Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2057

Chapter 2057
Is that Ah Ji again?

Enduring the pain, Chu Yan got up from the ground, staggered to the side and picked up the sword.

The bones all over his body seemed to be falling apart, he straightened his sword, pointed at the burning fire, and gasped, "I'm not Ah Ji."

The flame flickered for a while, but there seemed to be no response.

This guy……

Chu Yan gritted his teeth. He also guessed before that this fire was probably just a little bit of memory and will left by a person, unable to have normal conversations with people, and unable to accept external messages.

It should be that some of his actions coincided with the memory of the fire, which caused its unusual movements.

After all, even if the memory in the brain can be forgotten by a person, the memory in the body is hard to forget.

At this time, the female voice came from the fire again, with deep worry.

"Aji? Why don't you practice anymore? Is it hurt from a fall?"

Yo, this still hurts?

The corners of Chu Yan's mouth were sour, he pursed his lips and snorted coldly, and said in a nasty voice, "Yes, it hurts from the fall."

However, just when he thought the fire would continue to greet that "little Ah Ji", a calm female voice came from inside the fire.

"Get up if you're not dead. It's you who said you want to practice. If you can't get home from the practice, don't stop. Otherwise, you won't have dinner tonight."

Chu Yan stared blankly at the fire while holding the sword.

The appearance of the white-clothed girl he had seen in the dream appeared in front of his eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

If the fire was really filled with the person he saw in his dream, then this person really had such a pretty face and spoke quite terrifying words calmly.

Get up if you're not dead...

What kind of devil is this?
"A Ji?"

The female voice from the fire was still soft, but for some reason, Chu Yan always felt more majestic than the teacher who had taught him before.

His scalp was numb, and he clenched the sword in his hand.

"Okay, I get it, I just practice!"

The moment Jian Guang rose, a thought flashed in Chu Yan's mind.

He won't die of exhaustion in the ground today, will he?


"Hu, hu, hu."

I don't know the years in the mountains, and I don't know the millennium underground.

But in fact, it doesn't take thousands of years, maybe only a few hours, before others die.

Chu Yan fell headfirst on the cold floor tiles, barely raised his head, and looked at his trembling wrist.

"No, no, I can't."

Originally, he wanted to show off in front of the fire with a youthful stubbornness, but it didn't take long for Chu Yan to realize that he was too naive.

When he was in good physical condition, he could practice swordsmanship for five consecutive hours. Even his genuine master always praised him for his outstanding endurance despite his poor talent.

This time he was seriously injured, but Chu Yan held his breath, thinking that he would have to practice for at least three hours, so that this fire would impress him.

But soon, Chu Yan found out sadly that under the hands of this group of fire, let alone three hours, one hour of practice would cost him his life.

"Huh? Can't do it?"

A soft female voice sounded from the fire.

"Yeah, it's over," Chu Yan spread out in big characters on the ground.

It is really embarrassing to admit that he is not good enough in front of a pretty woman, but if he continues to practice, he will lose face.

Chu Yan reached out to touch the swelling on his face, leaned on his sword and slowly got up from the ground, looking into the muddy pool.

A "pig's head" was slowly reflected on the water.

No, it was him with a bruised nose and a swollen face.


Chu Yan sighed deeply.

He had already been beaten badly by that high-level disciple before, but he didn't expect it to be worse.

He didn't even expect that besides Zen Master, there are people in this world who can make him worse.

This person... If this fire is really a person, this attack is really more ruthless than that high-ranking disciple.

But being ruthless doesn't mean she is ruthless.

Chu Yan looked at his bruised body. Almost all of his injuries were caused by the fall himself.

Chu Yan closed his eyes, and the previous picture appeared over and over again in front of his eyes.

The fire wasn't fighting him, it was just watching him practice his sword, occasionally tapping his blade a few times, pressing down or lifting his blade.

But she didn't know how she found the position, it didn't seem to take much effort, and there was no sign of real energy flowing in the air, but as long as she hit his sword blade, he would fall.

Chu Yan opened his eyes, thoughtful.

Enduring the pain, he raised the sword again, and slowly gestured in the air.

This time he didn't use his true energy, slowed down his speed, and just tried his best to make the sword moves in place.

He made gestures one by one, and every movement was extremely serious.

Looking at his movements, Chu Yan's eyes were a little dazed. He seemed to have returned to the time of enlightenment, when he was five years old and just started practicing swords with a wooden sword.

This time, until the first set of sword moves was finished, the flames around him remained silent, but when he started to practice the second sword move, within a moment, that flame protruded from the fire again.

Chu Yan suddenly felt numb all over.

Fortunately, this time because he didn't use his true energy, the movement was not big, and the movement of the flame didn't make him fall down.

The flame lightly pressed on the face of his sword, and said softly, "It's an inch higher."

"Oh, oh."

Chu Yan held the sword firmly and focused on the tip of the sword in front of him.

He completely understood now that this flame was correcting his sword move little by little.

Because no one was fighting against him before, all he could do every day was to practice the fire sword moves over and over again. Chu Yan believed that he had already picked out the sword moves so accurately that even his master couldn't make a mistake. place.

But under the "golden eyes" of this fire, Chu Yan discovered for the first time that his sword moves still had so many loopholes.

Do not……

Maybe it's not that his sword skills are poorly practiced...

Out of the corner of Chu Yan's eyes, he glanced at the burning flames around him, feeling a little complicated.

It's the man's demands that are too high.

Her requirements for swordsmanship and her grasp of precision are terrifyingly high.

In actual combat, people's posture and position will change instantly, how can it be possible to keep the score exactly as it is on the sword manual every time?

Even his master told him that he can play freely in actual combat.

But although Huo didn't speak, Chu Yan faintly felt that she should hold a different point of view from his master.

If the flame was her hand, then this man's hand was terrifyingly precise.

The position of his sword just now was not that far off by an inch at all, this person obviously doesn't allow a difference of the size of a hair...


Noticing that his hand stopped, the soft female voice came from the fire again.But this voice was no longer so pleasant to Chu Yan's ears, but more like a morning bell urging his death.

"A Ji, continue."

The female voice sounded calmly, and Chu Yan continued to swing his sword forward resignedly.

He suddenly felt that the guy named Aji didn't seem so enviable anymore.

 Boy, work hard
(End of this chapter)

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