Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2021

Chapter 2021
What?Ying Hanri is going to die?

No, how is this possible?
Ying Xun blinked, wondering if there was something wrong with his ears.

But Huo Zhan knelt on one knee and looked at him sincerely, not seeming to be lying at all.

"No, Ah Zhan, stand up," Ying Xun was a little confused, and reached out to grab Huo Zhan's shoulder, "Speak clearly! Why is he dying soon?"

Of course, he didn't expect Ying Hanri to live forever, he wasn't that stupid, but just now, Huo Zhan was still talking about the protective spell on Ying Hanri.

Since Ying Hanri had a protective spell on him, how could he die?

Even if someone wants to kill him, he can't die!

Ying Xun looked at Huo Zhan who was kneeling on the ground and refused to get up, and felt that this matter was simply incredible.Could it be that the Huo family made it up to make him feel at ease with the baby?

Ying Xun's gaze turned cold, "Huo Zhan, don't tell me that the amulet can still be transferred."

It is outrageous enough to be hereditary, and transfer?

He can still believe the face-to-face transfer, but when transferred to a child who was not born in the mother's womb, do these former Qin survivors think he is a fool?
Ying Xun sneered and said, "Could it be that the spell on Ying Hanri has been passed on to the child, and he doesn't have a protective spell on him?"

Huo Zhan lowered his head when he heard the words, Ying Xun's reaction was within his expectation.

After all, it sounds outrageous at first glance.

In the former Qin Dynasty, Ying Hanri can be regarded as a collection of thousands of hatreds, and there are not a few people with lofty ideals who want to kill him.But no one has succeeded all the time, because of the protective spell left by Da Si Ming.

The former Qin survivors actually wanted to assassinate Ying Hanri at the beginning, because this was the easiest way for Ying Xun to ascend to the throne.

Before Ying Hanri gave birth to his son, as long as he died, Ying Xun was the legitimate first heir.

However, no matter whether it was an assassination or an open murder, using a sword, a sword, poison or a curse, they were all unsuccessful.

Huo Zhan lowered his gaze. Of course, these shady actions were all hidden from Ying Xun, and he didn't know about it.

It's just that although the assassination was unsuccessful, the veterans of the former Qin Dynasty managed to plant a lot of eyeliners around Afang Palace and Ying Hanri. With the help of these eyeliners, they were able to know Ying Hanri's every move.

"My lord, things are not what you think," Huo Zhan took a deep breath and said, "The protective spell on Ying Hanri is still there."


Ying Xun opened his eyes wide.

The next moment, he slowly frowned.

It seems that the matter is not so simple.

If it was really the former Qin survivor who wanted to trick him, he wouldn't have made up such a complicated story.

"Ah Zhan," Ying Xun stared fixedly into Huo Zhan's eyes, "what happened?"

It is no exaggeration to say that the protective spell set by Da Si Ming is the strongest in the practice world.And it is said that their grandfather also intervened in this matter back then, which means that the protective spell on Ying Hanri's body was also written by two of the strongest magicians in the world.

Ying Xun reached out and touched his chest.

He also has such spells on him.

Although he didn't remember it himself, he heard from an old official that he "accidentally" fell into a pond when he was young, and it was this spell that saved his life.

Such a protective spell would be effective only when the child was just born. His father and Ying Hanri's father failed to catch up, and both of them died one after another.

If his father had such spells, wouldn't all the tragedies happen?

Ying Xun shook his head and turned his gaze back to Huo Zhan, "What's going on?"

If Ying Hanri is dying with a protective spell on his body, doesn't that mean that the spell has a flaw?

Ying Xun's heart beat faster. If so, wouldn't he and Ying Baoyue be in danger?

Huo Zhan looked into Ying Xun's eyes, he knew what he was thinking.For the former Qin survivors, this is also extremely shocking news.

"My lord, I don't know if I mentioned it to you before." Huo Zhan took a deep breath, "The queen of Ying Hanri has been poisoning him."

of course not!

Ying Xun was taken aback. He didn't believe that Huo Zhan would remember that he hadn't said it. This man said that just to shirk responsibility.

This incident was obviously deliberately concealed from him by the elders of the former Qin Dynasty.


Ying Xun gritted his teeth, now is not the time to pursue responsibility, he suppressed the discomfort and asked, "Where did this news come from?"

"A eunuch next to Ying Hanri," Huo Zhan said indifferently, "he is one of us."

No matter how close the eunuch is, can he get such information?
In that case, the people around Ying Hanri should know all about it.

Ying Xun didn't speak, just looked at Huo Zhan quietly.

Huo Zhan's eyes flickered, avoiding Ying Xun's sight, "That eunuch is the counterpart of Ying Han's nanny."

This relationship...

Ying Xun closed his eyes, very good, the relationship is close enough.

The princes and nobles were almost always brought up by wet nurses when they were young, and the relationship with their biological mothers was not as close as with the wet nurses.

It's just that when he was young, he was raised by Lin Baoyue until he was two years old, so he didn't have a deep memory of the wet nurse, and he didn't keep the wet nurse by his side after weaning.

Ying Hanri was different from him, after he ascended the throne, he still insisted on keeping the wet nurse in the Efang Palace, which shows his dependence on the wet nurse.

At this point, Ying Xun almost understood.

He closed his eyes, "The one who poisoned Ying Hanri was actually this wet nurse, right?"

Huo Zhan was a little surprised, he didn't expect Ying Xun to think of this level so quickly.

Sure enough, even though his personalities are quite different, he is still a man of the Ying clan after all.

"It seems that I guessed it right," Ying Xun smiled slightly when he saw his reaction, "The nurse was bought by the queen?"

Huo Zhan nodded, "The eldest son knows things like a god."

"What kind of predictor is this?" Ying Xun said expressionlessly, "With Ying Hanri's suspicion, even if the person next to his bed wanted to drug him, it would not be so easy."

Ying Hanri, sometimes Ying Xun can't figure out whether he is a fool or a smart person.

His cousin, who knows nothing about political affairs, has no sensitivity at all, but he is extremely sensitive to those who want to kill him.

In other words, an extreme fear of death.

Ying Xun's gaze deepened. If he guessed correctly, his cousin sister-in-law probably wanted to do it herself at first.After repeated attempts to no avail, he turned his mind on Ying Hanri's wet nurse.

It's just that since Ying Hanri will keep the nanny by his side, it means that the woman should be loyal to him.

The woman stayed by the former Qin King's side all the time, and she had all the money and status, so she shouldn't be moved by mere petty profits.

Even the position of the "husband" next to her was taken by their people.

In addition, the survivors of the former Qin Dynasty must have tried to buy this woman, and even their people were unsuccessful. How did the former Queen Qin, a princess of the Northern Wei Dynasty who married not long ago, do it?
Ying Xun was very puzzled.

"How did the former Queen of Qin buy that nanny?"

(End of this chapter)

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