Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2008 Care

Chapter 2008 Care
Ying Baoyue heard the sound of her teeth chattering.

This, this, person, why do you know?

No, not right.

Ying Baoyue held his breath, Li Ji said he was not recognized by Chun Yuye.

In any case, she believed Li Ji's words.Since he said that, it proved that Chunyu Ye hadn't seen through his disguise.

There must be something wrong somewhere else.

Chunyuye didn't recognize Li Jilai, he was deceiving her.

"Li Ji?"

Ying Baoyue closed her eyes, and turned her head away as if nothing had happened, "You mean someone else is in the White Wolf King's Court? That's not bad, I would have gone to him if I knew about it."

The woman's tone was light, with hints of sarcasm, without any flaws.

Chunyuye stared at the back of her head and suddenly laughed.

"Okay, don't pretend for me," he said lightly, "To tell you the truth, I didn't notice his breath, but I know he is here."

"Then you are really amazing," Ying Baoyue said expressionlessly, "I also know that Yun Zhongjun is standing outside the tent."

Who wouldn't talk nonsense?
"Still talking hard to me?"

Chunyu Ye sneered, "Should I give an order now to let those Cheju people stay in the White Wolf King's Court and forbid them to leave?"

Ying Baoyue clenched her fists and looked ahead expressionlessly.

"Okay, don't hold back anymore," Chunyu Ye poked her on the head with his hand, "I admit that guy's disguise is very good. I used to think that I could recognize him when he was burned to ashes, but I didn't expect that this time he really didn't." recognize."

This time he thought that Li Ji was in the White Wolf King's Court and among the Cheju people, so he really relied on guesswork.

Even if he asked his subordinates other than Murong Heng to check the details of the Cheju people after this morning, they didn't find any flaws. I really don't know how they did it.

"Can you recognize it when it is burned to ashes?"

Ying Baoyue looked back at him expressionlessly, "Then you really love each other."

Why does this girl's words sound weird?

Chunyuye frowned, "No matter what you think, I have dealt with Li Ji much longer than you."

"Come on," Ying Baoyue snorted coldly, "You said you didn't recognize him, but you're sure he's here, aren't you contradicting yourself?"

"It's not contradictory," Chunyu Ye said with a smile, "Anyway, I guessed it, it's probably called intuition."

"Is it?"

Ying Baoyue's eyes were even colder. I don't know if I thought this person had a sixth sense.

"You don't believe it?" Chunyu Ye said confidently, "The big man with blue eyes during the day should be Li Ji, right?"

He spoke with certainty, but Ying Baoyue didn't buy into him, looked at Chunyu Ye and said coldly, "In your eyes, do all the men I have come into contact with are Li Ji?"

"That's different, I'm not a fool," Chunyu Ye chuckled, "That person really doesn't look like Li Ji, but I'm afraid you didn't realize that the way he looks at you looks like Li Ji."


Ying Baoyue's heart skipped a beat, she clearly remembered that when Kang Qiu bumped into her in the morning, he looked at her with strange eyes, and his low profile in front of Chunyuye was perfect.

Li Jiming concealed his emotions well, how could Chunyuye see his flaws?
"I didn't see anything special," Ying Baoyue suppressed the turmoil in her heart, and said coldly, "Besides, are you dazzled? What color are Li Ji's eyes?"

"It's hard to understand," Chunyuye stroked the stubble on his chin, playing with taste, "I don't know what method that guy used, but he can even change the color of his eyes. He really isn't a normal person."

What qualifications does this person have to say that Li Ji is abnormal...

Ying Baoyue was speechless, but she also knew that with Chunyuye's suspicious personality, Li Ji and the others' identities could no longer be hidden.

This person has become suspicious, so he will never let the caravan leave safely.

"It's almost time for you to tell the truth," Chunyu Ye said calmly, staring into her eyes, "Or do you want me to arrest those businessmen for interrogation?"

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath and clenched her teeth.

Although Chun Yuye had no evidence, even if Che Juren was detained, nothing could be found.

But if he could really do such a thing as torture, the people in Li Ji and his business group would definitely suffer a lot.

"Okay," Ying Baoyue closed his eyes, "You are right, he is indeed here."

She touched the hilt of her sword and said calmly, "However, if you reveal their identities to other practitioners, all our deals will be cancelled, and Li Ji will leave immediately with the others."

With Li Ji's realm and strength, if something goes wrong, as long as he tries his best to escape with everyone, it shouldn't be a problem.

"He's really there," Chunyu Ye laughed, "Is he that Kang Qiu?"

Ying Baoyue remained silent, which was tantamount to acquiescing.

"It actually changed the color of my eyes." Even Chunyu Ye couldn't help but feel a little emotional, "This guy is really crazy, and he is still cruel to himself as always."

Not only the pupil color but also the realm.Heavenly cultivators who want to hide their realm seamlessly can only resort to external forces.

I don't know how many needles the man pierced in his body to suppress the realm to that extent.

Ying Baoyue didn't want to talk to him, and sat on the bed without moving.

"Okay, don't react so much. Since we just made a deal, I won't betray you unless you betray me first."

"Besides, Li Ji will definitely go to Langbei Mountain with you anyway, I will know about it sooner or later," Chunyu Ye shrugged, "How long can you keep it a secret?"

Ying Baoyue's tense body relaxed a little, which is true.

"Your master... is he really not in the White Wolf King's Court?"

"At least [-]% of the chances are not here," Chunyu Ye said calmly, "Probably went out."

His master is extremely sensitive to Li Ji's existence, and it can even be said that he cares more than Ying Baoyue. If his real master is here, it will probably be more lively during the day.

"Going out?"

Ying Baoyue frowned, "Where did he go?"

Don't go to the Central Plains, right?

"I don't know," Chunyu Ye said, "He did the same thing before, and he didn't come back for several months."

How many months?
Yun Zhongjun who left his homeland without knowing where to go.

For some reason, Ying Baoyue felt uneasy.

Where did Yun Zhongjun go?

"Li Ji and Ji Jiashu are here, you should be very happy," Chunyu Ye stared into her eyes, "Why, aren't you happy?"

Ying Baoyue said lightly, "No, I'm just worried about their safety."

"You're not worried about yourself," Chunyu Ye sneered, "Why are you worrying about the heavenly ranks?"


Chunyu Ye fixedly looked at the back of Ying Baoyue. The red dress on her body was very thin, and the beautifully shaped butterfly bones could be seen.

He squinted his eyes. Since Li Ji was here, Ji Jiashu's real fiancé must also be here.

(End of this chapter)

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