Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2063 Gladiolus

Chapter 2063 Gladiolus
"Hey, wake up."

There was a soft sound in his ear, as if someone was pushing his shoulder.

Um?Is he asleep?

Who is it?

Chu Yan opened his eyes in a daze, and a white light flooded into his eyes. Before his mind fully recovered, fear flooded into his heart instantly.

By the way, he fell asleep at the door of the underground darkroom!
Too bad, if someone else finds out, then he will...

Chu Yan was so frightened that he couldn't keep his wits about him, he closed his eyes tightly and dared not open them.But at this moment, that hand pushed his shoulder again.

"Hey, wake up, why are you falling asleep here?"

He was a little familiar with this soft voice.

Chu Yan slowly opened his eyes and looked forward, dumbstruck.

Is this... a dream within a dream?
The scenery in front of him was indeed an underground passage, that's right, the scenery that caught his eyes was the same as before he fell asleep, but it seemed a little different.

Yes, it seems to be a little brighter.

He came down in a hurry and didn't bring a lantern. There were some fluorites mixed in the stones that built the corridor, so there was some faint light, but the light could only make people see clearly at their feet.

But at this moment, the corridor in front of Chu Yan was covered with a layer of faint white light, as if the moonlight had penetrated the thick ground and shone into the ground.

It turned out that the white light he saw before was not his illusion.But before Chu Yan figured out where the white light came from, he caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye.

A thing that should not exist in this world.

Chu Yan lowered his head slowly and opened his eyes wide.

Just at his feet, on the masonry covered with black mud, was a bouquet of flowers.

It was a large bunch of delicate gladiolus, each flower was the color he had carefully selected, and the petals were so fresh that it seemed that the morning dewdrops could still be seen.

Chu Yan stared blankly at the bouquet of flowers, his whole body seemed to freeze.

Sure enough, he was dreaming, right?
He is too familiar with the appearance of this bouquet of flowers, but since he dropped the bouquet of flowers, they fell into the mud on the ground, and then they were quickly eroded and turned into mud, leaving only a few dirty petals. He even stepped on these petals when he escaped from here.

This bunch of gladiolus obviously no longer exists.

But the bouquet of flowers that appeared in front of him at this time still remained the same as when he just brought it.

Looking at this scene, Chu Yan closed his eyes with mixed feelings in his heart.

He was indeed dreaming.

The dream in front of him was extremely real, but it made him clearly realize that it was a dream.

Since it was a dream, he should wake up, no matter how much he tries to escape from reality, it doesn't make any sense.

However, what happened the next moment made Chu Yan froze.

Stepping on the black mud in the corridor with a pair of pure white bare feet, he walked to the bunch of gladioli alone, bent down and reached out to pick up the bunch of flowers.

Looking at those bare feet, Chu Yan held his breath for a moment.

Following the woman's bare feet, he stared up blankly.

The girl in white clothes he had seen once was standing in front of him.

However, this time she was not tied with iron chains, nor was her lower body soaked in the pool of blood.The girl was wearing a simple dress with bare feet, picked up flowers on the ground, put them on the tip of her nose and sniffed them.


Chu Yan lost his speech and his ability to react.

Is this his dream?
The dream he dreamed of day and night?

For a moment, Chu Yan wondered if he was too delusional to imagine such a vivid picture.

But in a person's dream, can he really dream of pictures that he can't even imagine?
What the hell is going on?


Chu Yan suppressed his emotions reluctantly, and just about to ask the woman in front of him, his words were blocked in his throat.

The girl holding a bouquet in her arms raised her head.

When touching those eyes covered with a layer of white cloud, Chu Yan forgot all the words he wanted to say, and at the same time, a strange feeling came to his heart.

If this is really his real dream, then the girl's eyes probably don't look like this.

In his dreams, he wanted to see that she had bright eyes and could recognize him, but this dream obviously did not develop in the direction he desired.

The girl looked at him with white eyes, without saying a word.

She didn't seem to know what to say to him, or she still didn't know who he was.

Chu Yan slowly got up from the ground, stared at the astonishingly beautiful woman with complicated eyes, and asked softly.

"Flower, do you like it?"

The girl lowered her head, sniffed the flowers in her bosom again, and nodded.

Chu Yan felt relieved, a little sweet and a little sour.

However, the next moment, the woman held the flower and raised her head, hesitated and asked, "Ah Ji?"

Very good, Chu Yan clenched his fists, if he finds out who this person is in the future, he will have to kill him... No, he must have a duel with this person.

"It's not Ah Ji."

Chu Yan sighed in his heart, looked at the girl holding the flower and patiently explained, "I am Chu Yan."

"Chu of the state of Chu, Yan of the talented and handsome, do you remember?"

Chu Yan looked at the person in front of him seriously. This was the first time he explained his name to someone.

Even if it is very likely that everything is just his dream, the people in front of him may not understand what he is saying at all.

However, the next moment, a scene that surprised him happened.

The girl in white looked at him with misty eyes, and repeated each word, "Chu, Yan?"

Chu Yan was really shocked. Although he had been shocked many times tonight, hearing the girl call out his name was no less than seeing a real flame speak with his own eyes.

"you you……"

Chu Yan said incoherently, "You can talk? Bah, no, you can answer?"

Both the fire and the woman in white would have been able to speak, but the problem is that she could only talk to herself before, or talk to the "A Ji" in her memory.

But now that the girl can repeat his name, it means that she has the ability to think, at least she can listen to what he is saying.

So she's a real person?What's the matter?

Chu Yan's mind was in chaos, but when he calmed down a little, he discovered more problems.

"Wait, why were you outside before that?"

"How did you get out of that pool? Where are the chains? No, since you can get out, why don't you escape?"

Countless questions filled Chu Yan's mind, but the last question made him think carefully and fear the most.

I don't know if he asked too many questions at once, but the woman in white fell silent again while holding the flowers, staring at him without speaking.

"Cough," Chu Yan suppressed his emotions and changed the way of asking.

He looked at the intact iron lock beside the woman, his eyes flickered, "Is it you who sent me out of the lock last time?"

If this woman can really walk freely underground, then this question that has troubled him for a long time may already have an answer.

(End of this chapter)

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