Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2084

Chapter 2084
"Yes, and no..."

A faint voice, like a candle in the wind, came from the center of the flame.

yes or no?

What does it mean?Chu Yan was at a loss when he heard the words.

At this moment, Flame continued, "If I meet the, maybe I won't come back."

the real her.

Chu Yan was refreshed, and he looked at the fragments in his palm, his eyes lit up, "That is to say, at that time, your soul will be able to fuse with your body?"

The flame did not speak, but flickered twice, which was equivalent to affirming his statement.

Chu Yan immediately understood why Huo Yan gave him such an important fragment.Huo Huo hoped that he would take this fragment to find Ying Baoyue, and fuse the fragment with Ying Baoyue.

If he guessed correctly, the fragment in his palm should not only contain the past memories of Shao Siming Lin Baoyue, but also the memory of the remnant soul underground, including the memory it wants to convey to Ying Bao. message of the month.

In this way, Huo Huo told Ying Baoyue about his situation.

It's just, is it merging with the soul...

For some reason, Chu Yan suddenly saw the picture of Ying Baoyue wielding a sword last night.

Although she was using a water magic sword at that time, there was a faint aura of fire magic in the process of using the sword. What's even more strange was that he was still very familiar with that aura of fire magic essence.

It is very similar to the breath of the remnant soul underground.

Chu Yan squinted his eyes, and recalled in his mind the battle report about the elementary and intermediate ceremony that he had read before.

"I have something I want to tell you."

The flame shook for a while, and the voice was a little dazed, "What...?"

"If I'm not mistaken, your real self has already recovered part of your soul," Chu Yan said seriously.

"Already retrieved?"

It was rare for the flame's voice to be so ignorant and surprised.Chu Yan nodded. He reviewed the information he had seen before and some of his conjectures in his mind, and said after deliberating, "First of all, if my guess is correct, Beihan Pavilion has preserved part of your soul."

After all, in the entire mountain and sea continent, only the Zen Academy and Beihan Pavilion have such things as Breaking Realm Pills.

Chu Yan's eyes became gloomy, so he speculated that part of Lin Baoyue's soul should have been preserved in Beihan Pavilion based on the same conditions.

But the reason why I say Zeng is because in the Soochow Middle Rank Ceremony not long ago, the realm of Xu Bingqing, the daughter of the Northern Wei Guoshi, suddenly jumped from the original eleventh rank to the fifth rank.

But on the day of the final decisive battle of the Intermediate Ceremony, Xu Bingqing was defeated by Ying Baoyue.According to the battle report that came out at the scene, it was said that Xu Bingqing was so angry that he turned his own blood into a fire and rushed towards Ying Baoyue, trying to burn her to death.

But those raging fires were instantly absorbed by Ying Baoyue.

Fire is the nemesis of water mages, and this situation was originally impossible.

Chu Yan's gaze became deeper and deeper. If his guess is correct, Xu Bingqing should have used the power of Lin Baoyue's soul to break through.And in the middle-level ceremony, she was stupid enough to attack Ying Baoyue with Lin Baoyue's soul, and let the soul return to its original owner.

So the Ying Baoyue he saw last night should have recovered part of his soul.

Chu Yan had a complex expression on his face, but a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.Anyway, that's a good thing.

He originally thought that Huo Huo on the ground would be happy too, but Huo Huo swayed twice when he heard the words, and said hesitantly, "It's fine if that's the case, it's just..."

"Just what?"

Chu Yan suddenly felt uneasy.

"If it was touched by him, it won't... come back."

The remnant soul in the flames whispered, Chu Yan's eyes widened and his pupils shrank slightly.

Who this "he" is is still unclear, but he can clearly guess who it is.

"You mean..."

Chu Yan gritted his teeth, "Won't the fragments touched by Zen Master come back?"

"Well," the flame flickered twice, "it won't return to me, it will only return to that person's hands."

A surge of anger surged up in Chu Yan's chest, but he managed to suppress it, holding back his breath and asking, "Why is this happening?"

Flame was silent for an unusually long time this time.

After a while, Flame said softly, "I don't know either."

Chu Yan let out a long breath, the resentment in his chest was hard to dispel.

He touched the warmth on his chest, knowing very well that there was probably no solution to this matter.

He had asked Huo Huo about how her soul was pulled out of her body before, Huo Huo had always said that she didn't know, which showed that there was no such content in her memory.

Chu Yan clenched his fists tightly. Sometimes he even wondered whether Yun Zhongjun had directly tampered with Lin Baoyue's memory, so that there were so many blanks in Huo Huo's memory.

In short, about the things that Yun Zhongjun has done, it is impossible to ask about this flame.

This flame alone cannot escape the shackles of Yun Zhongjun.

Chu Yan stroked the warmth of his chest and made up his mind.

"I understand," he said softly, "Don't worry, I will definitely try my best to deliver this fragment to the real you."



Just after Chunyuye and Ying Baoyue left, calm returned to the monastery.

But for the first time in so many years, Chu Yan didn't want the inside of the monastery to be so peaceful.

He frequently went back and forth to the Arhat Hall where the elders gathered underground, eagerly hoping for some accidents to happen again.

Because only if an accident happened, would he have the chance to get out of the monastery.

A week had passed since that day when he swore to the flame in the basement, but let alone sending the fragments to Ying Baoyue, he didn't even find a reason to leave the monastery.

Such a long time is enough for Ying Baoyue to escape from Xirong.

If this continues, he is really going to break his promise.

Just when Chu Yan was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, a good news came to the Buddhist monastery.

Yes, it's really good news.

It happened at a beast fighting meeting held by his abbot. All the disciples looked at each other when they heard the news from the messenger disciples, while Chu Yan sat at the head and looked at the bright red letter in his hand with delicate eyes.

The letter sent to him was actually an invitation to Chunyu Ye's wedding.

Chunyuye was about to get married, and of course his partner was the noble daughter of the four nobles, and of course it wasn't Ying Baoyue.

It's just that Chu Yan was somewhat surprised that Chunyuye would send invitations to the Buddhist monastery when he got married...

Is that person transsexual?

Chunyuye's nondescript disguise a few days ago appeared before Chu Yan's eyes, as well as the look in his eyes when he appeared behind Ying Baoyue.

Who would have thought that this man would become another woman's groom in just a few days.

At this moment, Chu Yan's head suddenly had an idea. Isn't this a good reason for him to leave the monastery.

"It's rare for the Twelve King Zhai to send an invitation so enthusiastically," Chu Yan said in disbelief, "I'll go to the White Wolf King's Court to have a look."

"Sorry, Elder Thirteen."

At this moment, the messenger disciple bowed over and said softly, "This invitation is not just one, it's just the elder. When His Royal Highness King Zhai sent someone to deliver the invitation, the messenger ordered one thing."

"What did he say?" Chu Yan asked.

(End of this chapter)

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