Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2029

Chapter 2029
"Baoyue, why don't you restore your realm?"

Huali looked at Ying Baoyue in puzzlement, "The wind and sand here can cover up the breath of a practitioner, so take this opportunity to relax yourself."

For a practitioner, suppressing one's breath all day long is equivalent to being tense all the time, which is extremely exhausting and exhausting, which is an indescribable tiredness.

After arriving in Xirong, in order to avoid revealing her identity, Huali suppressed her body to the smallest size, but she was still exhausted from suppressing her breath, so she was finally liberated after reaching this place.

Calculating the time, it took only half a month for her and Li Ji to arrive in Xirong. Ying Baoyue stayed here for more than a month, and it must be even harder to suppress the realm every day.

Now it's finally a chance to let go, but Ying Baoyue's body is still in a state of no realm.

"I've been suppressing the realm for too long," Ying Baoyue looked at Huali and smiled, "I won't be able to bear it if I let go of my body suddenly, so I'm going to take my time."

"Really, that's what happened."

Huali blinked, she felt that there was something wrong, but she hated to think about things, seeing that the person in front of her was in good spirits, she didn't think about it, she just cheered up on her own.

"Right, you can come out now."

Huali glanced back at the curtain behind her and said.

The thick curtain moved, and Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide, looking at the girls who came out from behind one by one.

"elder sister!"

Long time no see, Ji Ange was tanned a lot, and her figure became thinner. Looking at the woman dressed as a Xirong woman in the distance, she burst into tears and rushed into Ying Baoyue's arms.

Ji Ange inherited her mother's height, and she was actually taller than Ying Baoyue at this time, and the two of them hugged each other for a while, and it was unknown who was holding the other.

Ying Baoyue put her arms around the girl's shoulders, which had become a little cramped, with complicated emotions.

"You... obviously don't need to come."

Through Ji Ange's shoulder, she saw Li Jinniang standing behind Meng Shi, leading Guili by the hand.

The faces of the three women were covered with traces of wind and sand. Except for Meng Shi, the others had obviously lost a lot of weight. Li Jinniang's cheeks were sunken, as if she had been ill. The baby fat that is easy to raise is gone.

Looking at this scene, Ying Baoyue felt sour.

Bitter cold beyond the Great Wall.

This sentence is by no means just talking.

Women's bodies are not as strong as men's, and for low-level practitioners without state protection, going out of the fortress is extremely difficult.What's more, Li Ji and his group arrived at the White Wolf King's Court so quickly, and they knew that the road must be full of stars and nights, and they rushed desperately.

In the past half month, what kind of devil-like journey these women have gone through is simply unimaginable.

"Where you can come, why can't we come?"

Although Li Jinniang's face was thin, her eyes were piercing, and she looked at Ying Baoyue with a slight smile, "I've wanted to visit Beyond the Great Wall a long time ago."

Ying Baoyue looked at her, wondering if it was her illusion, she seemed to see another shadow of determination emerging from Li Jinniang's body.

"is it?"

Ying Baoyue lowered her head, she knew that if she said anything else, she would trample on Li Jinniang and the others' determination.

She hid the worry in her eyes, raised her head, let go of Ji Ange's hand, and looked at them with a smile, "How do you feel after arriving outside the Great Wall?"

"It's not bad," Li Jinniang, Ji Ange, Meng Shi and the others looked at each other.

"The only inconvenience is that you can't take a shower."

Li Jinniang shrugged and couldn't help complaining.

Ji Ange Guili, including Meng Shi, had a look of pain on their faces.

"That's... indeed."

Ying Baoyue also felt the same way.

Water in the desert is more expensive than gold, and taking a bath is really a luxury.But the weather is getting hotter day by day, plus staying with livestock during the day, no water to bathe is a more terrible torture for women than wind and sand.

Listening to this conversation, the men in the tent looked at each other.

But the fire quickly caught on to them.

"By the way, I will pour some water to wipe it at night, but my brother doesn't care about himself at all." Gui Li curled his lips, with a look of disgust, "He stinks so much that I don't want to be near him anymore."


Ying Baoyue raised her head and looked at Gui Chen who was standing behind another curtain and did not step forward.

Gui Li was always clinging to her elder brother everywhere before, but she didn't do this this time, she thought something was wrong, was it because of this reason?

"your Highness."

Gui Chen looked at Ying Baoyue and gave a wry smile.

Seeing Ying Baoyue, he was also very excited, but he had been warned by Gui Li before not to approach.

"Don't come here, don't smoke Her Royal Highness."

Gui Li looked back at him, eyes full of disgust.

Gui Chen had no choice but to stand where he was pitifully.

This scene was inexplicably funny, Ying Baoyue tried hard to hold back her laughter, "It seems that the problem is indeed very serious."

In fact, when she stepped into the tent, she also noticed that the smell inside was a bit unpleasant, but in fact, the tents of the Xirong people had this problem more or less, and Guichen and the others looked much cleaner than these tents.

But speaking of it, she didn't smell anything wrong with Li Ji and Ji Jiashu. She didn't know if it was a problem with the physique of the high-level practitioners or because they took good care of themselves.

"Mingyue, it's not that I don't wash, it's because there is no water."

Seeing Ying Baoyue holding back a smile, Gui Chen was a little flustered, and quickly defended himself.

It is said that stinky men are stinky men, but he doesn't want to be considered a stinky man by Ying Baoyue at all.

"Ok, I know."

Ying Baoyue nodded, with Guichen's personality, she must have given up all the water to her younger sister to make herself so embarrassed.

She noticed that Ji Qingyuan, who usually loves cleanliness very much, also looked at her and dared not go forward, probably facing the same problem as Gui Chen.

"Cough," at this moment, Li Ji, who had been silent all this time, suddenly coughed lightly.

"If you want to take a bath, there is a place nearby."

A dozen pairs of eyes in the tent immediately looked at him.

Li Ji looked a little embarrassed, "Just about a mile outside the city, there is a water source. If my judgment is correct, it should be a Crescent Moon Spring."

Crescent Spring refers to the spring that suddenly appeared in the desert, which is as incredible as a mirage and also moves like sand dunes.

"Why didn't you say something earlier?"

Li Jinniang looked at the taciturn man along the way, her eyes twitching.

If it was said that Li Ji didn't have the Liberation Realm and couldn't detect the water courtyard before, they had already stayed in this city for one night, why didn't he say it last night?


This... These girls never told him that they wanted to take a bath before.

Li Ji was a little at a loss, and looked at Ying Baoyue for help.

"Since it's the Crescent Lake that can move, it should have been far away last night, right?" Ying Baoyue said with a smile.

 Li Ji: Help me~!

(End of this chapter)

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