Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2103 Promise

Chapter 2103 Promise
"Oh, sorry, it's Huali."

Li Ji's gaze faltered, and he looked at the silver-haired girl with an apologetic smile, "Sorry, I made a mistake, I was thinking about hugging the moon just now."

"It's ok."

Ying Baoyue shook her head, putting on Huali's nonchalant tone, "Don't worry, I will get her back."

"Well, thank you senior."

Li Ji looked at her and nodded respectfully.

In the next moment, there was a dead silence between the two, and there was nothing to say.

Ying Baoyue didn't have anything to say, just went to him and sat down with her legs crossed, staring at the lake without saying a word.

This was originally the state of getting along between Li Ji and Huali.After reuniting with Huali in Shacheng, Ying Baoyue had seen Huali turn into a snow rabbit, squatting on Li Ji's shoulder for half a day.

Li Ji didn't care about her, just bowed his head and did his own thing.

Ying Baoyue also asked Huali before, why she always stays on Li Ji's shoulder when she has so many places to stay.

Huali's answer to her was that this guy is like a rock, it's easy to squat, and it can also move her.

like a rock...

Thinking of this answer, Ying Baoyue felt rather dumbfounded.

When Huali squatted on Li Ji's shoulder, she would raise her eyes to glance at him from time to time, and Ying Baoyue also raised her head at this time, looking sideways at the people around her.

Li Ji leaned on the rock, quietly watching the coast, without saying a word, and did not look over.

This reminded Ying Baoyue of the way he looked at her when she was just approaching.

Under the moonlight, the young man's eyes were surprised at first, but they softened immediately after seeing her clearly.

Those pure black pupils looked even darker under the night, but also brighter.

Except for Li Ji, Ying Baoyue had never seen anyone with such a pair of pure black pupils before.

Black was supposed to be a cold color, but for some reason, Ying Baoyue couldn't feel the coldness in Li Ji's eyes.

When we met in Nanchu for the first time, his eyes really made people feel frozen, but I don't know when, this feeling disappeared.

These eyes were only temporarily frozen when they first met, as if they were no longer interested in everything in the world.

But as they went on the road together, along the way, that layer of ice melted at some point.

Who made him melt?

And who made him freeze it?
These eyes, like a pill of black mercury in a pill of white mercury, are so clear that no matter how long it has passed, they will not be stained by the slightest haze.

It is said that people's eyes will become cloudy with age and be stained with other colors, but Ying Baoyue has never seen such a change in this person.

Ying Baoyue closed her eyes, and another pair of pure black pupils appeared in front of her eyes.

"elder sister!"

"This headband is my bride price."

"Do you want to marry me?"

Ying Baoyue felt a sharp pain in her head and opened her eyes suddenly.

"Hua Li!"

Li Ji's shocked voice rang in her ears, Ying Baoyue felt dizzy, and it took a while for her vision to recover.

Li Ji's cold bronze mask appeared in her eyes.


A warm touch came from her back, and Ying Baoyue found her lying on the sand, while Li Ji was half kneeling on the ground, supporting her with one arm.

"Sorry," Ying Baoyue smiled wryly, "What happened to me just now?"

"You seem to have fainted just now," Li Ji frowned, with heavy emotions in his dark eyes, "but the time is very short, only three breaths."

That's probably only a few seconds.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, which was similar to the time of the picture she saw in her mind.

The Buddhist monastery... Chu Yan...

She silently recited these two names in her heart, all kinds of thoughts intertwined in her mind, and the sharp pain swept over again.


Li Ji looked at the girl with turbulent pain in her eyes, hesitated for a moment, and stretched out her hand.

Ying Baoyue was feeling a splitting headache when a warm touch came from her eyes.

Li Ji covered her eyes with his palm.

"Senior, I don't know what happened, but you calm down, close your eyes, and don't think about anything."

The gentle voice rang in her ears, and Ying Baoyue's heart gradually calmed down.

She closed her eyes and relaxed her whole body as Li Ji said.

The pain in her head gradually subsided, but the picture that only lasted a few seconds kept reappearing in front of her eyes.

Over and over, over and over again, as if wanting to seep into her bones and blood and engrave it in her mind.

No, maybe this was originally something that was engraved in her mind.

After experiencing the previous battle with Xu Bingqing in Soochow, Ying Baoyue can probably guess what happened to her.

Just after entering the Psychedelic Valley and passing out for the first time, she had a dream.

Most of the dream was black, and she walked slowly in the darkness, but after walking for a while, she suddenly heard the sound of a glass window being smashed.


A corner of the black dream was broken, and at the same time, a scene was abruptly inserted into it.

Ying Baoyue's muscles tensed up, and Li Ji noticed it. He hesitated for a moment, wrapped his other hand with his sleeve, and stroked the back of the girl in his arms.

Ying Baoyue relaxed again, and that scene appeared in front of her again.

In all fairness, this picture is very incomplete and blurry.

It's like a film that has been stored for a long time, and only a rough outline can be seen clearly.

In the few seconds of the picture, she saw herself in a green.A small figure was standing in front of her, looking up at her.

The little figure was extremely blurry, and his face could not be seen clearly, but only the black pupils on the upturned face were extremely clear.

In this blurred picture, the little figure took off a hairband from his head, and held it in front of her very eagerly.

"This headband is my bride price."

"Do you want to marry me?"

Just after he finishes these two sentences, the clip ends.

If this is a memory, then the capacity of this memory is really extremely limited, and the content is also lacklustre.

But the problem is, this is not the first time Ying Baoyue has seen such a scene, nor is it the first time she has heard these two sentences.

On the Misty Ridge of the Mu family, she once entered the illusion in Li Ji's mind, and was forced to see his experience of living with a woman when he was young.

In that illusion, she saw the same picture, the same scene.

She heard the same words.

But the problem is that the protagonists of that fantasy are Li Ji when he was a child, and the woman named Li Zhao who raised him.

Ying Baoyue lay on Li Ji's arm, not wanting to open her eyes.

In other words, she didn't know how to face her conjecture.

If it was the same as when she was in Soochow, the fragments she saw came from fragments of her soul, and were memories of her previous life, then...

Well, that's not meant to be.

She is Li Zhao.

(End of this chapter)

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