Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2005

Chapter 2005
"You have to support me and become the next White Wolf King."

In the dim tent, the young man's eyes were burning, stubborn and serious, and his green pupils were like a whirlpool, as if trying to suck her into it.

Ying Baoyue felt an inexplicable suffocation in his chest.

She was a little confused in her mind, looked at the person in front of her, and repeated, "support you?"

Make Chunyuye the next White Wolf King?
Sensing the hesitation in her eyes, Chunyu Ye narrowed his eyes and said in a bad tone, "Otherwise? Who do you want to support?"

Ying Baoyue fell silent.

Chunyu Ye became the next White Wolf King.

Hearing this choice, her first reaction was to refuse.

To be honest, if she didn't know Chunyu Ye, if she was still the guard of the Great Qin border and heard that the Twelve Zhai King would become the next White Wolf King, not only would she not support her, but she would do everything possible to prevent it from happening .

From the perspective of people from the Central Plains, Chunyu Ye is by no means a suitable candidate for the next White Wolf King.

Xi Rong is always threatening the safety of the six countries within the Great Wall. If the practitioners in the Central Plains can influence the candidates for the next successor to the White Wolf King, even if they cannot choose a benevolent person, they cannot choose a militant. The worst case scenario You should also choose a mediocre person with no ambitions.

There are probably no benevolent people in the royal family of Xirong, but there are still some idiots.

And such a person is definitely not Chunyu Ye.

Ying Baoyue stared at the ambitious young man in front of him.

Chunyu Ye's abilities are top-notch among King Zhai, and his heart and ambition are even more extraordinary.If such a person becomes the next White Wolf King, Xirong will become stronger, and the six kingdoms within the Great Wall will never be peaceful.

Although she wanted to win Chunyuye's help, as a Qin person, she couldn't lose her conscience on this matter of principle and make a choice that was contrary to the interests of the six countries in the Great Wall.

"Chunyu Ye."

Ying Baoyue sighed, "You know, if I had a choice, I would definitely not support you to become the White Wolf King."

Chunyu Ye's eyes turned cold, and he paused each word, "Why?"

"Why else?" Ying Baoyue gave him a white look, "If you become the White Wolf King, you will definitely mess up the border even more."

Chunyuye may not be able to become a wise king, but he has the potential to become a hero. As a native of the Central Plains, he must not tolerate such a king from Xirong again.

"is it?"

Chunyu Ye laughed.

"very good."

This person was indeed the former Great Qin Guard General, the foresighted Princess Zhaoyang on the battlefield.

"Ying Baoyue, there's nothing wrong with your idea," Chunyuye said lightly, "but have you ever thought that your idea is so clichéd that there is something wrong with it?"

"What's the problem?" Ying Baoyue frowned.

He leaned closer to her, "In your eyes, am I a smart person or a stupid person?"

"Of course he is a smart person," Ying Baoyue said without thinking.

"That's it. You don't want to support me to become the White Wolf King, but you don't want smart people to become the White Wolf King. Am I right?"

This... can't be wrong.

Ying Baoyue nodded hesitantly.

"Practitioners in the Central Plains don't want the King of Xirong to be a smart man." Chunyuye laughed loudly, leaning over to look into Ying Baoyue's eyes. "You really haven't learned a lesson from the past at all."

Ying Baoyue was staring at him, what does this man mean?
"It's useless for you to be a god of eight people, and you can't understand such a trivial matter." Chunyuye glanced at her mockingly, "The most lethal power is when a fool becomes a king."

Ying Baoyue was stunned.

"Because I'm a smart person, I know not to touch places that shouldn't be touched, and not to do unprofitable business."

Chunyu Ye stared at her and said, "Do you think that when I become a king, I only think about burning, killing and looting all day long, and never ending with the Central Plains people?"

Ying Baoyue stared at him suspiciously.

She could probably guess what Chunyu Ye wanted to say, but she was very suspicious of his motives, and always felt that this man was trying to brainwash her.

"Believe it or not, the biggest reason I want to become the White Wolf King is to protect myself," Chunyu Ye said calmly, "Only by becoming a king, no one can do anything to me in Xirong."

He was fed up with groveling and precarious life.

There is a curse between the eight gods and the king. As long as he becomes king, he can force his father to hand over the curse that suppressed Yun Zhongjun, and in a real sense, he can get rid of the control of those two men at the same time.

Chunyuye looked into Ying Baoyue's eyes and smiled lightly, "Let me ask you, have I really done anything to you so far?"

"You don't come here," Ying Baoyue sneered, "I was in Miwuling of Mu's house, if Aji hadn't stepped forward, I would have died in your hands."

"That's something that can't be helped," Chunyu Ye shrugged, "That's because I received an order to kill you. But back then in Cloud Forest, I had countless chances to kill you, but I didn't do it."

Ying Baoyue fell silent, and the sound of water dripping on the ground sounded inexplicably next to her ears.

Her eyes were in a trance for a moment, and in her blurred vision, she saw a boy carrying a sleeping girl on his back, walking forward step by step along the creek.

The road ahead seems to never end.

Chunyu Ye's voice interrupted her thoughts
"I'm not trying to excuse myself. I admit that I have killed many people," Chunyu Ye said lightly, "but it was to keep me alive. If killing people is not good for me, why should I kill them?"

Does this person really think so?

Looking at the young man talking eloquently in front of him, Ying Baoyue's eyes hesitated.

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if you supported a fool to become the White Wolf King?"

"If you can't imagine it, you can think of examples from the past."

Chunyu Ye looked at her playfully, "For example, the father of your body."


Ying Baoyue took a deep breath.

Ying Hao is indeed a negative teaching material in various senses. He has no military command ability but still has to go on a personal expedition, and keeps dissuading him from running on the Great Wall of Eternal Night. The typical person is still addicted to cooking.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Daqin's foundation was buried in his hands.

Ying Baoyue knew that Chunyuye was brainwashing her, but he was right.

If a fool becomes a monarch, he will indeed have extremely exaggerated destructive power.

Chunyuye glanced at her, feeling that the fire was almost ready, he spoke lightly.

"To be honest, I think my father is stupid. He went head-to-head with the Qin people without knowing the difference in strength. It is only natural that he killed six King Zhai."

At that time, his father thought that the Great Qin had just established a country, and a lot of waste was waiting to be rejuvenated, so he could take advantage of the fire and loot to make some money.Unexpectedly, Daqin's army had just gone through the Southern and Northern Wars, when its combat effectiveness was at its strongest, and the Daqin's national teacher Lin Shubai was also at his peak.

In the end, his father lost his wife and lost his army. Not only did he not get any benefits, but he lost half of the elite.The royal courts in Monan were all invaded by people, and finally they had to retreat thousands of miles north, and moved the White Wolf royal courts to the middle of the desert.

(End of this chapter)

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