Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2136 Gong Wei

Chapter 2136 Gong Wei
Ms. Yao took the note from Lou Xiaolou's hand, and her fingers trembled uncontrollably when she opened it.

The words on the note were crooked, and it looked like it was copied by Lou Xiaolou.

Seeing Ms. Yao staring at the handwriting on the note, Lou Xiaolou explained, "I intercepted this from a carrier pigeon. To avoid the other party's suspicion, I copied it and put it back."

Ms. Yao settled down, "Then how do you know that there are other notes?"

"There are traces of being torn on the original document, and I saw several other carrier pigeons flying by," Lou Xiaolou said, "But those pigeons were closely followed by the Black Snake Guard, and I dare not continue to chase them."

Lou Xiaolou's voice was flat, but Ms. Yao could imagine how dangerous the situation was.

After Ying Hanri came to the throne, he set up the Black Snake Guards in the palace, following the example of the Black Tiger Army led by Chief Commander Lin Shubai.But this group of people are not soldiers guarding the border, but personal secret guards who are specially responsible for protecting Ying Hanri. Among them are not only high-level practitioners, but also many eunuchs who practice magic.

The Black Snake Guard doesn't need to ask for instructions to kill someone, as long as he judges that someone is a threat to Ying Hanri's safety, he can kill him first and then act later.This group of people wandered up and down the Efang Palace on weekdays, killing people invisible, they were extremely sinister existences.

To be able to snatch this note from the hands of the Black Snake Guard is something that no one without audacity can do.

Ms. Yao's heart beat faster, she looked at Lou Xiaolou and frowned, "Even if it is to fulfill His Highness's request, have you forgotten that His Highness asked us to remember to protect ourselves first? You are so adventurous, what if something happens?"

The palace in front of her was the place where she had lived for more than ten years, but after coming back, Ms. Yao only felt that this was a gloomy prison, which was very strange.

If Lou Xiaolou was arrested and she was trapped here alone, life would be worse than death.

"It's okay, I have a sense of propriety," Lou Xiaolou urged, looking at the note in Lady Yao's hand, "Where's Your Highness's kit? Quickly take it out and compare it."

Of course he knew that his previous actions were risky, but they had been in Efang Palace for almost three months, and there was no progress in what Ying Baoyue explained, so he was really anxious, so he seized the opportunity to take the risk.

"The kit is here."

Officer Yao stroked her chest, untied the complicated knots in her shirt, and took out two kits from the most hidden pocket of her inner shirt.

One of them was exquisite in style but the fabric was old. She took it out and put it back carefully.

The small building of the bag was very familiar to him. He didn't know what was in it, but he knew that Ms. Yao had always carried it with great care, and it was the most important thing to her.

After putting back her kit, Ms. Yao picked up another kit with a newer fabric in her hand, and took out a piece of yellow paper from it.

After unfolding, I saw the names of many medicinal materials densely written on the yellow paper.

"This is written by His Highness himself..."

Lou Xiaolou stared at Ying Baoyue's handwriting on the yellow paper and held his breath.

Ms. Yao was also a little excited, and under the faint moonlight, the two carefully compared the contents on the yellow paper and the note.

After a while, Ms. Yao raised her head and looked straight into Lou Xiaolou's eyes.

"That's right."

The note that Lou Xiaolou brought said that it was also medicinal materials.Ms. Yao and Lou Xiaolou didn't understand medical knowledge, but at least they both could read and write.

The names of medicinal materials handwritten on the kit that Ying Baoyue gave them were all arranged in different categories, and there were notes on the function of which medicine.

Through comparison, Ms. Yao quickly found out which type of herbs belonged to on the note that Lou Xiaolou brought.

Looking at those words, her voice trembled a little.

"Urge, induce labor."

Lou Xiaolou's pupils shrank slightly when he heard this, "Did you see any clues when you stayed beside the queen?"

Miss Yao shook her head.

Lou Xiaolou sighed and frowned.

Before, Ying Baoyue arranged for the two of them to go back to the former Qin Dynasty to find out the news, and assigned them a division of labor.According to Ying Baoyue's arrangement, after a period of extremely hard work, they finally ambushed into their current position.

Lady Yao took the place of another court lady, entered the Linhua Palace where the former Queen of Qin lived, and became the maid of Linhua Palace.

Lou Xiaolou took the place of a military officer and became the guard outside Linhua Hall.

It is dangerous to replace other people's identities, so they replaced people on the fringes of Linhua Palace at first.Because there are still many people in this palace who know them, so they all wear human skin masks made by Ying Baoyue.

But I have to say that Lady Yao is more capable than him in the palace. In less than two months, she has changed from a peripheral maid in charge of cleaning to Queen Yelujing's personal maid, and she is deeply trusted by the other party.

He can only guard the periphery, intercepting some secret letters at most.Before, Lou Xiaolou also thought about infiltrating the Black Snake Guards in order to obtain more information, but Ms. Yao tried her best to stop her, so she had to give up.

Lou Xiaolou looked at the note in Lady Yao's hand. The letter he intercepted today was written by the former Queen of Qin.

Although Yelujing was a serious queen, during the time they lived in Linhua Palace, they each discovered the abnormality of this queen.

As a pregnant woman, Yelujing would not call the imperial doctor immediately if she felt unwell, instead she would only go to two people.

One was Shi San, who was the deputy commander of the Black Snake Guards specially sent by Ying Hanri to protect Yelujing.

The other person is called Jinyun, who is a big-time magician, who is said to be able to communicate with gods and gods in the sky.

This person has been in Efang Palace for less than a month, but he has already been regarded as a guest by Ying Hanri. He has to see this person every day to discuss immortal arts with him, and even opened a platform for him in Efang Palace, saying that It is Penglai Terrace.

Ying Hanri gave Jinyun a thousand taels of gold to specialize in alchemy on this platform, and a few days ago he told all the ministers that he would be named a national teacher.

The reason why Lou Xiaolou, as a fringe guard, knew about this was because an old minister heard this sentence and directly hit a pillar on the main hall. Not far away.

As a result, this incident caused a lot of trouble in the city.

However, as the guard of Linhua Palace, Lou Xiaolou has not seen this Jinyun with his own eyes.

When Yelujing had abdominal pain or was not feeling well, she would ask someone to invite Jinyun.But Jinyun never responded, but sent people to politely decline the queen's invitation, usually saying that he was busy with alchemy or asking the queen to go to the imperial doctor Yunyun.

Queen Yelu couldn't call Jinyun, so she had to call Shi San who was in charge of protecting her.And there was usually only one thing she asked Shi San to do, and that was to deliver letters outside the palace.

The former Queen of Qin was able to send the letter outside the palace. When Lou Xiaolou found out about it, she was shocked.

What was even more shocking was that Shi San not only delivered the letter to Queen Yelu, but also helped hide it from Ying Hanri.

As for why the hidden guards sent by Ying Hanri bypassed his master...

If he guessed correctly...

Ying Hanri's leader of the hidden guards has changed from a man of the former King of Qin to a servant of the former Queen of Qin.

 Well, in the former Qin Palace, it’s very exciting
(End of this chapter)

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