Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1978

Chapter 1978
Qing Getai howled like a pig, and grabbed his arm, "What the hell? Who did it?"

With a click, a small hard object rolled down to Ying Baoyue's feet.

Ying Baoyue lowered her head and stared at that thing in a daze.

It is a small stone.

She raised her head and saw a red, swollen and purple pit on Qing Geertai's arm. It seemed that this small stone had hit his arm.

A stone can have such lethality, it is definitely not thrown by ordinary people.

"Who? Who?"

Qing Getai looked around ferociously, "Who did it?"

The dance and music stopped, the surroundings were silent, and the other nobles looked at each other in blank dismay.

Qing Getai looked up at Chunyu Ye suddenly, and shouted loudly, "This is at His Royal Highness Di Wang's wedding, who is so bold? Then is he going to assassinate His Highness Di Di next?"

Uzhina's eyes flickered, and she looked at Chunyuye.

What Qing Getai meant was obvious, he was asking Chunyuye to tell him who he was.

The scene was very chaotic just now, she didn't see anyone throwing stones at all, but Chunyu Ye is a heavenly leader, logically no corner of this banquet can escape his eyes, if anyone dares to throw stones, he will definitely be seen by him.


Uzhina looked at her distraught brother with a delicate expression.

Her lecherous brother probably didn't think of another possibility.That's the stone, maybe Chunyu Ye threw it by himself.

But throwing stones didn't fit her impression of Chunyu Ye, throwing knives did.Uzhina narrowed her eyes. If Qing Getai's hand just touched Ying Baoyue, she was quite worried that her brother's hand would disappear inexplicably.

"Assassination is out of the question," Chunyuye finally put down his wine bowl and said calmly facing Qing Getai's aggressive gaze.

"It's just a stone, maybe it fell in from the outside, so don't worry about it."


Qing Getai was so angry that his head swelled, and he was about to say something, when the voice of a slave announcing suddenly came from outside.

"His Royal Highness, the Cheju Merchant Group has arrived. Your Majesty told them to come to you first."

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes slightly, the gift was finally about to begin.

According to the rules, although today was Chunyu Ye's wedding, all envoys and caravans had to go through the high platform where the White Wolf King was, and then go to the lower platform here to meet Chunyu Ye.

Even if it was a wedding present for Chunyu Ye, if the White Wolf King liked it, he could take it.

This is really unimaginable in the Central Plains, but it is a matter of course in Xirong.

Hearing that the White Wolf King actually asked Che Juguo's business group to come here first, the nobles on the high platform showed flattered expressions.

Even Qing Getai, who was still mad before, quieted down, and his drunken eyes narrowed.

U Rina was also a little surprised, she glanced at Chunyu Ye, inexplicably had the illusion that she married a favored prince.

"Is there anyone in the car?"

Chunyuye's reaction was still calm, without the ecstasy after being treated suddenly, he just nodded towards the slaves outside the tent.

"Okay, let them in."

The guards outside the shed rolled up the curtain, and a dark figure appeared outside.The sitting postures of the Xirong nobles in the shed became more regular, and many hands that were only hugging the dancing girl were also put down.

Qing Getai also sat back, no matter how much he likes to pretend to be crazy with the help of alcohol, he also knows that he should not lose face to the people of Xirong in front of the small countries in the Western Regions.

Ying Baoyue quietly crouched down behind the crowd, staring at the entrance not far away.

"The envoy of Che Ju Kingdom has arrived!"

A group of exotically dressed businessmen entered, the same group she had seen from a distance before the wedding.

There were more than a dozen people in Che Julai's caravan, and the tall blue-eyed Che Juren she met who called himself Kang Qiu was also among them.Generally speaking, except for the blue-eyed man, most of the Cheju people looked shorter than the Xirong people.

More than a dozen people were carrying eight large boxes. Seeing these boxes, the eyes of all the guests present lit up.

The one at the beginning is a Chejuren of indeterminate age. Like Kangqiu, he also has a big beard, which makes him look a little old.

The bearded man led the caravan up to Chunyu Ye, stroked his chest and bowed to salute, speaking in fluent Xirong.

"Congratulations to His Royal Highness King Zhai on his wedding. My name is Saihan, and I am the head of the mission."

Chunyu Ye nodded slightly to him, "Thank you."

He looked directly at the boxes behind Saihan, "What did you bring this time?"

For a small country like Cheju with no military force, Chunyuye obviously didn't even intend to greet him.

Saihan motioned the other Cheju people to put down the boxes, put them in a row, and opened them towards Chunyuye and Uzhina at the same time.

The light in the shed was bright for a moment, and the female relatives all exclaimed.

Ying Baoyue blinked, then turned her head to look at the things in the box.

The goods brought by Chejuren are more novelty than expensive.

The moment the boxes were opened, they were radiant, and they thought they were filled with gold bars, but in fact there were very few pure gold items inside, and the only few gold items should still be gold-plated.

The reason why it is so dazzling is that these gold wares are filled with various goods inlaid with crystals and colored glaze.

Ying Baoyue looked at the goods in the box. If she guessed correctly, Che Juguo should have crystal mines, and also mastered the technology of firing colored glaze.

"That's right," Chunyu Ye looked at the goods in the box, "The last time I saw it, there were not so many tricks. It seems that the skills of your craftsmen have improved again."

Saihan smiled proudly.

"These goods are not all, and there are a few boutiques that are not in the box."


Chunyu Ye narrowed his eyes, "What else?"

Saihan took out a flat box from his bosom, he opened the box, and inside was an extremely exquisite glazed bracelet.

"This is one of them. The villain specially ordered the craftsmen to build it for the Yan clan of His Royal Highness King Zhai."

Chunyu Ye glanced at it, not interested, "What else?"

"There is also a big vase," Saihan said cautiously, "Because the glass is fragile, the villain didn't dare to let these boys carry it up in the box."


Chunyu Ye narrowed his eyes, "Don't dare to put it in the box, so why don't you just find someone to carry it up?"

Saihan raised his head, a little surprised at Chunyuye's concern for the vase, he nodded immediately, and looked at the tall man behind him, "Kangqiu, go to the tent and bring that vase, be careful not to break it."

Kang Qiu nodded calmly and walked out of the shed.

Ying Baoyue quietly moved towards the door when everyone's attention was attracted by the goods.

Just after Kang Chul stepped out of the threshold, she also flashed out of the door.

She followed him quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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