Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1984

Chapter 1984
"Embrace the moon!"

After swallowing the pill, Ying Baoyue's body was completely paralyzed, Li Ji hugged her shoulders, his chest heaved, and anger surged in his eyes.

Moisture rose from his face, and Li Ji's original blue eyes became pitch black again. He stared at the woman in his arms, as if a small flame was burning in his pupils.

Ying Baoyue stared into those eyes, let go of his arm obediently, and lowered her gaze to meet his anger.


However, Li Ji looked at the woman who entrusted all the weight of her body to him without reservation, and was speechless.

He didn't know if he was too angry to speak, or because of other reasons.

Li Ji's chest heaved for a long time, and his eyes suddenly turned to the little flower snake lying on Ying Baoyue's shoulder.

It was this little thing that bit him at a critical moment just now, if it wasn't for this little thing to disrupt the situation, Ying Baoyue's weak body would not be able to snatch the elixir in his hand.

Li Ji stared viciously at the snake that was acting as a minion, and said through gritted teeth, "Do you want to kill her?"


Xiao Hua looked at him and tilted her head in doubt.


Ying Baoyue knew it was inappropriate, but she still couldn't help laughing.

"What do you blame it for?" She reached out and grabbed Li Ji's lapel, her eyes were full of smiles, "Xiao Hua just listened to me."

"Do you still know that it listens to you?"

Li Ji was very annoyed, and turned his head to stare at her fiercely, "This guy has to be careful if he wants to protect you! If you want to commit suicide, will he help you pass the knife?"

Ying Baoyue was startled, looking into the eyes of the person in front of her, she suddenly said in a strange way, "If I want to do this one day, will you help me?"

Li Ji was stunned, he suddenly remembered the words that the White Tiger God had said to him on Xiling Snow Mountain.

Would you allow someone you love to die?

"Li Ji?"

Ying Baoyue just asked this question on a whim, but she didn't expect Li Ji to be stunned when she heard the words.

Li Ji came back to his senses, glanced at her, helped her to sit on the side of the road again, and said coldly, "No."

His tone was furious, as if he would shake his hands away at any moment, but his movements were still very gentle.

"What if that's my wish?"

Ying Baoyue stared into his eyes, "Really not?"

"I'm not that snake." Li Ji's face darkened, and he reached out to touch Ying Baoyue's veins, "I won't listen to you in everything."

He did want to respect her choice, but he was also a human being, a living being with a will of his own.

Ying Baoyue has her wish, and he also has his own wish.

Eight years ago, he respected the choice of his loved one and lost her in the end.

He doesn't regret his decision eight years ago, but he can't afford it to happen again.

"If I had been so obedient, I wouldn't be here now."

Li Ji spoke lightly while feeling Ying Baoyue's pulse.

Enthusiasm surged in Ying Baoyue's body, and her consciousness became clearer. She glanced at the profile of the person in front of her, narrowed her eyes and stared at him, "Speaking of which, I haven't settled with you yet!"

This person kept saying that he would wait for her in Shanhaiguan, but in the end he sneaked here with Ji Jiashu and others, and they kept her in the dark without saying hello.

Thinking of what he said to her through the tree network before, Ying Baoyue looked Li Ji in the eyes and paused every word.

"you lied to me."

If she remembered correctly, this was the first time Li Ji had violated her will.

Li Ji glanced at her, "You lied to me just now, we're even."

When he left Shanhaiguan, he still felt guilty, and decided that after meeting her in Xirong, no matter whether she scolded him, beat him or ignored him, he must make amends to her.

As a result, he was tossed by this person's flop just now, and his sense of guilt suddenly eased a lot.

"It's different," Ying Baoyue said dissatisfiedly, her eyes blurred, "The elixir in your hand is mine! I just take back my own things."

Li Ji withdrew his hand to feel Ying Baoyue's pulse, his eyes became serious.

He fixed his gaze on her, and reached out to take off the veil from her face.

Under the faint moonlight, Ying Baoyue's originally pale cheeks flushed abnormally.

"Qing Geertai..."

Li Ji clenched his fists tightly, a violent killing intent welling up in his heart.

Qing Geertai was going to force-feed Ying Baoyue this elixir, even in Hehe San, it was the most powerful medicine.

The drug doesn't take the woman's body seriously at all.


Li Ji gritted his teeth and looked at Ying Baoyue.

His attainments in the field of medicine and poison are not yet mastered, at most he can only smell the ingredients from the elixir.But Ying Baoyue is different, she must be able to detect something wrong with the medicine before taking it.

But even so, she swallowed the medicine.

Total disregard for consequences.

"Li Ji? Don't look at me like that..."

Ying Baoyue's voice was already imperceptibly coquettish. She poked Li Ji's brow wrinkles and muttered, "I know you are doing it for my own good. But can't I be the master of my body?"

"The premise is that you are awake."

Li Ji stared into Ying Baoyue's eyes, he could almost be sure that the psychedelic effect of He He San had begun to strike on her.

The man wouldn't have spoken to him in that tone when he was sober.

"I'm quite sober, but there are some things I can't control."

Ying Baoyue moved her hands and found that her arms had gradually regained consciousness.

She straightened up with difficulty, panting heavily.

The body is very hot, the heat first went to the head, and then gradually spread to the limbs.

Ying Baoyue knew that she had made the right bet.

Although the whole person was dizzy like having a fever, at least her body could move.

Her fingertips were still a little numb, Ying Baoyue touched the silver needle in her bosom with trembling fingers.

The medicinal properties of this elixir are faster than she imagined, she must release part of the toxins in her body as soon as possible, otherwise she will soon be unable to hold on with her current body.

Her fingertip touched the needle sac, and when Ying Baoyue was struggling to take it out, she shook her hand, and the silver needle fell down.

A big hand caught them.

Li Ji looked at her with a complicated expression, "Can you give needles like this now?"

Even if the consciousness seems to be a little clearer, acupuncture is an extremely precise operation, and the state of Ying Baoyue's fingers may not be able to control it.

"Try it……"

Ying Baoyue felt that the air she exhaled was as hot as fire, "Anyway, if you stab it wrong, you probably won't die..."

"How about it," Li Ji picked up a needle and gritted his teeth, "You tell me where, and I'll stick it for you."

He also practiced acupuncture, but he couldn't compare with Ying Baoyue in terms of attainments.

He had witnessed Ying Baoyue's golden needle crossing the calamity with his own eyes, and he was dazzled at the time.He knew that only she could save herself now, and the only thing he could do was to help her as much as possible.

"it is good……"

It's still a bit inappropriate to do so, but Ying Baoyue has no other way now.

"The first needle, here..."

Ying Baoyue pointed to a spot in her lower abdomen, and took a breath, "Three inches under the skin, rubbing needles...twirling to make up for venting."

"Touch it first, don't, don't make a mistake..."

Li Ji concentrated his mind and stretched out his finger to touch the position Ying Baoyue was pointing at.

The temperature under the fingertips was hotter than fire.

His heart suddenly jumped.

(End of this chapter)

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