Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2153 Persuasion

Chapter 2153 Persuasion

Chunyu Ye frowned, "Where are you going?"

Just now he was thinking about going to suppress the rebellion, but Ying Baoyue stopped him, and now she wants to leave?

I haven't figured out the blood line yet, where does she want to go?

"Wait, Ying Baoyue, do you already know the intention of the Beast God, but you are not going to tell us?"

Chunyu Ye squinted at her.

The little boy transformed into Yinglong is snuggling in her arms. According to what the little ghost said just now, Ying Baoyue should be on the verge of life and death just like them. sad?
Is this normal?

"I don't know," Ying Baoyue said with a calm expression as she hugged the child in her arms.

She knew what Chunyu Ye was suspicious of. She had indeed dealt with the beast god more, and was even raised by Teng Snake herself.

But even so, she didn't know what Teng Snake wanted to do by adding this line of blood to them.

The wings of the Soaring Snake are the place where the divine power of the Soaring Snake gathers, which also means that this is also the place where the divine nature of the Soaring Snake is the strongest.

Ying Baoyue lowered her head slightly, her eyes were complicated.

Divinity and humanity are actually opposites to each other.

People's joys, sorrows, sorrows, benevolence, righteousness and morality are all things in human nature, but they do not belong to gods.

After all, God and man are different.

The Teng Snake who was with her master was arguably the most humane animal god in the world, so she often called the woman in black "she" instead of "he".

But even so, this does not mean that the part of Teng Snake that belongs to the gods has disappeared.

Once the Teng Snake gets angry, it is still the god who can block the sun and the moon and drown the mountains and rivers.

Ying Baoyue is in a complicated mood. Rather than saying that she understands the gods, it is better to say that she understands the human part of the gods.But the part that belongs to divinity, she doesn't understand and can't understand.

After all, she is human and does not understand what God thinks.

But what they are facing now is precisely the part of Teng Snake that belongs to God.

This is also the most unpredictable and most ruthless part.

The will of the gods cannot be guessed by people, nor can they be guessed.

Ying Baoyue looked at the blood line on her forearm. Now the line was already feeling a slight pain. As the blood line moved up a little bit, she estimated that the pain would become more and more intense.

When this line comes to the shoulder and armpit, the pain will also radiate to the heart.What Xiaolong said is right, if this development continues, even practitioners of higher realms will be killed on the spot.

Chunyuye was suspicious at first, but seeing the change in Ying Baoyue's gaze, he suddenly realized something, and his green pupils darkened.

Ying Baoyue seemed to really be ignorant of Teng Snake God's intentions.

That's right, if Teng Snake was going to spare her, he wouldn't have bloodlined her in the first place.

She was the first among them to descend into the Tiankeng, and also the first to be recruited.

"You don't know, then why are you running?"

Chunyu Ye sneered, "Are you rushing to reincarnate?"

Ying Baoyue glanced at him, "Then didn't you rush to suppress the rebellion just now? Aren't you going?"

Chunyuye grabbed Heli who was running beside him in a hurry, and said calmly, "It's just a bunch of mobs, it's not more important than my life."

Standing in their position, they could already hear the sounds of slaves and cavalry fighting.Although the number of slaves sounded high, the sound of countless swords piercing into flesh came, and Chunyu Ye knew that the cavalry stationed in Suiye City had probably come to their senses.

If the cavalry who are fully armed, have horses and have state-of-the-art skills can't defeat those slaves who only carry wooden sticks and iron forks, then Murong Heng's subordinates should all die.

He was just about to rush to the Elder's House, just to organize those leaderless cavalry, defeat the group of slaves in one fell swoop, win the prettiest, and teach this group of daring bandits a bloody lesson.

But even without his leadership, Chunyu Ye didn't think the soldiers in the city would lose.

Even though each cavalryman was fighting on his own, surrounded by countless slaves, and looked a bit embarrassed, but the scimitar of the cultivator chopped up the flesh and blood of the Boundless, like chopping melons and vegetables, and it was only a matter of time before the cavalry defeated the slaves.

In fact, the group of slaves who attacked the Elder's House had already suffered heavy casualties at this time.

The slaves who were full of anger and scolded the nobles before, now there was nothing but mournful wailing.

Chunyu Ye jumped on the horseback and looked at all this from a distance, feeling extremely satisfied.

Originally, if slaves could easily overthrow nobles, other cities would have been in chaos long ago.

A slave is a slave, and no amount of it can do anything.

Seeing the people around them being slaughtered gradually, the other slaves who were jostling forward showed timidity and began to back away.

"Brothers! Don't be afraid, grab these devil's weapons!"

But at this moment, an old man with gray hair shouted in front.He was surrounded by a dozen strong young slaves, their upper body was covered in blood, and they were always rushing forward most valiantly.

Hearing the old man's roar, one of the most muscular young men's eyes turned red, and a cavalryman on a tall horse was slashing and killing with a knife, but the young man rushed to him, stepped on the shoulders of the people around him, and rushed to him all at once. Under the eyes of the cavalry.


The cavalryman's eyes under the visor showed horror, and he was about to turn the head of the knife and slash at the young man, but his knife got stuck in the shoulder blade of another slave under the horse.

The young man's eyes became brighter red immediately, he stretched out his big palms like cattail leaf fans, knocked the cavalry off the horse with a bang, and straddled the cavalry's neck violently as he rode on him.


Heli seemed to know the cavalryman, he broke free from Chunyuye's palm and rushed towards him.


Surprised, Ying Baoyue stretched out her hand suddenly, but her fingertips only had time to brush against his armor.

Heli is the number one warrior in Suiye City, if he makes a move, it will inevitably affect the battle situation again, which is not what she wants.

"Ying Baoyue, what exactly do you want to do?"

Chunyuye stared into her eyes and asked in a cold voice.

Seeing that Heli had already rushed to the front of the elders' house, and the other slaves around him seemed to recognize him, the slaves whose morale had been buoyed had already become commotion again.The old man at the head took out a dagger from his pocket, and thrust it viciously at Heli, who drew his sword to block it.

no solution anymore.

Ying Baoyue closed her eyes and drew her sword out of its sheath.

A flash of anger flashed across Chunyuye's eyes, and he grabbed her wrist, "Ying Baoyue, you..."

But before he could grab Ying Baoyue, Ying Baoyue suddenly grabbed his wrist with a backhand.

"Chunyu Ye, I need your help."


Chunyuye had never heard Ying Baoyue make such a straightforward request, but the next moment she looked into his eyes, she said something even more unbelievable.

"I want you to help me, together with these slaves, overthrow the nobles in this city."

 Chunyu Ye: are you kidding me?
(End of this chapter)

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