Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2098 Missing

Chapter 2098 Missing
Chunyuye's voice was aggressive, Li Ji heard that one head and two louder.

It can only be said that fortunately Ji Jiashu knew the whole story, otherwise he would not be able to clean up if he jumped into the Yellow River again.

Li Ji raised his head, but he didn't look at Chunyu Ye. He just looked at Ying Baoyue and said warmly, "Before we left, Miss Wan made some new clothes for you and asked me to bring them to you. I forgot to tell you in the White Wolf King's Court before." is you."

It turned out to be the case.

Ying Baoyue nodded, "Thank you."

Li Ji has a magic weapon of space, which can store some light things, and they often ask Li Ji to bring things.

But even without Wan Liuyun's entrustment, she had given up her clothes to Li Ji in the past, which can be traced back to the time when they disguised themselves as husband and wife on the border of Hou Liao to avoid the killer of the monastery together.

Li Ji treated him like nothing in his words, Chunyuye snorted coldly, and put away the knife.

In short, he got the answer he wanted.

Although I don't know who the Wan girl in Li Ji's words is, she is a woman after all.

Just be a woman.

Li Ji glanced at Chun Yuye who put away the knife, his eyes were a little complicated.

But they are too busy to take care of themselves now, and he has no time to speculate on this guy's mind.

The light outside the cave dimmed little by little, but there was still some time before it was completely dark.

All four fell silent, leaning against the rock wall to rest their eyes and recover their strength.

Tick, tick.

Drops of water fell from the top of the cave, hitting the ground drop by drop.

Li Ji opened his eyes amidst the sound of water droplets, and quietly looked at the two people opposite him.

Ying Baoyue changed Ji Jiashu's medicine and sat down next to him. The distance between the two of them was extremely close. If they were still in their original appearance at this time, they would be a pair of Bi people of the same age.

It's a pity that now, it looks like he is sitting next to a Zen disciple, the picture is a bit scary.

However, he avoided scenes that would irritate his eyes.

Li Ji shook his head and couldn't help laughing bitterly in his heart.

At this moment, Ying Baoyue, who was sitting next to Ji Jiashu, opened his eyes.

Facing those bright eyes, Li Ji was stunned.

She was still the same as before, she was very clear-headed when she opened her eyes, and she rarely saw the hazy appearance.

This feeling is really strange, obviously it is his eyes, but it is her eyes.

"woke up?"

In order to avoid alarming the other two, Li Ji pulled up a barrier, surrounded him and Ying Baoyue, and asked softly.

"I don't dare to sleep," Ying Baoyue smiled, "I'm worried that I'll be someone else again when I wake up."

Li Ji felt a little bitter in his heart, "You don't have to be afraid."

He was silent for a moment, then said softly, "No matter what you look like, I will always recognize you."

Ying Baoyue was startled, she raised her head and looked into his eyes quietly.

For some reason, Li Ji felt that her eyes were a little strange, "Hug the moon?"

"Really?" she asked softly.

Looking at her eyes, Li Ji felt inexplicably uneasy. He settled down and nodded, "Well, I promise."

Ying Baoyue didn't speak, but just looked at him.

Li Ji's heartbeat became faster and faster, and he became more and more restless. For some reason, he seemed to see a trace of sadness in Ying Baoyue's eyes.

Did he say something wrong?

However, the next moment, Ying Baoyue's familiar smile returned to his eyes, as if nothing happened just now.

She raised her head, nodded heavily, and said seriously, "I believe in you."

There was a vague feeling passing through Li Ji's heart, he seemed to be aware of something vaguely, but the feeling passed through his heart too fast, so fast that he couldn't grasp it.

Ying Baoyue still turned her head and looked at the cave behind her.

"Speaking of which, this cave reminds me of a place."

Li Ji also remembered a place, he looked at Ying Baoyue and said softly, "Qingluan Peak?"

Ying Baoyue's eyes widened slightly, "Sure enough, you think so too?"

"It's not just this hole," Li Ji said indifferently, "it's also what we look like now."

The last time these people were deeply suspicious of their respective identities was when they participated in the high-level ceremony and passed Qingluan Peak.

It was on that mountain peak that they met that nightmarish existence—the snake.

One by one, the snakes turned into the most feared existence in their hearts, provoked the relationship between them, and killed them when their minds were on the verge of collapse.

"What do you think of this matter?"

Li Ji stared at Ying Baoyue's eyes with deep eyes, "Is it caused by the gods?"

Ying Baoyue fell silent, "I didn't think so, but now..."


Li Ji's gaze deepened, he knew what Ying Baoyue was thinking.

When his house was seized for the first time yesterday, he didn't think in the direction of the gods. He only thought that it was the people in the Buddhist monastery who were playing tricks.

After all, Chu Yan and others were not affected, only they were played around, and Langbei Mountain belonged to the site of the Zen Academy, so in common sense, everything they encountered should be a trap of the Temple.

But today, things have ushered in a reversal.

The disciples of the Buddhist monastery were also involved.

Although Chu Yan was still unaffected, when Li Ji fought against Chu Yan before, he could sense the anxiety in his heart from the opponent's actions and demeanor.

Chu Yan was not as comfortable as yesterday.

Li Ji guessed that something unexpected happened inside the disciples of the Buddhist monastery.

According to their previous experience when they climbed the Xiling Snow Mountain, on such a mountain full of natural power, if something can exceed human expectations, there is a high probability that it is done by God.

"If it's a god, what kind of god do you think it will be?"

Li Ji looked at Ying Baoyue and asked softly.

Even if he guessed that it might be caused by the gods, but after the experience of Xiling Snow Mountain, he guessed it like he didn't guess.

There are too many unknown beasts on the Shanhai Continent. He has seen too many existences that he never knew on the Xiling Snow Mountain before.

Because of the arrogance of the entire practice world towards the beasts, apart from the Eight Beast Gods, there are very few books in the practice world that will collect the details of those beasts, let alone young practitioners who will learn about those beasts.

Ying Baoyue is the best practitioner Li Ji has seen so far who understands the beasts. He can only ask her when he encounters such a thing.

"I do not know."

Ying Baoyue sighed, "It would be great if Huali was here."

After all, Huali is a divine beast, so she knows the same kind better.

Li Ji frowned, "Have you still not met her?"

The strange thing they encountered yesterday was not just Duoshe.Although all of them gathered last night, there was one member missing from their team.

That is Huali.

Li Ji remembered clearly that Huali entered the Magical Valley with them, but no matter how hard Ying Baoyue looked for her last night, he couldn't find her.

Huali disappeared.

Ying Baoyue pursed her lips, with deep worry in her eyes.

To be honest, she wasn't worried about Huali's safety at first, because with the realm of Chu Yan and the few disciples he brought, she couldn't do anything to Huali.

But now, she couldn't tell.

 Sister Yue: Scared
(End of this chapter)

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