Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2142 Full Moon

Chapter 2142 Full Moon
The cat appeared quite out of the blue.

No one saw where it climbed up from, it just appeared there in a flash of consciousness.

The reason why Murong Heng noticed this cat was because it happened to be in his way.

"Is this... a tabby cat?"

Ying Baoyue and the others also noticed the cat, surrounded them, and looked at the cat in surprise.

This is a snow-white cat, but its body is covered with pure black markings, much like the tabby cat that Ying Baoyue has read about in a book.

But the cat's demeanor is more eye-catching than the unique pattern on its body.

The cat was sitting upright with its front paws on the ground, its big crystal eyes were piercing, like a pair of small moons, and it was looking at Murong Heng for an instant.

Strange to say, Ying Baoyue could see a serious look in the cat's eyes.

"You are……"

Huali squeezed out from the crowd, staring at the cat, dumbfounded.

"Hua Li, do you know it?"

Ying Baoyue took a closer look at the cat on the ground, and his heart skipped a beat.

The pattern on the cat's body was familiar to her for some reason.

Huali's eyes wavered suspiciously, she turned her head away, "I don't seem to know it..."

At this time, the tabby cat that had been staring at Murong Heng on the ground looked up at her, and yawned gracefully.

"You are really a noble person who forgets things a lot. You have forgotten me in more than ten years."

It was the voice of a little boy, very childish.But when they heard the cat talking at first, Chen Zichu and the others were still scared and took a few steps back.

"The cat said, talked..."

"What is there to be afraid of now?"

Yeluhua glanced at them speechlessly, "Did you see them less in Xiling Snow Mountain?"

Not to mention the ones that are far away, the one that Ying Baoyue is holding is the one that is near.

Cats are much more common than dragons anyway.

As soon as the other party spoke, Ying Baoyue knew that her guess had come true. She reached out her hand helplessly and turned Huali's head away, "Huali, do you want to explain?"

The pattern on the cat's body is very similar to that of the White Tiger God, and it seems to be closely related to Huali. It is almost certain that it was born in Xiling Snow Mountain.

Huali turned her head and glanced at the white cat on the ground, her face full of bitterness and hatred.

"Full Moon, why are you here?"

Full moon?

Ying Baoyue looked at the white cat on the ground curiously. This beast is called Full Moon?
She had never heard of it before.

The white cat elegantly placed its front paws alternately on its chest, staring at Huali, "Sister, shouldn't you ask me when I woke up first?"

elder sister?wake up?
Ying Baoyue was taken aback, these words were a bit too informative.

Huali sighed resignedly, looked at Ying Baoyue and introduced, "Baoyue, let me introduce, this is my younger brother, named Man Yue. He has been sleeping under the ice of Feixian Peak before, so you guys Never seen him."

Huali's younger brother?
So this is a male cat?
Ying Baoyue looked at the queen-like white cat on the ground with amazement.

She remembered that Huali's original form was an eight-tailed cat, so this one is also an eight-tailed cat?

What happened to just sleeping?

Why does Huali seem a little shy about talking about him?
Huali breathed out, "Manyue, let me ask you why you woke up."

"When the king of the world is angry, I wake up."

The white cat stood up with a proud face.

Wang Qi is born?

Ying Baoyue frowned slightly, for some reason, she remembered the Zhu Yan she met in Xiling Snow Mountain before.

At that time, Zhu Yan cut off the rope hanging from Ying Xun Huo Zhan on the snow, almost killing the two of them.

The emergence of Zhu Yan means that there will be a military disaster in the world where the dynasty will change.

But now this white cat said that there will be a royal spirit in the world.

Many omens have gathered together, as if they all imply that there will be major changes in the Shanhai Continent.But Ying Baoyue doesn't like these nagging talk very much.

At the same time, she also roughly understood why Huali was at odds with this younger brother. In terms of personality, the two were completely different.

"Imperial air?"

Sure enough, the corners of Huali's mouth twitched when she heard the words, and she frowned speechlessly, "Manyue, I was wrong to bury you in the ice back then, but I don't remember you having such a skill."

"Hmph," the white cat snorted coldly, "Do you think you can bury me? The king's way is not happy, it's just that I'm too lazy to come out."

This cat is really naughty...

Ying Baoyue knelt down and asked, "How long did you sleep for?"

The white cat glanced at her, with strange eyes for some reason, "20 years."

20 years?
Ying Baoyue was taken aback for a moment, it was almost time for the former dynasty to fall.After that, Emperor Ying established the Great Qin and ruled the world. It stands to reason that it was the time when the kingly way was prosperous.If what the beast said was true, why didn't he wake up at that time?

"Okay, stop bragging," Huali coughed, "Manyue, what are you doing here? No, what did Big Brother ask you to do?"

"If I'm not mistaken, it was Big Brother who dug you out?"

The white cat straightened its posture again, cleared its throat, and looked at Murong Heng, "You are Murong Heng, right? I'm here to find you."


Murong Heng was taken aback, "White Tiger God asked you to come and find me?"

"To be more precise, it was your sister who asked me to come to you."

The white cat raised its chin, "touch your chest."

Murong Heng hurriedly touched the spirit stone hanging on his chest, and found that the stone was actually warm.

Li Ji was taken aback when he saw this scene, and also took out the spirit stone in his arms.

Speaking of which, since he left the White Wolf King's Court, he has never received a message from the mountain ghost again, and Lingshi seems to be completely silent.He thought that as they walked further and further away, the mountain ghost and the White Tiger God had lost control of the situation on their side.

Now it seems that the mountain ghost has always been there?
The white cat glanced at the spirit stone in Li Ji's hand, and twitched its eyebrows.

According to Shan Gui, probably because of blood relationship, she could only feel the news of the spirit stone in Murong Heng's hand.

"The mountain ghost has been paying attention to your movement, but because you have walked too far, she can only perceive your general position, but she doesn't know what happened to you."

But at least she had been able to know where the group of people had gone before, and knew that Murong Heng was still alive.

"Just five days ago, you completely lost the news, and that girl was in a hurry."

Ying Baoyue understood that at that time they entered the psychedelic valley, and all fell into the enchantment of Yinglong God. Under the isolation of divine power, the mountain ghost naturally couldn't feel them.

"My elder brother had no choice but to find me."

The white cat licked its paws and looked proudly, "In the whole world, I am the only one who can come to this damn place in just five days."

Although the heavenly cultivators and the eight beast gods can also run for thousands of miles, their targets are too big and their aura is too strong, so they are easy to be discovered.

But he is different.

 proud kitten

(End of this chapter)

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