Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2179

Chapter 2179
Xiling Snow Mountain, Yunshou Peak.

"That silly girl..."

The contact with Xirong was completely severed. The woman in white sat on the back of the turtle, put down the long sword in her hand and clenched her lips, gnashing her teeth.

"Ayin, are you okay?"

The silver-haired boy sat beside her, and looked over worriedly upon hearing the words, and saw Murong Yin's lips turned pale, and the boy's face was full of anger.

"How dare she fight you?"

"You didn't fight me," Murongyin let out a sigh of relief, "She used the wind method to create an enchantment, which kept my wind out, and Chongming also threw it out for her."

Baihu Shenjian raised his eyebrows, "This girl is so ignorant!"

Murongyin arranged for a divine beast to deliver a letter to Ying Baoyue from thousands of miles away, but Ying Baoyue refused to accept people thousands of miles away?
Before he could finish his sentence, Murongyin gave him a sideways look, "What are you talking about? If she really wanted to be serious with me, I would have been hurt a long time ago."

Although her attainment in wind art is much higher than that of Ying Baoyue, because of the barrier of the Great Wall of Eternal Night, the power she transmits to Xirong is only one-tenth. With Ying Baoyue's current power, she can easily pass her The wind method bounced back.

But in fact, Ying Baoyue just gently blocked her wind.


Hearing Murongyin's description, the corner of Baihushen's mouth twitched.

Kindness is treated as a donkey's liver and lungs, so she just doesn't get angry, but she still defends Ying Baoyue?
"Don't blame that child," Murong Yin saw his eyes, a little embarrassed, and then his eyes became sad.

"Holding the moon has her own reasons."

Ying Baoyue didn't hesitate to block her style and didn't want her to hear that name, just because that person was too important to her.

No, maybe that person's father was too important to her.

Murong Yin sighed in her heart, "Having been forced to this extent, she still misses her old love."

Ying Baoyue became the former King of Qin, but he was forced to the edge of a cliff and had to go.

The influence of the Chanyuan has infiltrated into the Afang Palace, and the former Qin Dynasty is about to become the second Northern Wei Dynasty.But Ying Hanri is not as good as Yelulang, who has a good son and a good wife, and can survive the coup.

If Ying Hanri is completely controlled by the Xirong people, or if the Xirong people support an unidentified posthumous son to come to power, then the former Qin Dynasty will completely fall, and Ying Baoyue will have no hometown and no way out.

As the princess of the former Qin Dynasty, she had to obey the orders of the former Qin king in principle.No matter who the new king is, her end will be unimaginable.

Winner and loser, no matter who becomes the new former Qin king, Ying Baoyue will have a hard time in the future.

Similarly, the life of the people in the former Qin Dynasty will not be easy.

Although the princess becoming a king is shocking, Murongyin herself as a princess has never thought of such a thing, but after calming down and thinking about it, she can understand why Mu You made such a shocking choice as a veteran minister.

Just because the former Qin people had no choice.

Except for Ying Baoyue, there were no uncontrolled descendants in the former Qin royal family.

Except for her, they were all puppets.

Even if the ministers find the descendants of the clan as heirs, there is no one among the descendants of the Ying family who is as capable as Ying Baoyue.

It's just changing from one puppet to another.

It has to be said that Mu You is a loyal minister of Daqin.If he is really greedy for power and position, he can come out as a powerful minister at this time and support a clan child to fight for the throne instead of choosing Ying Baoyue, who is difficult to control.

Although the world has never thought of a woman becoming a king, Murong Yin feels that this may be the best choice for the people of the former Qin Dynasty.

Whether it's public or private, she hopes that Ying Baoyue can become king.

However, Ying Baoyue was unable to make a decision because of old feelings.

"Old love? Old love with whom?"

The silver-haired boy frowned, "Speaking of which, who is that girl afraid of dying?"

Murong Yin glanced at him, "If I'm not mistaken, it's Ying Xun."

Although Ying Baoyue covered Li Ji's mouth in time, could it be something that Li Ji could have guessed, as a mistress who knew Ying Baoyue's true identity, wouldn't she be able to guess it?

Rather, it is even more unusual for Li Ji not to know the true identity of Ying Baoyue and the emotional entanglement between her and Ying's father and son.

Thinking of the weird atmosphere he felt between the two before, Murong Yin couldn't help sighing.

If it wasn't for the fact that the identities of those two people were too special, they would be regarded as a pair of bosom friends.


Murong Yin's sigh echoed by the lake, and the White Tiger God looked over worriedly, "A Yin?"

Murong Yin shook her head, "It's nothing, I just feel that luck is tricking people."

The White Tiger God thought she was talking about Ying Xun and Ying Baoyue, and snorted disdainfully, "So that girl was just afraid of her cousin's death? If she is so merciful, she is not worthy of trying to seek the throne."

It's quite strange not to be afraid of the death of your own brother, but to be afraid of the death of your cousin.

Although Bai Hushen was disdainful in his heart, he couldn't help using his brains when he saw Murong Yin's worried face.

"Speaking of which, isn't that kid named Ying Xun the new county king? Even if the princess becomes king, he won't necessarily die, right?"

Murong Yin glanced at him, "You can't look at the surface, even if Ying Xun doesn't fight, the old officials who raised him will push him to fight."

Winners and losers, princes who fought for the throne but failed to become kings, have only died since ancient times.

Murongyin clenched her fists, why didn't she think of this before?

With Ying Baoyue's feelings for Ying Xun, it is impossible for her to watch Ying Xun die, let alone let him die indirectly by her own hands.

If Ying Baoyue wants to fight for the throne, then she will become an existence that directly threatens Ying Xun's life.

For Ying Baoyue, what kind of pain would it be in her heart at this time?

After all, Ying Xun is the child she brought into this world with her own hands.

What's more, Ying Xun is Ying Su's only heir, the last blood of Ying Su left in this world.

Murong Yin's fingertips pierced her palm, and she felt heartbroken just thinking about it, let alone Ying Baoyue, the person involved?
Regardless of whether the throne is contested or not, the girl's heart must be dripping with blood.

When Murong Yin thought of this, she suddenly didn't want to force her anymore.

"Ayin, do you want me to abolish that girl's enchantment?"

Seeing the pain on Murongyin's face, the silver-haired boy couldn't help but suggested.After all, he is the master of wind art. Even if he is thousands of miles away, as long as he uses his divine power, it is more than enough to abolish a fourth-order enchantment.

Murongyin was also very worried about the situation in Ying Baoyue's heart, and she was moved when she heard the words, "Then you try?"

"Okay, wait..."

The silver-haired boy originally agreed wholeheartedly, but just as he tried his hand, he suddenly sensed something was wrong.

"Are there other people around that girl?"

Murongyin was stunned for a moment, "Mr. Zhaohua of the Eastern Wu Dynasty is by her side."


The silver-haired boy was suddenly a little dumb, and withdrew his hand.

"Well, it seems that it is too far away, and my strength seems to be unable to reach it."

"You can't either?"

Murong Yin stared blankly at the god she served, a little surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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