "but he can win if it's only about riding and shooting."

The first round of hunting ended up counting the total number of prey killed by each party. Although Chun Yuye had a group of pig teammates, the number of prey he killed alone was estimated to be equal to the sum of all the people.

The two teams converged, and arrows rained down on the pasture.

The drums became more and more urgent, and more and more prey fell to the ground.

"Bring the bow!"

Chunyu Ye had already broken three bows, and Murong Heng was still handing him bows and arrows.

Beads of sweat rolled down the boy's chin, but he remained on the horse without moving.

Seeing this scene from a distance, even the relatives of the Xubu family who originally only cheered and shouted for their own family were drawn to the attention.


Uzhina stared fixedly at this scene, her eyes straightened.

"At least in riding and shooting, I have only seen His Royal Highness Di Wang lose to one person," Ying Baoyue said softly.

"Who did you lose to?"

Uzhina's heart beat faster and she asked without looking back.

Ying Baoyue didn't answer, but just stared at the figure on the pasture.

lose to me.

She said in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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