Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1997

Chapter 1997
The air is filled with the scent of milk wine, and the candlelight is dim.

The man's eyes were slightly drunk, adding a touch of ambiguity to the atmosphere.

If you look carefully, you can even see a trace of affection in his eyes. It's just a simple sentence, but it seems like a love story.

Originally, many things in this world started from interest.

Chunyu Ye's words seemed to imply something.

"is it?"

However, Ying Baoyue just glanced at him, and said in a neither happy nor angry voice, "That's really my honor."


This wasn't the reaction he wanted to see, Chunyu Ye narrowed his eyes, wondering if he didn't hint enough.

He stretched out his hand, wanting to stroke Ying Baoyue's hair.


Ying Baoyue, who hadn't struggled before, opened his hand.

Chunyu Ye's eyes instantly sank.

The temperature in the air also dropped.

But Ying Baoyue is more used to this cold-hearted him.

"You'd better stop pretending about some things." She glanced at the person on her body and said calmly, "I'm afraid I'll believe it until the end."

Chunyuye's words just now were indeed on point, as if vaguely depicting a young boy's mind of falling in love.

From being interested at the beginning, to approaching her with a disguised identity, to falling in love and killing each other in different camps, and finally being able to approach her justifiably by accident.

This story can be described as a love-hate relationship with ups and downs. If it is compiled into a book, it must be a good seller, right?
Ying Baoyue looked expressionlessly at the man who was straddling her. If she hadn't lived three lifetimes...

Forget it, even if she hadn't been reborn or time-traveled, she wouldn't believe this man's nonsense.

"What exactly is going on?"

Looking at Ying Baoyue's icy eyes, Chunyu Ye suddenly smiled, "I thought I acted flawlessly just now, where is the flaw?"

To deal with a rebellious woman like Ying Baoyue, if he wants to win her heart, he can't use an ordinary method. He clearly designed his rhetoric carefully.

As a result, she didn't respond to the way of showing love that she thought up according to her temperament.

Now he was really interested.

Chunyu Ye looked at the woman under him with a playful expression, "Where did I make a mistake? Tell me."

Although he has never owned a woman, he thinks that since the human heart can be controlled, a woman's heart is naturally included.As long as the method is right, it is not difficult to hit a hit.

Ying Baoyue sighed inwardly.

"You made up a good story," she said softly, looking into Chunyu Ye's eyes, "I almost believed it."

What Chunyu Ye just said was quite credible.

The most perfect way to deceive people is to say seven parts of truth and three parts of falsehood.The information Chunyuye just mentioned, including the part that he and Wu Chanxu had different missions, if she guessed correctly, most of them should be true.

Even the last thing he said could be true.

The only false thing...

Probably because of the look in his eyes and the atmosphere he wanted to create when he said this.

Ying Baoyue stared at the man who was leaning over to look at her. His eyes were cold and unruly, but because of this, he was like a wolf king on the grassland, with a fatal attraction.

The staring women are often sucked into it unconsciously, and they can't help but think, how heart-warming it is that such a cold and evil man would actually stay for you.

But all this is just an illusion.

Ying Baoyue's cheeks were hot, but the temperature in her eyes dropped little by little.

This appearance, this look, and this atmosphere as if showing love were all deliberately expressed by Chunyu Ye.

In other words, it was one of his performances.

From the time we met again in Xirong, Chunyuye showed her his changes step by step, weaving a big net little by little, and engulfing her in it.

The man she was looking at at this moment, who endured humiliation but was tough and tender, was Chun Yuye who showed his personality in front of her.

Everything he shows is not himself, but closer to a kind of personality.

He had designed a character set for her in advance.

Although Ying Baoyue didn't understand why Chunyuye felt that she would be moved by this kind of character design, but he had to say that he had interpreted the character design to the extreme.

If he hadn't been impatient before, and just changed around her a little bit, she might really be influenced subtly.

Looking at the change in Ying Baoyue's eyes, Chunyu Ye's eyes became more and more playful, "Why didn't you believe me? Come, tell me."

"Mainly for two reasons."

Ying Baoyue stared fixedly at him, "Chunyuye, have you forgotten, I've seen your memory."

Although it wasn't what she wanted, she probably knew Chunyu Ye's nature better than anyone else in this world.

Chunyuye had indeed changed a lot after leaving Xiling Snow Mountain, but no matter how his state of mind changed, human nature was there.

It is impossible for a wolf to become a sheep after all.

"I hindered your mission, you say you hate me, maybe I will believe it," Ying Baoyue laughed.

"But if you say that you became interested in me because of this, just to see me come to Nanchu with a disguised identity, then I won't believe it."

Ying Baoyue's eyes were complicated.

The kid who grew up in a bag, was not interested in anyone at all.

All of Chunyuye's actions so far are for survival and revenge.All his emotional fluctuations, it is impossible to tell how much is true and how much is false.

For him, everything is available, including his feelings.

This is another sign of an emotional defect.

For a person who can manipulate his emotions, he sees the world differently from others.

As long as there is that need, he can even deceive himself.

Ying Baoyue looked at the man above her head with complicated eyes.

She was terrified of such a person.

"I see."

Chunyuye looked into Ying Baoyue's eyes with no expression of joy or anger.

He probably understood why his way of manipulating people's hearts didn't work on Ying Baoyue.

"Xiling Snow Mountain..."

He spoke in a low voice, gritting his teeth a little.He had lost enough in that place.

"May I ask your second reason?"

Chunyu Ye narrowed his eyes and looked at the woman under him.

Even if Ying Baoyue knows who he is rationally, his emotions are not completely under the control of reason.Facing his deliberate teasing, this person didn't respond at all, which made him wonder if she was a young woman after all.

"Ah, you said the second reason."

Ying Baoyue sighed, "Your rhetoric, someone told me when I was ten years old."

Should she be lucky or unlucky?

That person had successfully destroyed all her fantasies about such things in her previous life.

"Ten years old?"

Chunyu Ye frowned, and slowly clenched the hands on both sides of her body into fists, "Who is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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