Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2126 The reason

Chapter 2126 The reason
The reaction speed of the celestial cultivator was still fast, and Li Ji sat down again in time, his clothes just slipped to his waist.

Ying Baoyue turned her back, "Put on your clothes."

Li Ji stared under the black clothes without saying a word, "My clothes..."

"I don't know, I didn't take it off anyway."

Ying Baoyue immediately distanced herself from the relationship.

Although she didn't see nothing at all, she had already seen Li Ji's upper body when she sealed his acupoints with golden needles before, this time she just saw the front side that she didn't see clearly before.

Li Ji froze, "I'm not..."

"It's not what?" Ying Baoyue turned her head slightly.

Li Ji swallowed half a breath, feeling a little weak, "It's nothing."

Some things just get darker and darker, and he can only hold back his doubts in his heart.

Li Ji slightly lifted the black clothes covering his body, took a silent look, and closed them again.

He remembered the dream he had before and sighed deeply.

"what happened?"

Hearing his sigh, Ying Baoyue was a little worried, "You didn't lose anything, did you? Is the space artifact okay?"

"It's okay, it's still there," Li Ji touched the black jade hanging on his chest, even if all the clothes on his body were stripped off, as long as this thing is still there, he will be fine.

He looked around at the fragments of clothes around him, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

The black clothes covering his body were not the ones he was wearing originally, but the spare clothes he put in the magic weapon of space.

The space magic weapon is owner-recognizable, and only he can take things out of it, but he has no memory of taking out the clothes at all.

Judging from Ying Baoyue's reaction, he should have been covered with this dress when she saw him.Then who exactly took the black clothes out of his space magic weapon?

Is it himself?
Li Ji looked at his palm.

He really doesn't remember anything.

Maybe he took out the clothes subconsciously when he realized that he was naked.

I can only guess like this.

Li Ji glanced at Ying Baoyue, who had his back turned to him, with complicated emotions flashing in his eyes.

He lifted up his black clothes, stood up naked, took out the lower garment from the space artifact and quickly changed it on.This was probably the fastest time in his life to get dressed, and Li Ji finally breathed a sigh of relief until his whole body was completely wrapped in clothes again.

Ying Baoyue kept her body on her back from the beginning to the end and did not move, but the little dragon lying on her shoulder turned around furtively before he was fully dressed, his eyes were full of fear and curiosity, and his eyes were shining looked down.

Li Ji frowned, but before he could get angry, a pair of hands poked out from behind the little dragon's head, covering its eyes.

"No no no!"

Xiaolong couldn't help screaming, Ying Baoyue turned its head over, stared into its eyes, and said seriously.

"See no evil."

Li Ji lowered his head and tied his belt, and couldn't help but smile wryly when he heard this sentence.

Seeing the little dragon's head bouncing in Ying Baoyue's palm, he sighed in his heart, "It can look at it if it wants, it's nothing, it's still a child."


Ying Baoyue was startled when she heard this.

Although Yinglong looks like a young dragon now, how can you say that the Eight Beast God is not a child?Besides, Li Ji probably never saw the little dragon emerge from its shell. How could he be so sure that it was a child?
Ying Baoyue let go of his hand slowly, but Xiaolong had learned his lesson and didn't turn his head this time.

Li Ji stared at the back of its head, his eyes flashed.

Ying Long, unexpectedly turned into this appearance.

Although he told Ying Baoyue that he didn't remember anything, but that was only after coma.

In fact, just before he fell into a coma, he heard the voice of Ying Longshen.

The reason why he ran to the lake before was because of that voice.

It was a mournful hoarse voice full of pain.

Li Ji didn't know what was going on with him, but when he heard that voice, he seemed to understand it.Not only did he know that the voice came from Ying Long, but he also heard what he meant.

From the voice from the bottom of the lake, he understood that God Yinglong was about to kill himself, and he also heard God Yinglong's anger towards the world and the practitioners. At the same time, he realized that once God Yinglong died in this lake, the entire canyon will be submerged in black mud.

Li Ji was startled when he first heard that voice.But after his observation, he found that neither Ji Jiashu nor Ying Baoyue heard the voice of Ying Longshen.

Maybe there is some purpose for Yinglong God to let him hear it.

Inexplicably, Li Ji felt that Yinglong God was calling him.

When he jumped into the lake before, he was actually prepared to die here.

Even if he dissipated all the true energy in his body, it might not be enough to stop God Yinglong, but Li Ji had a feeling that if he died, he might be able to appease Yinglong's anger.

Li Ji couldn't explain why, but he just somehow felt that this would work.

In the end, after talking with Huali, he made a decision.

No matter whether Ying Baoyue is inside or outside the lake, once the God of Yinglong falls, everyone in this canyon will not be spared.

In this case, you can only go up.

If killing him alone can appease Ying Long's anger, it would be worth it.

This is what he really thought when he went down to the lake.

Li Ji looked at the little dragon cub on Ying Baoyue's shoulder with complicated eyes.

The culprit who made him look death at home before has become like this now.

Li Ji never expected that although he jumped down the lake with the thought of dying, he passed out not long after entering the lake. In the dimness, he seemed to hear the last voice of Yinglong God.

But that was also an extremely short moment, and after listening to it, his consciousness sank into darkness again.

So, did he come in handy last night?Who the hell broke his clothes?
Li Ji's gaze lowered slightly, Yinglong Shen's last voice sounded neither desperate nor painful, but rather joyful, as if his long-awaited wish had been completely fulfilled.

But if Ying Longshen really had nothing to worry about when he finally died, then he should have completely dissipated, so how could he become what he is now?
Changing back to the appearance of childhood, starting everything from scratch, this is obviously nostalgic for the world.

"Li Ji?"

Ying Baoyue heard the rustling of the clothes behind her gradually disappearing, but Li Ji never told her to turn around, and couldn't help but yelled.

"Oh, it's okay, you can turn around now, I'm ready."

Li Ji came back to his senses and said hastily.

Ying Baoyue turned around and looked him up and down, "Since you're fine, why don't we go out first?"

Li Ji nodded, and picked up the Juque sword from the ground.

Not only did he sleep under the black clothes before, but the Juque sword was covered under the black clothes and placed beside his legs.

Looking at the long sword in his hand, Li Ji's eyes became deeper.

(End of this chapter)

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