Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2066 Changes

Chapter 2066 Changes
With a creak, Chu Yan pushed open the iron door in front of him.

Dust fell from the ceiling of the dark room, Chu Yan stared at the place before him that he had been away for five years, and remained silent.

Five years ago, he fantasized about this moment countless times, imagining what it would be like when he came back here again and opened this door again.

He imagined that his eyes would fill with tears, he would be overwhelmed with excitement, and he would stand here with clear eyes holding a large bunch of gladiolus.

And yet, when the moment actually happened, there was nothing.

Those emotions that belonged to a teenager have completely left him.

Chu Yan looked at the faintly beating flames in the cave not far away.The light was only five steps away from him at this time, but he had walked for five full years.

It was so far that he had exhausted his strength and enthusiasm on the way.

In the last two years, it is no longer clear whether it was the original vow that supported him to continue to struggle, or because he was unable to get off a tiger, and he did not want to let the previous hard work go to waste.

No matter how hot the enthusiasm is, it will fade with time.

Man, it's so real.

Five years ago, he was still a half-grown child, but now he has completely turned into what he hates.

Chu Yan closed his eyes, walked the five steps step by step, and stood in front of the cave.

A heat wave is coming.

There was a buzzing in Chu Yan's head.

Five years ago, he didn't know what such heat meant, he just felt that it was uncomfortably hot, but now he finally realized that this heat was all extremely pure breath of true energy.

This is not an ability that can be achieved by heaven.

So this person really is...

Standing in front of the cave, Chu Yan slowly clenched his fists.

His conjecture five years ago was finally confirmed. Before he had mixed feelings, his already numb heart seemed to be pricked by a thin needle.

Compared with his memory, this heat wave has been much weaker.

Because he didn't know how to face it, Chu Yan stepped into the cave with his eyes closed, and at this moment he finally couldn't help opening his eyes.

There was still the familiar pool full of black mud in front of him, but I don't know if it was his illusion or a memory error, the black mud in the pool was a little shallower.

Just beside this pool, a fist-sized flame was beating quietly.

Chu Yan thought that he could face this scene calmly. In the past five years, he had experienced a lot. No matter what happened, even if someone stepped on his head and crushed him in the mud, he could face it all with a smile on his face.

But at this moment, he was staring fixedly at the flame, the smile mask on his face showed cracks for the first time in five years.


He knelt down in front of the flames, looking at the flames that had shrunk a lot but were still burning, the extremely sour feelings emerged from the bottom of his heart that had not been seen for a long time.

In the bottom of his heart, there were still such feelings left.

"do you remember me?"

Chu Yan heard his own voice coming in a low voice, a little hoarse and unpleasant, not as clear as before.

About two years ago, he changed his voice.

The fire by the pool was unresponsive.

Chu Yan took off a brand new pannier from his back, which was full of firewood.

He took the sticks out of it one by one and piled them under the flames.

The flame got a little bigger, but it still wasn't what it was before.

In the past five years, the master of the monastery has entered here countless times and taken many things from her.

Perhaps the pitiful part of his memory has long been stripped away.

Chu Yan looked at the group of flames that did not respond to his voice, stood up, and drew out the saber by his waist.


A cold light flashed in the dark room!
Chu Yan drew his sword and danced, the sword was like a swimming dragon, and his figure wandered around the entire cave.

There is no trace of flaw in his swordsmanship, he is calm and unhurried.

After practicing a whole set of fire swords, he stood in front of the quiet flame without panting, with a complicated expression on his face.

Flame still didn't respond.

In fact, when he was practicing the sword, he thought about deliberately selling a loophole to see if he could lure her out, but when he really danced, Chu Yan found that he couldn't do it.

The position of each sword has been accurately engraved in his flesh and blood, his body already has its own memory, and before he can react, the hands and feet have been done automatically.

Chu Yan sheathed his sword and looked at the flames in front of him with a complicated expression.

After all, couldn't she wait for him?

Or is it because he walks too slowly?

When he reached his destination, he found that his target had disappeared.

But in the end, he also gained status, so it's not a waste of time.

Chu Yan savored the cold-blooded thoughts in his heart, and his disgust for himself deepened.

He had longed for five years to meet again, and it turned out to be like this now.

It's fine if Huo Huo doesn't respond, it's easy to see him who is now a different person.

Chu Yan stared at his own reflection on the mud pool. Compared with the past, his body became much thinner and taller. He no longer had the outline of a child before. What changed was not only his body, but also the things inside.

"You have a good rest, I will come to see you tomorrow."

Chu Yan glanced at the flames on the ground for the last time, left those words behind, turned around and walked slowly towards the door.

Now he already felt that talking to a pile of fire was a bit stupid.

Chu Yan walked out step by step, and when he passed the door, he glanced at the ground at the door.

Naturally, the traces of those flower muds have long since disappeared.

Chu Yan remembered the appearance of that bunch of gladioli, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

He was really stupid when he was a kid.

Chu Yan raised his head, stepped across the threshold indifferently, closed the iron gate, and walked out to the corridor.

But when his foot stepped on the first step, he suddenly froze.

A very thin voice came from the crack of the door behind him.

"What's the next move?"

The sound was very thin and soft, not much louder than that of a mosquito, but Chu Yan was already half a step up, so he could hear it.

Chu Yan stiffened his neck, turned around little by little, and looked at the iron gate behind him.

The next moment he rushed back to the door, pulled off the iron chain on the door, and when he reached out to use the key to open the door again, he found that his hand was shaking.

If other elders or Chunyu Ye were here, they would definitely not recognize who he was, right?
In five years, he thought he had changed himself, but because of this mosquito-like humming sound, he collapsed in an instant.

Chu Yan opened the iron lock with trembling hands, and rushed in three steps at a time, feeding the dog with his calmness before.

He rushed to the edge of the pool, looked at the pile of flames on the ground, and asked cautiously.

"What did you just say? Say it again."

The flame burned quietly, as if everything just now was his illusion, just when Chu Yan thought he was going to be extremely disappointed again, his pupils shrank slightly.

A tiny flame rose from the fire.

Compared with the previous fire hand, it was only as thick as a little finger.

Chu Yan opened his eyes wide and stared at the flames stiffly.

The flame tremblingly protruded from the fire, slowly stretched towards him, and finally stopped at the position of his chest, swaying from side to side, as if he was a little puzzled.

Chu Yan froze.

That height was the position above his head five years ago.

This is what she remembers, the height that belongs to him.

I am afraid it is also the height of that "Aji".

In five years, many changes have taken place in him.

But she didn't change, and stayed in the depths of time for a long time.

 Why not for others
(End of this chapter)

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