Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 198 Opportunity

Chapter 198 Opportunity
Ji Jiashu never expected that he would see this woman again so soon.

Rather, no one thought of it.

Ji Ange stood behind Ying Baoyue under the other umbrella held by the maid, silently looking at the back of the girl standing in front of the empty doorway.

It was hard to imagine that the woman who looked bruised and bruised yesterday could still run out so alive this morning.

When Ji Ange woke up in the morning, when she found that there was no one next to her pillow, she was almost scared out of her wits.

That's right, Ying Baoyue slept on Ji Ange's bed last night.

Ji Ange originally asked the maid to tidy up Ying Baoyue's house, but looking at the woman with her wounds sewn up, she was worried about leaving the princess alone.

When she was a child, she often heard old people say that people with golden sores seem to be no big deal during the day, but they often have a high fever at night and disappear like this.With this folk common sense swirling in his heart, Ji Ange looked at Ying Baoyue again as if he was looking at a precarious dead person.

What was even more frightening was that she was the only one in the huge mansion who knew that the woman was covered in injuries, which made Ji Ange even more nervous.

In order to prevent Ying Baoyue from having a high fever in the middle of the night and burning to death without anyone knowing, Ji Ange finally grabbed the girl who was going to her room, and coldly told her to stay here tonight.

Of course, Ji Ange was just worried that her princess would die in the Qing'an Court before getting married, which would bring trouble to her elder brother and her.

In any case, she worked so hard to sew a "person", and she died before anything happened. It's a waste of her labor, isn't it?
Ji Ange thought about this, but worried that Ying Baoyue would think too much, but the woman seemed to have no temper, she nodded indifferently when she heard her say that, and didn't even ask a question.

Instead, Ji Ange was a little depressed.

But in short, this woman was very quiet when she was quiet. Ji Ange, who thought she would not be able to sleep at night, fell asleep without knowing it, and didn't even know that someone was out at night.

Of course, Ying Baoyue would not let her know.

Because Ji Ange had exhausted his energy from stitching the wound before, Ji Ange had no dreams all night, and it was already dawn when he opened his eyes again.

Lying on the bed and listening to the sound of rain outside the window, she couldn't believe that she slept peacefully all night lying next to a stranger.

That woman seemed to have a magical power that made people feel safe.

But the next moment, the sense of security lingering in the air became thinner, and Ji Ange turned her head in a daze to see that there was no one around her, her scalp numb.

Her first reaction was... that woman won't die, will she?
Legend has it that cats, when they realize they are going to die, will quietly leave and hide alone.I don't know why though

Not long after they met, Ji Ange felt that that woman might choose to die alone in the same way when she died.

Unreasonable fear gripped Ji Ange's heart, making her rush out of the room for the first time without even putting on her shoes. The next moment she leaned on the door frame and stared in amazement at the woman who was borrowing an umbrella from her maid who was standing on the corridor in the courtyard .

"Miss Ji? Are you awake?"

The heartless woman was standing in the yard holding an umbrella and holding a piece of cake bait in her hand.

"The cook here is really good at breakfast." Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Ange and smiled, "I want to go out for a while, lend you an umbrella."


Looking at Ying Baoyue's figure, Ji Ange almost gritted his teeth and spoke.

"Stop! Where are you going?"



Then came the current situation. Ji Ange, who hurriedly changed clothes and went out, looked at Ji Jiashu, who was also holding a piece of cake bait and was frozen by the table, and suddenly felt sympathetic.

It seems that her younger brother didn't expect his fiancée to visit his yard again early in the morning.

It was his friend who was looking for.

Originally, when Ji Ange saw this woman walking into Ji Jiashu's yard, she thought that their old relationship had rekindled.

However, there is nothing old between the two.

But compared to the old relationship, what does this person want to do with Chen Zichu?
Thinking about Chen Zichu's identity, Ji Ange suddenly remembered what the woman said to her last night.

"I want to participate in the primary ceremony."

That's exactly what the woman said.

But Ji Ange only regarded this sentence as Nankey Yimeng after the woman fainted from pain.

Yes, this is a dream of a woman.

Looking at Ying Baoyue's background, Ji Ange clenched her hands tightly.

Because women are not allowed to participate in the primary ceremony.

"What are you looking for Zichu for?" Ji Jiashu finally swallowed Chaoshi, looked at the girl standing in the yard slightly frowning,

"He's not there?" Ying Baoyue asked, she remembered that last night Chen Zichu clamored to stay overnight in Ji Jiashu's yard with Xu Yishan, so she saved the question until today.

People have left?
"If he's not here, Xu Yishan is fine." Ying Baoyue said.What she was looking for was a type of person, not just one person, but it was much more difficult to pry Xu Yishan's mouth open.

"Yishan..." Ji Jiashu frowned even harder, "He..."

"He's back to his school," at this moment a drunken male voice came from behind Ji Jiashu, and Chen Zichu, who was hungover, rubbed his eyes and walked out in disheveled clothes, yawning and continued, "After all, tomorrow is a big day." Days, being a big brother is troublesome."

Ji Ange keenly caught the light in Ying Baoyue's eyes when he heard the words "Xuegong" and "Senior Brother", and the ominous premonition in his heart grew stronger.

"Zi Chu, put on your clothes!"

Ji Jiashu sighed, looking at his friend who was imitating Kuangsheng in his yard last night, Ji Ange who was slightly sideways to avoid outside the gate, and Ying Baoyue who didn't dodge or dodge and didn't care, his forehead became more and more serious. It hurts.

"Okay, okay," Chen Zichu gathered his clothes, shook his hangover head, his face was flushed but his eyes gradually cleared up, and he smiled at Ying Baoyue who was standing at the door.

"Your Highness came early in the morning, what can I do for you? Could it be..."

If it wasn't for Ji Jiashu's absence, Chen Zichu really wanted to tease him, but seeing Ji Jiashu's expression, the boy restrained himself, "What do you want to ask?"

"Master Ji," Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Jiashu, "Can you create a barrier?"

She stretched out her hand and circled Guichen Ji Ange, Ji Jiashu and Chen Zichu behind her, "The next words must not be heard by others."

Ji Jiashu pursed his lips, took a deep breath, and mobilized his true energy.

Feeling the barrier covering her body, Ying Baoyue saluted him, "Thank you."

"Tell me," Chen Zichu looked at her with great interest, "What's the matter, Your Highness?"

Could it be that he wanted his help to break off the engagement, considering his family background...

"On the road before, Mr. Chen mentioned..." Ying Baoyue said quietly during the chat.

"Have you mentioned it?" Chen Zichu's heart skipped a beat. He always likes to brag and has no clue. When he walked with this woman, he told a lot about himself, but he probably didn't reveal any privacy, right?

"What did you mention? My father's third concubine gave birth to another son?" Chen Zichu asked with a frown.

Ji Ange was speechless, what the hell was going on.

However, the next moment, the girl in front of her laughed, looked at Chen Zichu and said.

"No, you mentioned..." Ying Baoyue smiled and looked into the eyes of the young man in front of him, "You said you were going to participate in the elementary ceremony this year."

Chen Zichu was startled, looked at the girl in front of him and asked with a smile.

"I want to ask, how to participate in the primary ceremony?"

(End of this chapter)

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