Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2074 Disagreement

Chapter 2074 Disagreement
Among the branch halls of the Six Kingdoms in the Great Wall, the former Qin hall master is recognized as the most relaxed one.

However, this most leisurely position was assigned by Yun Zhongjun to Wu Chanxu.

Instead, the most relaxed position was assigned to his most trusted and strongest disciple.

Chu Yan's eyes were heavy. He didn't believe in the reason why Wu Chanxu was lucky.When he first heard about this arrangement, he was skeptical, but now his doubts were finally resolved.

The former Qin Dynasty was not at all the easiest place in the Great Wall of the Six Kingdoms, but the most important and crucial place.

It is true that there are not many promising practitioners and officials there, but there are more important things hidden there.

For example, Shao Si ordered Lin Baoyue's body.

With a clatter, Chu Yan tore off the chain on the iron door and reopened the door.

He walked into the dark room step by step, looking at the flame burning by the pool.

When all the conjectures are connected together, the answer is ready to come out.


Chu Yan squatted down, quietly watching the bonfire in front of him, as if a large ball of catkins was stuffed in his throat, he coughed and asked in a hoarse voice.

"You said you were back, did you mean that your body is back?"

Previously, the flame was obsessed with finding her body, and Chu Yan tried desperately to guess where her body would be hidden, thinking of many places that might be used to separate Shao Si Ming's soul.

Beihan Pavilion, Jixia Academy, Xiling Snow Mountain, Cloud and Mist Forest, White Wolf King's Court... He thought about all kinds of places, but he just ignored the most important angle, which is the darkness under the lamp.

No matter where they were born, whether they are young or senior, they are all Qin people in the final analysis, and they are all practitioners serving the Great Qin court.

Then maybe she didn't die outside at all, but died in the place she had guarded all her life.


At this time, Flame finally had a little reaction, and a voice of doubt came from inside.

Chu Yan's heart tightened, and he realized that his guess that the body came back was not accurate.

If Shao Siming's body is preserved by some means, then her body will always be there, and there will be no question of whether she will come back or not, unless...

Chu Yan's heart beat wildly.

"It's not your body that comes back," he asked softly, looking at the flames in front of him, his heart beating like a drum, "it's the real you, right?"

Flame didn't answer, but jumped vigorously twice.

Chu Yan took a breath.

This is what admitting means.

Only when the soul returns to the body and regains its life can it be called back.

"You really always surprise me."

The words of the master of the Buddhist monastery echoed in his ears, and Chu Yan opened his eyes wide.

This is no surprise, it is simply a miracle.

Eight years have passed, not only the soul is still alive, but the whole person can come back.

Chu Yan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and it took a long time to calm down. What kind of character is that?

In short, practitioners in the entire mountain and sea continent may not have thought of it.

The young commander ordered Lin Baoyue to come back.

No, I'm afraid it's not Shao Siming who came back.

Chu Yan stared at the dancing fire with fascination. Her spirit had been completely separated, and her body might also be haunted by some kind of curse. Even if she could be reborn, it was impossible for her to return to her previous state.

Chu Yan's eyes were complicated. The person who woke up in the former Qin Dynasty was probably just Lin Baoyue, just a girl with no strength to restrain a chicken.

However, Chu Yan figured out all these joints, and the next moment he thought of the reaction of the master of the Buddhist monastery, he suddenly shuddered.

What he can deduce from fragments of information, let alone the master of the monastery, knows everything. That person already knew everything.

Even regarding Lin Baoyue's rebirth, he didn't show any surprise at all.

Everything seemed to be under the applause of that man.

Then what does he want to do to Shao Si Ming's body, and to the newly reborn Lin Baoyue?
The more Chu Yan thought about it, the more frightened he became.

It stands to reason that if Shao Si Ming's death eight years ago was really related to the Buddhist monastery, then Yun Zhongjun should at least feel a little panic when facing the other party's resurrection eight years later. After all, no one knows whether the other party is coming or not. revenge.

However, Yun Zhongjun not only did not, but was even in a good mood, smiling, as if he had been waiting for this moment.

Wait, have you been waiting?

Chu Yan thumped again in his heart, and looked at the pile of flames on the ground that had been burning for eight years.

He didn't want to guess any more, but all kinds of thoughts kept pouring into his mind.

According to the mandarin book, a person's resurrection is a good time to take revenge.But Lin Baoyue, who was far away in the former Qin Dynasty, would not know that her opponent had already known about her rebirth.

But if you know, you know, what exactly does Yun Zhongjun want to do?
Should he kill her again, or get some things from her that he didn't get before, and then do the trick?

As Chu Yan thought about this, his heart suddenly beat violently again.

This is it.

It was just a thought that flashed through his mind, but Chu Yan vaguely seemed to catch something.

Things that were not available before.

Is there such a possibility.That is, Lin Baoyue's death eight years ago was actually beyond Yun Zhongjun's expectation.He originally wanted to get something from her, but Lin Baoyue passed away suddenly, which completely disrupted his plan.

But now that Lin Baoyue has been reborn, she is still far from any realm, and this happens to be a good time for the Chanyuan to strike.

What Jun Yunzhong couldn't get from her eight years ago, he finally got a chance eight years later.

If that's the case, it's no wonder he's so happy.

Chu Yan's heart was bleeding, and he forced himself to continue thinking.

If, as he thought, Lin Baoyue's sudden death eight years ago was not caused by Yun Zhongjun, does this also mean that there was a disagreement among the group of people who attacked her?

The more Chu Yan thought about it, the more he breathed. How many secrets were hidden in the death of the goddess eight years ago?

What does Yun Zhongjun want from Lin Baoyue?What could be more important than the threat posed by Shao Si Ming himself?

For Lin Baoyue who just came back and is probably still in a weak physical condition, what will Jun Yun instruct Wu Chanxu to do to her?
Chu Yan's head hurt from thinking about it, but at this moment, a voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Chu Yan..."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Chu Yan came back to his senses suddenly, and asked in a gentle voice, "What's the matter?"

"Chu Yan, I seem to...remember..."

The intermittent female voice seemed to have more strength than before, but Chu Yan had no time to take care of it, and just looked at the flames in front of him in shock.

"You, what do you remember?"

Chu Yan was so shocked that he stuttered.

To be honest, as for the cause of Shao Siming Lin Baoyue's death, as long as she didn't die in her sleep, no one would know better than her.

But because of amnesia, this group of flames couldn't ask anything.

Could it be that she was affected by the revived body in the distance, did she actually think of something?

 The third update is complete
(End of this chapter)

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