Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 215 True Gold

Chapter 215 True Gold
"This woman..."

"What kind of sword technique did she use just now? Where did this person come from?"

Some practitioners in the audience finally couldn't help asking each other, but the next moment, their voices became smaller and smaller under the glaring gaze of the Huoyuan disciples.

At first, everyone thought that this was a sword fight with great disparity in strength, and that it was Ye Siyuan, the big brother of the Fire Academy, showing off his strength again.

But no one expected the opening of this duel to be like this.

Even if it is a certain water courtyard leader who wants to put out the fire courtyard's prestige.And the big brother of a certain water academy who watched coldly and didn't want to talk.

"Master, she..." Mr. Zhenshan closed his eyes and sighed inwardly when he heard the disciples around him rarely make a sound.

The old man spoke slowly, with a voice that only Xu Yishan could hear.

"That's not swordsmanship."

"Not swordsmanship?" Xu Yishan repeated in a daze. The woman's movements were so simple that they didn't look like swordsmanship, but as a practitioner, he still had a little luck in his heart.

He was not Ye Siyuan, he would not suspect that the woman used some kind of trick, but only thought that it might be some exquisite sword technique.

But when he heard his master's assertion at this time, Xu Yishan was completely confused.

The four schools of swordsmanship, wind, fire, water, and thunder, were born prior to the practice system of Emperor Taizu, and existed when practitioners grew wildly.Although there are at most a dozen sword moves in each type, each move is the accumulation of painstaking efforts and talents of countless senior practitioners from ancient times to the present, and it is the spiritual support of high-level practitioners.

The more tricks, the thicker the accumulation of this sword sect is. Each generation of masters spends their whole life, maybe they can only create one or two tricks on their own.

Among the Four Swords School, the most existing sword moves are Water Sword and Fire Sword.

There are 12 swords in total, among which the No. [-] style is the sword technique created by Mr. Zhenshan, which Xu Yishan has not mastered yet.

Before this dynasty, the moves of the fire sword were far less than that of the water sword, originally there were only ten moves, but the existing fire sword has eighteen moves.

Xu Yishan took a deep breath looking at the slender figure of the girl on the high platform.

The first ten swords of the fire sword are traditional swordsmanship, and the last eight swords belong to the era of genius.

Among the eighteen moves of the fire sword, Lin Shubai, the chief minister, monopolizes four swords, Ji Mo, the master of the Southern Chu State, creates two swords, and the remaining two swords only exist in legends.

Because of the last two swords in the legend.

From the hands of a girl who only lived 18 years.

Shao Si ordered Lin Baoyue.

Creating sword moves is something only a master-level person can do, and it is even a pioneering feat that can only be realized after living to the end of life. Therefore, countless practitioners want to create their own swordsmanship throughout their lives, and leave their names in history.

But he couldn't do it all his life.

Even if it is done, it will be very difficult to gain recognition and be included in the four major sword sects of Fenghuoshuilei.

So when this news came, the old people in the practice world refused to admit it, and in addition, Shao Siming rarely participated in private fights, and the last two swords of the Fire Sword were rarely seen in the world, and only a few people had seen them, so The fire sword has only sixteen swords on the bright side.

And after the death of Da Si Ming Lin Shubai, the fire magician was ashamed to be with him, and no longer recognized the last four swords. Only the twelve swords of the fire magic sword were widely circulated.

From the birth of sword techniques, one can understand the preciousness of these sword techniques, and these sword techniques are not only precious, but also extremely difficult to cultivate.

Even the inner disciples of the Upper Fourth Palace of Jixia Academy, few of them can learn all the sword skills.

Xu Yishan's eyes were slightly cold, as if he hadn't mastered all the twelve moves of the Water Sword, and neither had the elder brother on the opposite side.

Although Ye Siyuan concealed it very well, Xu Yishan knew very well that Ye Siyuan only knew ten swords.The only person in Huoyuan who has mastered a complete set of twelve swords is Meng Shi, the stepson of the current Northern Wei Dynasty.

But now in the entire Jixia Academy, Xu Yishan only knows one person who has mastered the complete set of sword techniques of this school.

That is Mr. Chunhua, Ji Jiashu.

So Ji Jiashu was the strongest of their generation, Xu Yishan was convinced.

But he couldn't accept that he could defeat someone who had learned the Four Great Swordsmanship without using any swordsmanship.

This is a blasphemy against the tradition of practitioners, and it is also a blow to Xu Yishan's long-held beliefs.

However, at this moment, feeling the ups and downs of his disciple Zhenyuan, Mr. Zhenshan said in a timely manner, "The first move just now is just the girl's cleverness, three points of luck, three points of cleverness, and three points of negligence on the opposite side." You can do it, you don’t have to worry too much about it.”

