Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2071 Ontology

Chapter 2071 Ontology
"I have no idea……"

A broken voice came from the fire, "It's just another me, maybe knows..."

Chu Yan's pupils shrank violently.

"What did you say, another you?"

Is this talking about her remaining souls?Can these spirits communicate with each other?

"Wait a minute, make it clear!"

Chu Yan's face was almost touching the burning flame, "What is the other you? Is it the soul? Do you know where it is?"

Chu Yan's heart was pounding. Judging from the current situation, it was impossible for him to save the soul in the basement.But if he knew the location of the other spirits, he might be able to rescue the other spirits first.


Hearing Huodui speak again, Chu Yan suddenly became nervous.

"The location of the soul...I don't know."

Hearing Huo Huo's answer, Chu Yan couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"Then what about the other me you mentioned?"

"It's not the soul..."

Flame's voice was a bit vain, "It's the"

the real her?

The more Chu Yan listened, the more confused he became. Although the remnant soul left in the ground is only a divine soul, it still has the power of a fire magician, so it can be regarded as the real her.

Why does this flame think this is not the real her?
For practitioners, isn't the most important thing is the soul?
Chu Yan touched his chest. Every ordinary person naturally has his own body and soul, but after a practitioner breaks through the Divine Dance Realm, he will gradually form a divine soul. It can be said that the divine soul is another soul that belongs exclusively to high-level practitioners , which contains the most important memories for practitioners, true energy, realm, and understanding of sword moves, and...etc.

Chu Yan's heart skipped a beat.

"The other you you mentioned, do you mean your body?"

He stared at the flames on the ground and spoke slowly.

Although he thought of these words, Chu Yan was extremely flustered the moment he said them.

The fire was silent for a moment, and said softly, "That... the original me."

Chu Yan closed his eyes, not knowing what to say.

He actually guessed right.

The original self in the flame mouth is probably an ordinary self without the strength and memory of a practitioner.

Practitioners generally pay more attention to their own souls. Chu Yan never expected that the strongest fire mage in the world would regard his ordinary self as his real self.

Regardless of who I really am, Huo Huo's words just now revealed an even more astonishing information.

Shao Si ordered Lin Baoyue's body to still exist in this world five years after her death.

Chu Yan gulped down a mouthful of saliva. Although he knew that he might not get an answer, he still couldn't help asking, "Where is your body?"

Sure enough, the flames exploded with a bang, and the flames entangled with each other, looking very painful, "I don't know..."

"She... left me..."

"Okay, okay," Chu Yan quickly put his hand around the flame in front of him, "If you can't remember it, don't think about it."

In his hanging arms, the flame gradually returned to calm.

Looking at its appearance, Chu Yan sighed inwardly, but also faintly startled.

If he guessed correctly, Shao Si ordered Lin Baoyue's body to be located at the place that separated his soul and body that he wanted to know before.

Such a place must be more secretive than the hiding place of the soul, and it is also more impenetrable. With his current strength, even if he knows it, he will not be able to conquer it.

It's just that the soul is more important to practitioners, but this soul who is in command of life is thinking of his ordinary self.

Chu Yan looked at the fire on the ground in a daze, and a word suddenly appeared in his mind.


That's right, it's the body.

Chu Yan doesn't know if there is such a saying in this world, but he thinks that only such words can describe this messy relationship that is constantly being cut and straightened out.

The body of Lin Baoyue with the soul of an ordinary person is the main body, and these spirits scattered all over the place are like her clones.

Generally speaking, the remnant soul is incapable of action, but because Shao Si Ming's divine soul is so powerful, even the fragments of the divine soul retain a certain amount of will.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes, even a trace of remnant soul was so special, so what would she look like when she was so ordinary, without the power of a second-level practitioner?

Sensing his silence, Fire Pile called out.

"It's nothing," Chu Yan came back to his senses, and looked at it with a smile.

He closed his eyes and cleared out the random thoughts in his mind.

What made him feel good was the remnant soul in the basement, the one who taught him how to use the sword and picked up the bunch of gladiolus on the ground.

Whether it is the other main body or the avatar, it has nothing to do with him.

"You should have a good rest. The master of the monastery has already promised me, and I will deliver the firewood to you next."

Chu Yan looked at the flame and said softly.

"I'll see you again tomorrow."



After five years, Chu Yan once again resumed the day of delivering firewood every day.

When he picked up the firewood basket with one hand, which was hard on his back, he had a wonderful feeling of rejuvenation.

It's just that he has already moved out of the humble disciple hut, and has a yard belonging to the elders on the upper floor of the underground palace. Although the location is far away from the big firewood room, someone will deliver the firewood to his small firewood room every morning, and it will be neatly stacked. .

Chu Yan carried the firewood basket that had already been installed, and it didn't take long to flash into the corridor and appear in front of the iron gate.

"I am coming."

He had grown a little taller, and when he entered the cave, he already had to bend over.

At this time, three years had passed since he had the opportunity to enter this place again.

Chu Yan looked at the flames on the ground. It had been eight years since he entered this dark room for the first time.

In eight years, he changed from a 13-year-old boy to a 21-year-old man.

Compared with three years ago, the flames on the ground have shrunk a little.

Although he could see it every day, Chu Yan still couldn't find a way to rescue it.

Chu Yan took a fixed look at the ground, walked over with the firewood basket, and poured the firewood onto the flames.

The flames became more intense, and he sat down cross-legged on one side, and said softly, "I'm going to break through to the heavenly level next month."

The flame flickered for a moment, and a vague voice came out of it, "Next month?"

"Well," Chu Yan's eyes stopped on the mud pond behind the flames, "Don't stop me. I know I'm not hot enough, but I haven't been hot enough for three years."

Waiting any longer won't change anything.

Every year I say that I am not prepared enough, what problems can I solve?
It is estimated that he can only be like the Great Elder. He is still not prepared until he is seventy or eighty. Rather than bite the bullet at that time, it is better to give it a go now while he is young.

"It's too don't have to..."

Intermittent voices came from the fire, quieter than they had been three years ago.

Chu Yan's eyes darkened.

It is indeed too early to break the realm at the age of 21, but if he waits like this, he is always afraid that one day he will come in and he will not be able to hear this voice.

He watched helplessly as the flames weakened day by day, but he was helpless. Chu Yan couldn't think of a torture that was more tormenting than this.

"It's getting late, I..."

He just wanted to speak, but the next moment, the mutation happened.

With a "bang", the flame, which was only the size of a fist before, suddenly swelled up, and exploded in the next moment.

Chu Yan stared blankly at Mars flying past, too surprised to speak.

"what happened?"

He hadn't seen such a violent reaction from the fire for many years.

Then a faint voice emerges from the spark.

"came back……"


Chu Yan's pupils contracted, what came back?

 the third
(End of this chapter)

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