Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2077 Lively

Chapter 2077 Lively
She is coming.

Who is here?
Chu Yan stood in the underground dark room, staring blankly at the fire by the pool, "Master, what did you say?"

At this moment, a sound transmission formation on the ground suddenly reacted.

"Master, Master!"

A timid child's voice sounded from the formation.

Chu Yan frowned, stretched out his foot and tapped on a position of the formation on the ground, his voice became majestic, and he said coldly, "What's the matter?"

Ever since he started practicing the Six Swords of the Fire Art, Chu Yan spent most of his day in this dark room underground.But after all, he was already the elder of the monastery, and he still had a lot of affairs to deal with every day, so he set up a sound transmission formation in the underground and in his room.

If something urgent happened outside, one of his disciples would go to his room to inform him with a formation, and the sound would be transmitted to the underground darkroom.

However, this formation is one-way. If he does not change the layout of the formation in the dark room, only the outside sound can come in, and other sounds in the dark room will not come out.

At this time, Chu Yan adjusted the underground formation with his feet, and his voice was transmitted.

When the little disciple at the other end of the formation heard his voice, he almost cried with joy, "Master, you are here!"

he's always been...

Chu Yan was a little impatient, "Muren, what's the matter?"

On the other side of the formation was a young disciple he had taken in more than half a year ago, named Muren, who had just turned eight years old this year.

In the Zen monastery, the elders generally accept many direct disciples.These disciples are their power and help in doing things.

Chu Yan had no interest in accepting disciples at first. He had a bad reputation in the monastery, and talented and well-born disciples were unwilling to join him, and because he often went to the secret room, if he accepted disciples, he would be exposed easily. own secret.

But ever since he had to stay in the underground darkroom for a long time, Chu Yan found that it was really inconvenient to have no disciples. At least he needed an errand on the ground to help him solve some internal problems of the Buddhist monastery. After all, many internal affairs were beyond the reach of slaves. .

Coincidentally, when he had the idea of ​​accepting apprentices, he passed the firewood house one day and found a group of half-grown children gathered by the firewood house and were beating a seven or eight-year-old child.

The child fell into the mud, protecting his head but not his tail, refusing to be subdued, just rolling around in the mud, looking not very smart.

Chu Yan looked at that figure and found it familiar. After stopping the group of bastards, the other young disciples immediately scattered when they saw his elder costume.He squatted down and found that the child in the mud looked familiar, it was the outer disciple of the firewood room who had given him firewood twice before.

Chanyuan disciples are divided into inner sect and outer sect. Generally, all disciples are outer sect disciples when they first enter the monastery. After being taught some simple mental formulas collectively, they are assigned to work in various places.

In the Buddhist monastery, only after being accepted by an elder or an elder’s disciple can he become an inner disciple. Inner disciples do not need to do chores, and their status is much higher than that of outer disciples.

Among the outer disciples, the place where they were assigned to do chores was also very particular.

Just like himself, although he was not popular when he was young, his mother paid a high price to let him be assigned to Zangshu Pavilion as a guard when he was an outer disciple.

This is a pretty good place among the places where outer disciples can go.

But as for the woodshed...

Among the places where outer disciples do chores, this is the second worst place from the bottom, second only to the cleaning room.

Generally, only young disciples who have no power, basic talent, will be assigned to this place.

Chu Yan looked at the boy rolling in the mud on the ground, and asked, "What's your name?"

"Back, back to the elder..."

The child on the ground got up dizzily, and only after a while did he moan like a mosquito.

"I, no, my disciple's name is Mu, Muren."

He can't even speak well, and he's not clever enough, so it's no wonder he was bullied like that.

Chu Yan fixed his gaze on him, and said calmly, "Muren, would you like to be my disciple?"



In the dark underground room, Muren's voice came from the formation, extremely terrified.

"Master, something happened!"

"What's the matter?" Chu Yan frowned, "Didn't I tell you not to notify me of things that other elders can solve?"

The disciples of the other elders are actively tossing around in the courtyard and actively helping their mentor to stand in line, but Chu Yan told Muren very early on that as long as it is something the other elders can do, there is no need to notify him.

After being promoted to elder, he has lost the desire to take the initiative to work.

"Lan, Elder Lan has already passed, it's just..."

Muren's voice trembled.

"Just what?"

Chu Yan frowned, "Speaking of what happened outside? You want to at least start from the beginning."

Muren swallowed, "Master, an outsider broke in and caused a commotion over the stable."


Chu Yan narrowed his eyes, "Is it an outsider led by someone else?"

Due to the secrecy of the location of the Chanyuan and the complexity of the entrance, it is difficult for outsiders to find and enter. In all likelihood, there are ghosts leading the way.

I just don't know, who is that ghost?

"What is the state of the person who broke in?"

Although Muren at the other end of the formation seemed to be so frightened that he was about to faint, Chu Yan was not in a hurry.Although I don't know why this person came to the Buddhist monastery at night, but the monastery is full of empty houses, and there is nothing important at all. Outsiders come and search, and as for the really important things...

Chu Yan looked down at the flames on the ground, and the really important thing was with him.

The person who came here must have investigated in advance, and came here at night when Lord Yunzhong was not around.But even if the master of the monastery is not there and there are eighteen elders, as long as the people who come here are not heavenly practitioners, there will be no trouble at all.

"Listening to the movement over the stable, it seems that I can't see the realm..."

Muren stuttered.

"Can't see the boundary?"

Chu Yan's eyes flickered, but the possibility of this person being a heavenly rank was further reduced. It was very difficult for a heavenly rank practitioner to completely hide his realm.

"Is there only one person here?"

"Well, there is only one at the moment."

The inner disciple who led the way for that person must have escaped beforehand, but...

It was the first time I met Chu Yan, who was not a celestial cultivator, but dared to visit the monastery at night.

"Since there is only one person, isn't it a matter of time to catch it?"

After hearing the situation, Chu Yan heaved a sigh of relief.During the period when Lord Yunzhong was away, the Chanyuan seemed to have no leader, but in fact, there was a set of regulations for solving any problems in the Chanyuan.If the solution is not good, the eighteen elders will eventually be held accountable.

"It's just a ground-level practitioner. Since Elder Lan has already gone, I won't join in the fun."

This situation should not require human intervention.

Although Elder Lan annoyed him, he was a heaven-level practitioner after all, and he was more than enough to deal with a few earth-level practitioners.

Chu Yan looked at the bonfire on the ground, he was more concerned about the changes in the fire than the innocuous things outside.

The fire is very sensitive to the voices of outsiders, and usually as long as Muren talks to him, the fire will never make a sound.

The question he was most concerned about just now, this fire hasn't answered him yet.

"No, Master..."

However, Muren's trembling voice came from the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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