Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2124 find

Chapter 2124 find
It was Sombra who saved Ying Long.

It's just that dark shadow...

Who is that shadow?

If according to Huali, that black shadow is just a wisp of will left by the ancient god, does that mean it has dissipated?
Ying Baoyue's vaguely seen eyes appeared in front of her eyes, as well as the old voice she heard last, and she slowly clenched her fists.

"Embrace the moon? Embrace the moon?"

Huali looked at Ying Baoyue standing there in a daze, and called out repeatedly.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Ying Baoyue came back to her senses.

"What's the matter, you look like you've lost your soul," Huali complained.

"I'm just thinking about that black shadow," Ying Baoyue turned her head to the side, and glanced at Xiaolong obediently lying on her shoulder, her eyes were a little complicated.

She took a deep breath, patted the little guy on her body, and asked softly, "By the way, what should I call you? What's your name now?"


Xiaolong put one paw in his mouth, his eyes were ignorant.

Ying Baoyue smiled wryly, "If you don't remember, why don't I call you Xiaolong first?"

Huali glanced at her speechlessly, "What's your taste in naming things?"


Ying Baoyue glanced at her, "Why don't you come and get one?"

"This one……"

Huali took a step back, sweat dripping from the forehead, "It's better to take it back to Xiling Snow Mountain later, and ask my elder brother to pick it up."

In her capacity, she was asked to name the Eight Beast God, she was afraid she would not be able to hold back...

Ying Baoyue looked at Xiaolong, "Then shall I call you Xiaolong first?"

Xiaolong nodded, his face full of joy.

"Then Xiaolong, I have something to ask you," Ying Baoyue stared into Xiaolong's bright eyes and asked softly, "Have you seen anyone else in this place?"

"Other... people?" Xiaolong tilted his head.

Ying Baoyue stretched out her hands to compare her height, "So tall, wearing a mask and wearing black clothes."

"Hold the moon, you..."

Huali knew at a glance who Ying Baoyue was looking for again, she couldn't bear it, "Baoyue, listen to my advice, he's probably already..."

"Um... um..."

However, at this time, Xiaolong, who was lying on Ying Baoyue's shoulder, changed his posture, sat on Ying Baoyue's shoulder, tugged at Ying Baoyue's hair, and pointed in one direction.

Ying Baoyue was startled.

"You mean, where is he?"

Xiaolong puffed his cheeks and buried his face in her hair without saying a word.

Ying Baoyue took a look at its appearance and walked towards the direction it was pointing at.

"Embrace the moon!"

Huali grabbed her from behind with worried eyes.

"Do you know what's in there? You just run after it?"

The place Xiaolong pointed to was a deep and dark corridor, which seemed to lead to the depths of the underground palace.She stood outside and looked terrified, but Ying Baoyue dared to run inside without paying attention?
Since the will of the ancient gods remains at the bottom of the lake, it is difficult to guarantee that there are other unknown powerhouses hidden. Even Yinglong God has become like this. Does this girl know nothing about reverence?
Ying Baoyue took a look inside on tiptoe, and she felt the same as when she went to look inside this cave before. Her intuition didn't call the police, and she even felt inexplicably familiar.

"It's okay." Ying Baoyue looked back at Huali and smiled, "Why don't you wait here for a while, I'll go and have a look."

After she finished speaking, she walked towards the corridor.

"Embrace the moon!"

Huali looked at the unhesitating figure, and stamped her feet anxiously, "Are you bewildered?"

Ying Baoyue didn't look back, but just kept going.Seeing her figure disappear into the corridor, Huali gritted her teeth and followed her.

However, just as Ying Baoyue walked into the shadow of the corridor with her front foot and Huali's back foot was about to keep up, with a bang, her head slammed into an invisible barrier.

"This, this is..."


Huali stared dumbfounded at the barrier that was empty in front of her eyes but kept all her divine beasts out, feeling an ominous premonition in her heart.

"Hold the moon, come back quickly!"

She yelled into the corridor, but the voice from outside didn't seem to reach inside, Ying Baoyue's figure disappeared behind the corner.

"Embracing the moon?"



Ying Baoyue didn't realize that Huali wasn't following, and walked forward on her own.

She seemed to be back to the state she had been in before entering the side room.

Although it looked dark and nothing ahead, she couldn't restrain herself from wanting to move forward.

Although the corridor is dark, but through the long narrow path, the front is suddenly bright.

Ying Baoyue pierced through the darkness, walked into the light at the end, and stared blankly at everything in front of her.

This is a bigger cave than when Xiaolong was found before.But it may not be accurate to say that it is a cave, because there is actually a patio in this place.

Ying Baoyue raised her head, and at the top of the cave, there was a huge crystal embedded.

The lake water is piled up on the crystal, and the sunlight from above the lake penetrates the crystal, shining like a deep cave.

Ying Baoyue heard the sound of gurgling water, and when she looked up, she saw a waterfall and a pool in front of her.The crystal clear lake water poured down, and the water droplets splashed in all directions. Under the sunlight, the edge of the pool was almost surrounded by rainbows.

Clusters of small rainbows are like butterflies flying in the light and shadow.

Such a scene is beautiful, but it is not important to Ying Baoyue, her eyes are fixed on a clearing by the waterfall.

Just under the colorful rainbow, there is a figure of a person lying by the pool.

He was lying face down, with the mask on his face stuck to the ground, and a black dress covering his body, exposing arms as white as jade.

White as jade?

Ying Baoyue stared blankly at the scene in front of her, and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The person lying on the edge of the waterfall is indeed Li Ji, but he is different from when he jumped into the lake. Now he... has no clothes on.

The black cloth shirt he was wearing was not what he was wearing before, as for his previous clothes...

Ying Baoyue looked at some black pieces of clothes beside Li Ji, and had an answer in her heart.

If she guessed right, Li Ji should not be wearing a single thread under the black cloth shirt that covered her.


Ying Baoyue walked up to the person lying beside the waterfall, feeling inexplicably nervous.

"Li Ji."

She first called out in a low voice, but seeing that the other party didn't respond, she knelt down and poked the other party's shoulder with her hand.

"Li Ji?"

Li Ji still didn't respond, his eyes were closed tightly, but fortunately his breathing was very even.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, and suddenly shouted, "Li Ji!"

Li Ji didn't wake up, but Xiaolong who was sitting on her shoulder was startled, and his head was pulled out of her hair suddenly.However, it glanced at the ground, let out a short cry, and hid its head behind her neck again.

"Little Dragon?"

Ying Baoyue glanced at the little dragon who was hiding his figure like an ostrich, and was startled.

What is it hiding?
Before she could think too much, a slight sigh suddenly came from the ground.

"Li Ji?"

(End of this chapter)

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