Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2054 Survival

Chapter 2054 Survival
Chu Yan bit the bullet and walked down the stairs.

The tunnel leading to the ground is as muggy, wet and slippery as ever, eerie and eerie.

But he found speechlessly that when he was about to reach the bottom, his footsteps involuntarily quickened, as if the person who escaped yesterday was not him.

what happened to him?Is your brain overheated?

But this time he was ready. In addition to firewood, he even brought water and dry food in the back basket.

Standing in front of the iron gate full of iron chains again, Chu Yan swallowed nervously.

Trembling, he took out the key from his chest, alarm bells were ringing in his mind, reason made him want to withdraw his hand, but his hand stretched forward as if he had his own will.

With a click, the lock unlocked.

As before, a circle of chains crashed to the ground.

Squeak, the iron door opened a crack.

Chu Yan stood stiffly at the door.

What should I do, can I get in?

Heat and blood rushed out of the crack in the door and rushed straight into his nostrils.

Facing the magma and jumping inside, it probably means a person like him.

Chu Yan knew that he was doing something stupid, but he pushed open the iron door in front of him like a demon, and walked in step by step.

The secret room was quiet, and the layout inside remained unchanged from yesterday.

Chu Yan's heart was so tense that it ached, this time he didn't stop, and walked straight to the inner cave.

After passing through the secret door, the huge pool appeared before his eyes again, but the liquid in the pool was not blood-colored, and not a single girl in white was bound in it by iron chains.

Chu Yan stared blankly at the empty mud pool, his eyes slowly moved down, and fell on the burning fire beside the pool.

The pile of firewood brought yesterday was nearly burned out, and the flames became only as big as a fist.

Of course, this flame looks like an ordinary flame.

Chu Yan's heart slowly relaxed, and he sighed faintly.

He didn't know what he was sighing for.

Chu Yan took off the pannier from his back, took out dry food and water and put them on the ground, then poured the full basket of firewood onto the flames.

It didn't take long this time, and the flames ignited the new wood with a pop, turning into a bonfire.

Chu Yan sat cross-legged in front of the campfire, staring at the flames in front of him.

The flame burns silently and silently.

Chu Yan stared at it for a long time, then said.


Flame didn't respond.

"Hey, what, your Ah Ji is here."

Chu Yan stared at Huo Miao and shouted.

The flame jumped, seemed to respond, and seemed not to respond.

Chu Yan frowned, a little discouraged.

He continued to stare at it for a long time, but the fire still remained motionless, neither sound nor flame came out.

Chu Yan had no choice but to reach out to grab dry food and water from one side.

He sat by the fire for a whole day that day.

But until he finished eating all the dry food he brought down, there was still no response from the fire.Burning wood like a normal fire made him look like an idiot yelling and yelling on the sidelines.

Sure enough, everything yesterday was just a dream.

Not only was the fire unresponsive, this time, even the iron door outside was not locked inexplicably.

Chu Yan stood up, touched the wound on his leg, heaved a sigh of relief, but felt a secret disappointment in his heart.

He picked up the empty backpack, walked out of the iron gate, and looked back at the dancing flames in the secret room.

There was an unspeakable sour feeling in his heart.

This feeling is completely foreign to him at the age of 13, and he can only ignore it.



After that, Chu Yan's life returned to calm.

Except for the fact that the master of the monastery has not come back yet, and he goes underground to deliver firewood every day, his life in the monastery has not changed much.

Practicing exercises every day, being bullied by other older disciples, being called around like a dog by the elders, and being called a bastard when passing by.

The Buddhist monastery is a world where the weak prey on the strong, where only disciples with good talents and high realms will be respected.

Although his mother's family background is good, but his father is a shameful person, which makes his situation in the Buddhist monastery quite embarrassing.

His talent in swordsmanship is not outstanding, and he is a fire mage who is rare in the monastery, which makes him even more excluded.

The Thunder method has always been popular in the north, but in the Buddhist temple, influenced by the exercises learned by the master of the Buddhist temple, the Thunder method and the Wind method are the most sought after.There are very few fire magicians.

When he was found to be only capable of the fire technique, there were no elders above the human rank in the monastery who could teach him.

In the end, it was his mother who found a practitioner who knew the fire sword of the Central Plains from the tribe, and sent him in to enlighten him.

But this person couldn't teach him after he ascended to the ground level. In the end, Chu Yan's daily life became looking through classics in the underground palace, and then went to the Colosseum to find someone to discuss and improve his skills.

The Colosseum underground in the Chanyuan is not just for fighting beasts, and the battles between the disciples are also in that place. The reason why there is no other place, Chu Yan thinks, is probably because in the Zenyuan, there is no difference between humans and beasts.

The training method of the disciples of the Chanyuan is different from that of the practitioners in the Central Plains. According to the philosophy of the master of the Chanyuan, it is called "barbaric growth".

Discussions among the disciples of the Chanyuan are all voluntary, in other words, all rely on "contracts".

Teachers will not participate in or take care of such things, and they will not take the initiative to arrange for disciples to compete and learn from each other.

This also means that if no one wants to play with you, you will never get the opportunity to exercise yourself.

For low-level disciples, this forms a vicious circle.If there is no popularity, no one is willing to compete with you, and if no one competes, if you cannot improve your realm and skills, you will never be popular.

As a result, some young disciples who couldn't find opponents had to sign up for missions that might kill them in order to hone their skills, and spread all their grievances on the Central Plains practitioners outside the Great Wall, and they themselves might die outside the Great Wall forever.

Dead disciples are no pain to the monastery. Anyway, the most important thing in Xirong is slaves and orphans.

Chu Yan once wanted to sign up for the mission, but his mother asked him to stay in the monastery for the rest of his life and not to go out.

Don't go out, for a "bastard" like him, there are no practitioners of the same level in the monastery who are willing to compete with him.

Only practitioners with a higher realm than him would be willing to fight against someone like him when he was in a bad mood and wanted to find a few young disciples to chop him off.

When he was 13 years old, he was still a young disciple dawdling in the Buddhist monastery.

The pretentiousness of his childhood was exhausted during the five years of entering the monastery, and Chu Yan had almost accepted the fact that he was an ordinary person with little talent.

But in order to protect himself, he still had to work hard once in a while, to be the target of those high-ranking disciples and to practice his sword skills.

On that day, as usual, he volunteered to be a punching bag for a disciple whose realm was higher than his in the Colosseum.It was his bad luck that day, that disciple was also from aristocratic background, so he was unscrupulous and ruthless against him.

When Chu Yan came back to his senses, he couldn't get up from the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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