Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 206 Talent

Chapter 206 Talent
"Light the flint?"

Gui Chen asked in a daze in the rain, but Ying Baoyue at the side already understood.

Wind, fire, water and thunder, if you want to practice these four schools of swordsmanship, it seems that, as she guessed, you need to have a certain affinity for these four elements.

The so-called upper fourth palace test is not what Gui Chen thought at home, it is such a lofty thing.Practitioners' power comes from the myriad things in the world, and to test each person's talent for the myriad things in the world, in fact, only the simplest method is needed.

As the so-called return to the basics, you can see your nature.

In ancient times, some people drilled wood and rubbed stones to make fire, which brought the first light to human beings in the dark, so today's entry test in the Sigong Fire Academy is to rub flint.

Although simple, there will still be a difference.

After all, everyone is already a practitioner with true energy in their bodies, and the vitality of heaven and earth has penetrated into their bodies. If they are naturally sensitive to fire, the sparks they create will be different.

Just because this test method is simple, there is no skill, it depends on God's talent to appreciate food.

Looking at the practitioners lined up in front of them, sparks of different viewpoints, high and low, some can even ignite a pleasing flame. The talents of each person can be seen in general.

"It's really just rubbing flint..." Gui Chen looked at the excitement in the distance and couldn't help sighing again, regretting that he didn't make a lot of fires to cook in his hometown.

"I should have practiced more if I knew my mother was cooking."

Hearing Gui Chen's regret, Chen Zichu, who was staring closely at Ying Baoyue's movement, frowned, "What are you thinking? This practice is useless, it just depends on your talent. It doesn't matter if you grind away the flint when you are not a practitioner. use!"

Chen Zichu curled his lips, "The most important thing is to see how the real essence in your body perceives fire!"

"Really?" Gui Chen glanced at him upon hearing the words, "Brother Chen is from the Fire Academy? Have you participated in this?"

Chen Zichu quickly shook his head, "I'm not, it's just that the method and standard of the first round of the test in the Fourth Palace are similar."

"Really?" Gui Chen continued to ask curiously, "Which courtyard does brother Chen belong to? What method did you use to test your talent?"

Chen Zichu froze when he heard the words, but saw the girl standing on tiptoe to look at a loose team to the west, then turned her head and smiled at him, "The method of testing talents in Fengyuan is indeed very interesting."

So why did this woman know that he was a man of wind, Chen Zichu felt helpless, but Gui Chen immediately caught up, "Brother Chen is from the wind court?" He also tiptoed to the west but didn't know what was going on there.

"So how does Fengyuan measure?" the young man asked persistently.

Chen Zichu froze for a moment, and squeezed those three words out between his teeth against the young boy's curious eyes.

"fly a kite."

"Fly a kite?" Gui Chen opened his eyes wide when he heard the words, and it took him a lot of effort to keep himself from laughing out loud. It was so hard to hold back, he controlled his cheeks and nodded seriously, "If you can fly a kite in such a heavy rain, Then this is indeed related to the wind.”

That's a good thing to say.Ying Baoyue beside him also smiled lightly.

But then she put away her smile, no matter how childish these test methods are, they are indeed an extremely cruel standard that cannot be changed by manpower.

Just like some people can't fly a kite for a lifetime, this seemingly simple method is easy to overturn.

But fortunately, this affinity should only be a basic condition. She looked at the team in front, and the practitioner who had just sparked a skyrocketing spark was obviously welcomed into the second level respectfully, but the practitioner behind him Although only a fist-sized flame was wiped out, the middle-aged man in charge of the test looked a little unhappy, but he nodded reluctantly, and the second practitioner hurriedly trotted behind the stone tablet happily.

To put it bluntly, as long as this affinity is at the level of an ordinary person, you can pass the test. The real test should still be behind the stone tablet.

Seeing the performance of the second practitioner, Gui Chen obviously relaxed.

"It seems that the request is not high." Gui Chen sighed.

"Not high?" Chen Zichu on the side couldn't listen anymore, "The flint stone is just a stepping stone, and the three tricks behind the stone tablet are the real deal!"

"Three tricks?" Ying Baoyue asked.

Chen Zichu knew that he had said the wrong thing again, but he thought it would be good for her to retreat in spite of the difficulties, and said, "A practitioner who can wipe out so-so flames is considered to have a basic talent. I also said at the National Teacher's Mansion before that this time the final selection is for ready-made thugs."

Since you are a thug, you must be able to fight.

Looking at Xu Yishan who was standing alone in the east under the stone tablet not far away from the water courtyard, Chen Zichu sighed slightly, looked at Ying Baoyue and the others, and said, "The second and last pass is to be able to go through three stages under the hands of the big brothers of each courtyard." trick."

So that was the case, so before Xu Yishan went back to prepare, it was the round of preparation.

It's a pity that the elder brother is ready, but there is no one who can fight against him.

"The water courtyard is really miserable."

"Yeah, last year there seemed to be two people, but this year there is no one."

But at this time, because there were too many people signing up for the Fire Academy, the tail of the team was thrown not far from the stone monument of the Water Academy. Many practitioners who lined up saw the desolation of the Water Academy and talked a lot.

"Why is there no one? That idiot Xu Yishan is still there? Isn't it embarrassing? Why don't you hurry up and get out of that boy!"

"Don't mention it. Last year, two people finally signed up. Not only did that idiot not accept him as a baby, but he also directly beat him to the ground in accordance with the regulations. If he is so ignorant, he deserves that there is no one this year!"

"I heard that the people in the Water Academy are all dead-headed. Isn't that the gentleman from the Water Academy? It's really shameless to come out at such an age to embarrass others!"

Ying Baoyue frowned when she heard the other practitioners' rude words, but at the next moment, she only heard an angry scolding coming from the stone tablet in the water courtyard.

"Little bastard! What nonsense!"

"If you don't report to the old man's college, you have no vision!"

"What's so good about the fire courtyard? Our water courtyard is the number one courtyard with a long history!"

"The sage said, the best kindness is like water! The best kindness is like water! Do you understand? The water method is the strongest sword method! What do you brats know!"

Goodness is like water?

Ying Baoyue was slightly taken aback. Hearing the series of angry shouts, everyone looked at the furious old man in front of the stele.

The hunched old man who was originally wearing a raincloth threw off the raincloth violently because of anger. He was wearing a tattered robe. .

It's a bit miserable to have this age mixed up like this, but the moment Ying Baoyue saw his eyes, he was startled again.

Those are the cloudy eyes common to old people, but looking at the young man laughing at his school, they shot an extremely sharp light.

After anger and sharpness, there is a depth as vast as the sea of ​​stars.

This deepness reminded Ying Baoyue of what the old man had just yelled.

The sage said, is goodness like water?

These are indeed the words of a saint, but there is no such saint in this world.Ying Baoyue said heartily.

And the person who brought this sage's words to this world.

It is her master.

The chief commander ordered Lin Shubai.



At this moment, Chen Zichu who was beside her stared at the angry old man and gasped, "It's really him? This old guy really came out to recruit people by himself? The water courtyard is so desperate?"

Ying Baoyue looked at Chen Zichu and asked.

"Who is he?"



(End of this chapter)

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