Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2183

Chapter 2183
The high eaves in front of me are covered with a layer of dust, and there is no one around. If you meet them in the wilderness, you will probably think that you are in front of a temple that has been dilapidated for a long time.

"Here... is the Buddhist monastery?"

Ji Jiashu and the others stood in the grass, staring blankly at the building in front of them.

"Is there no one?"

Xirong Temple, this place seems to have been covered with a veil of mystery.

In the expectation of Ji Jiashu and others, even if it is located in the remote Xirong, the Buddhist temple should be a high-walled and deep courtyard guarded by heavy soldiers.

The true appearance of the Buddhist monastery was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

"Of course there are."

Chu Yan chuckled, "It's just that most of the people in our monastery don't live there."

Don't live on it?
Ji Jiashu frowned, "Could it be that our current position is not low enough?"

If he remembered correctly, they jumped out of a swamp, so their current location should already be underground, right?
"We are not underground yet," Ying Baoyue knew what Ji Jiashu was thinking, and said softly, "The swamp is just a cover-up, which implies a formation, and people who enter it will be transferred to another place. But the real crypt, Still under our feet."


Although he didn't know where it was, Ji Jiashu suddenly felt cool when he heard the word.Before everyone could ask, Chu Yan's eyes suddenly became serious, "Shut up! Someone is coming."

Although most of the disciples of the Chanyuan were active underground, they all went in and out through the main entrance. He heard someone walking towards the courtyard gate.

"Where are we going to hide?"

Chen Zichu dodged behind Ji Jiashu, his expression flustered.

"Hide from what? Can you hide in time?"

Chu Yan sneered, and threw a large bag of black things at the three of them with his backhand, "Change it quickly!"

Ji Jiashu was not annoyed when his head was smashed. He reached into the package and immediately understood Chu Yan's intentions.

What Chu Yan threw out was a large package, which contained several sets of pure black cloaks and several Asura masks.Ji Jiashu quickly unwrapped the package, swiped a few times, and the cloak and mask instantly covered everyone.

The three of them will be dressed up, the gate of the Chanyuan creaked, and several disciples of the Chanyuan pushed the gate open.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Chu Yan standing in front of the door with his hands behind his back. The first disciple opened his eyes wide in surprise, "Elder Thirteen, are you back?"

"Well," Chu Yan snorted softly, and said indifferently, "The mission is over."

"Second Elder was still reading last night," the leading disciple swept behind Chu Yan with a surprised expression, "These brothers..."

"A lot of people have been lost, and these are the only ones left." Chu Yan glanced at them, "You go out?"

"Yes, there seems to be something wrong with the former Qin branch hall. The second elder asked us to take a look," the head disciple replied vaguely, as if he was dodging something, his gaze casually glanced at Ying Baoyue who was beside Chu Yan glance.

Ji Jiashu's whole body was wrapped in a black robe, seeing the disciple's eyes, his body tensed up immediately.

It's because Ying Baoyue hasn't pretended yet!

There were only three sets of cloaks that Chu Yan threw to them. He wanted to ask Ying Baoyue what to do, but he never thought that the door had opened before he had time to ask.

Ji Jiashu touched the hilt of the sword at his waist with his hand hidden under the cloak.

However, these disciples glanced at Ying Baoyue, but as if they didn't see anything, they bowed to Chu Yan very naturally, "The thirteenth elder, the disciples still have a task, let's go first. "

"Well, let's go," Chu Yan raised his chin.

Ji Jiashu was stunned, watching the group of disciples pass them by without noticing.

"Speaking of which, the substitute that the Thirteenth Elder found this time is the real one in the portrait."

"That's not true, maybe that kid Muren's disguise technique has improved again."

Discussions from the distant disciples spread far into Ji Jiashu's ears. Ji Jiashu didn't raise his head until the aura of the group of people disappeared completely, "What's going on?"

Chu Yan looked indifferent and ignored his question.

Ying Baoyue glanced at him sideways, "You have a direct disciple who can change his face?"

"He will only pretend to be alone," Chu Yan smiled and looked at her, "That's you."

He knew why Ji Jiashu and the others were surprised, and the reactions of the disciples who had just left were within his expectations.

He prepared for a long time for Ying Baoyue to enter the monastery this time.

After Chunyuye and Ying Baoyue visited the monastery before, he asked his disciple Muren to change his appearance into Ying Baoyue according to the portrait circulated in the monastery every day, and follow him in and out.

His ostensible reason was that Ying Baoyue was allowed to escape from the monastery last time all his disciples participated in the search. In order to let the disciples get familiar with Ying Baoyue's appearance and catch her accurately next time, he brought her Follow the disciples to practice every day.

The reason he gave was naturally a bit far-fetched, but because Lord Yunzhong was not in the courtyard, and he was entrusted with the responsibility of acting as the Zen master, most of the elders were unwilling to offend him easily.Some elders and disciples tried several times and found out that it was really Muren who was following him, so they just let it go.

In less than half a month, everyone in the Buddhist monastery was familiar with the person with the appearance of Ying Baoyue moving in the monastery.

"It can still be like this..."

After hearing Chu Yan's brief explanation, Ji Jiashu looked at the man with complicated eyes.

Compared with Chu Yan's little trick, what is more terrifying is his intentions.

What is this man's plan for Ying Baoyue?

If he just wanted to lure Ying Baoyue into the Buddhist monastery, Chu Yan didn't need to put so much thought into it.

Most people in the monastery wear masks. Chu Yan wanted to hide Ying Baoyue, so he could just give her a mask too.

"Okay, let's go in," Chu Yan said calmly, ignoring the people with different thoughts, "after entering, remember to restrain your breath. You Central Plains people and our Buddhist disciples practice different exercises. If you don't restrain yourself Breath, once you step into the courtyard, you will be strangled by the formation in the courtyard."

Chen Zichu shuddered, "Strangle?"

"Otherwise, what place do you think this is?" Chu Yan sneered, and gave Ying Baoyue a pointed look, "These young masters came here voluntarily, and I have no obligation to protect your lives. So everyone, remember to protect your own life."

"Of course we understand," Ji Jiashu narrowed his eyes, and stood in front of Ying Baoyue before she could speak, "Baoyue, you don't have to worry about us. We are practitioners, and we can protect our own lives."

He vaguely understood Chu Yan's intentions. This person wanted Ying Baoyue to persuade them to leave and to bring Ying Baoyue into the monastery alone.

This place is full of weirdness, how can he let Ying Baoyue leave alone with this ulterior motive?

"Okay, follow if you want."

Chu Yan shrugged and walked to the plaque.

Ying Baoyue raised her head, and the big characters were still hanging brightly on the gate of the Buddhist monastery.

"All beings are suffering."

Chu Yan pushed open the courtyard door, stood behind the threshold, and stretched out his hand to Ying Baoyue.

"come in."

Come in, the man he's been waiting for years.

 Thank you for your rewards, we will update before [-]:[-] tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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