At least...Mr. Zhenshan squinted his eyes. The scene just now cannot be replicated. It cannot be done by another person or at another time.

If it wasn't for Ye Siyuan who wanted to make a quick decision, this woman's plan would not have worked.

But Ye Siyuan will definitely fight her head-on in the future, the moves without any swordsmanship just now cannot be effective anymore, everyone can see her predicament.

But that woman actually challenged Ye Siyuan head-on.

What the hell is she thinking?
Looking at the girl standing on the high platform holding a sword and smiling, that smile seemed to be full of magic, and even made people feel that the girl was very happy at this time.

It's just like……

Seeing Ying Baoyue's smile on the high platform, Ye Siyuan's anger surged from the bottom of his heart. He gritted his teeth and touched a hard object in his sleeve with his fingers. The next moment he pulled a sword flower again, and the sword energy shot out from his body .

"Dang" a crisp sound!
For the first time on the high platform, there was the sound of swords colliding!

Everyone's eyes were blurred, only to see the long sword in Ye Siyuan's hand flying, and the raging flames were ignited again, and this time the flames were more fierce, and what made everyone feel even more terrifying was that at the moment when the flames ignited, Ye Siyuan's hand The long sword on it suddenly disappeared.

"Hundreds of flames!"

Amid the astonishment of the crowd, Xu Yishan's eyes widened.

Chen Zichu, who was not far away, fell into despair.

No one expected that Ye Siyuan would be so terrific in doing things, that he would throw out the eighth sword of the Fire Sword to a cultivator of the ninth rank!

The reason why it is difficult for future generations to create sword moves is that the newly added sword moves must be stronger than the previous sword moves.

Among the four major swordsmanship, as the ranking of moves increases, the complexity and power of the sword moves will increase.

What Ye Siyuan used at this time was already one of the unique skills of the Fire Sword.

The eighth sword, Baihuoxuan.

This is hardly a move, because just like the name of the sword technique, this sword is equal to a hundred swords, with an extremely complex structure and endless changes.

One trick is equivalent to a hundred tricks.

A practitioner who faces this move for the first time will only feel that there are a hundred moves waiting for him ahead.


Ye Siyuan was panting heavily, being restricted to rank nine, he almost didn't use this sword move, but he was indeed a genius, even though his sword intent was damaged, he managed to do it.

The other disciples were once again shocked by the master's profound skills, but the next moment, Ye Siyuan's eyes froze.

The sword strokes in his hand flowed like clouds and flowing water, endlessly, without coming to an end.

But the girl's sword in front of her didn't come to an end.

Ding ding ding.

The crashing sound like a gust of wind made everyone's scalp tingle.

And everyone just stood under the stage and stared blankly at the dazzling scene in front of them.

The girl raised her hand, turned around, and dropped the sword, but she turned it around in front of her chest, changed hands again, turned sideways, carried the sword on her back, the sword came out of her shoulder and neck, but fell into her right hand, turned around again, and the sword came out of her left armpit. She came out and hit Ye Siyu's ghostly sword from the lower side. The sword deflected, and she walked away as soon as she touched it, and the tip of the sword turned outward again...

Repeatedly, endlessly.

"She does not use swordsmanship."

Xu Yishan stood stiffly in the distance, watching this terrible scene, and his left arm suddenly hurt, and he saw his master holding his arm tightly.

I don't know who he is talking to, but Mr. Zhenshan repeated, "This is not swordsmanship."

Ye Siyuan's movements were mechanical and orderly, like a well-drawn sword manual, but the girl's movements were not.

Like a child wielding a wooden sword, there is no way to do it, and it is patchwork.

But it is terrifyingly casual, terrifyingly precise, and terrifyingly flexible.

It's like a game that tests reflexes, but the woman can always tell where the sword will be, and the heavy long sword swirls lightly in her hands, regardless of her dominant hand or even the way she holds the sword. The girl made an unimaginable angle, like a trick, but also like a miracle.

"She's not swinging a sword," Mr. Zhenshan murmured, "she's playing with a sword."

Follow your heart.

The sword is like a part of herself.

"It's about to start."

No one knew that at this time, on a boulder by the sea in Lancang, South Chu, there was a snake lying on the rock basking in the slightly exposed sun.

The black-haired woman in black looked in the direction of Nan Chu Danyang, with a smile on her lips.

Just like the first time she saw the five-year-old girl who could sleep soundly on a stone with a sword in her arms.

Even if that person's memory is taken away, some things will never disappear, just like real gold will never be afraid of fire.

"Come on, hug the moon."

Teng Snake raised his glass to the heavy rain.

"Let those young cubs see."

The awakened god laughed lightly.

"What is a master of swordsmanship?"

(End of this chapter)

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