Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2166 Transition

Chapter 2166 Transition
"Abolition of slavery?"

Chunyu Ye frowned, "What do you mean?"

He originally thought that Ying Baoyue's request was only to improve the treatment of the slaves, which would be easy to handle. As long as these slaves can really be used as an army and make military exploits, then it doesn't matter if he distributes some cattle and sheep cloth to appease them.

But hearing Ying Baoyue's tone, she actually wants no more slaves in Xirong?

"That's what you understand."

Ying Baoyue calmly looked at Chunyuye, whose murderous aura was rising again.

"Of course, I don't have the extravagant hope that there will be no more slaves in the entire land of Xirong."

After all, this is not the world she lived in in her previous life. Even if she wants to change this world, she must follow the laws of history.

Even in the six countries within the Great Wall, slavery has not been completely abolished, and domestic slaves in aristocratic families and serfs in farms abound.

But the Central Plains is still better than Xirong, at least not full of slaves like Xirong.

The environment here in Xirong is very similar to the serfdom on a certain plateau back then.

Ying Baoyue said quietly, "I hope you can write a statement in written form, as long as you are willing to resist the current White Wolf Royal Court and willing to join your slaves, starting from their generation, they can all be free .”

If they can't live on their own after they are free and sell themselves into slavery voluntarily, that's okay.

But she could not accept that these slaves could not gain real freedom after throwing their heads and blood for their own future.

Chunyu Ye narrowed his eyes and stared at the girl in front of him.

After a moment.

"Okay," he said lightly, "but not now."

What Ying Baoyue asked him to send was not so much a notice as a call to arms.He wrote such a thing, which is tantamount to completely raising the banner of rebellion and standing on the opposite side of his father.

"Now you can verbally tell the group of slaves," Chunyu Ye said with a blank expression, "If they really can gather together a force strong enough to catch my eyes as you said, then I can consider accepting your condition."

Ying Baoyue nodded.

She had expected Chunyu Ye's request before, after all, he was still a nobleman in essence.If the slaves can't bring him tangible benefits, don't expect him to make concessions.

Chunyuye's request also coincided with her previous plan for Ding San and the others.

Ying Baoyue leaned on the city wall and waved to a slave below.

"Your Highness, what's the matter?"

asked the slave, climbing up the wall.

"You go to your Ding Sangong and tell him that I have considered the matter I told him before."

"Hey, good!"

The slave glanced at the wolf's head hanging on Ying Baoyue's chest, turned around and ran away.

"Do you want to explain to me what this is. And why are you able to order these slaves?"

Chunyu Ye also looked at the wolf's head on her chest with a bad look.

"There's no need to explain," Ying Baoyue said lightly, "because this thing won't belong to me soon."

Chunyuye was stunned for a moment, when Ding San's footsteps were heard in the distance.

Chunyu Ye's eyes flickered.

It seems that this old boy has been waiting around here before.

Ying Baoyue turned around and looked at Ding San who hurried up the city wall.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, this old servant happened to be walking around here..."

Ding San also knew that he had appeared too fast, and he was going to tell a lie, but looking at Ying Baoyue's piercing eyes, he suddenly couldn't come up with the excuse he had prepared.

"It's okay, I already said I'll answer you tonight, it will save you trouble if you come soon."

Ying Baoyue looked at him quietly, took off the wolf's head necklace from his neck, and handed it to him.

"According to what I said before, this is yours."

Ding San didn't expect that she really said it, and the whole person stayed in place.

"Your Highness, do you know this is..."

He really wanted to coax the token from Ying Baoyue's hand, but she was really willing to give it to him, and he panicked again.

If Baili Cering found out later, he could certainly put the blame on Ying Baoyue, but would Baili Cering believe it?

"You don't have to worry," Ying Baoyue looked into his eyes, "Since I gave you the things, if Big Brother asks about it in the future, I will explain it to him."

Ding San heaved a sigh of relief, but felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

Ying Baoyue obediently gave him such an important thing, of course there are reasons for her own stupidity.But he didn't explain to her how much power the wolf head actually had in her hands, he really suspected of deceiving the little girl.

"Hey, don't you think you're taking advantage of it?"

Chunyu Ye watched coldly, and suddenly sneered.

"You think she doesn't know about your little thoughts? You idiot."

Ding San trembled all over, and looked at Chunyu Ye in astonishment.

Ying Baoyue didn't want to get entangled in these trivial matters, she put the wolf's head in Ding San's palm, "I did what I can do, and I hope you will do what you can do next."

Her previous agreement with Ding San was that at the price of this wolf head, Ding San would take the slaves out of the city and join other Black Tiger Army to form a formal army.

The reason why she gave him the wolf's head was to make it easier for Ding San to order other slaves and the Black Tiger Army, so that the army could quickly gather.

"This wolf head is only lent to you, not given to you."

Ying Baoyue stared fixedly at Ding Sandao, "If you fail to do what you promised, I will appear by your side at any time to take it back."

If you have the power but don't do things, that's not okay.

"I see," Ding San knelt on one knee and gave a military salute, "I will take the slaves out of the city tomorrow morning."

"Don't be too reckless when going to other places," Ying Baoyue said softly, "People are the most important thing."

Ding San nodded, stood up, and when he was about to turn around and leave with the wolf's head in his hand, he suddenly looked back at her and asked hesitantly.

"What if I gather an army, but you don't have a wolf head?"

Without a token, she would not be able to issue orders to the Black Tiger Army.

Ying Baoyue smiled, "I hope I don't need this thing when I give you an order next time."

Ding San was startled, shocked by the meaning hidden in Ying Baoyue's words.

Without relying on tokens, does she expect them to submit to her willingly?

How can it be?

Although he was muttering in his heart, he finally got the wolf's head, and Ding San didn't dare to say more, so as to save things from repeating, he nodded and retreated.

Just as he was leaving the city wall, he couldn't help but look back.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but Ying Baoyue seemed to have disappeared where she was originally standing.

Probably walked to the other side of the city wall?
Ding San didn't think much, and left with the wolf head.

However, he didn't know that the moment he saw was not an illusion.



"Embracing the moon?"

Chunyuye looked at the empty ground in front of him in astonishment.

Just after Ying Baoyue explained those things, she disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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