Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2195

"What do you ask for this?"

No matter how open-minded Ji Qingyuan was, he felt a little uncomfortable hearing such a private question.

"Just curious." Li Ji looked at the sand grains on the top of the cave. "When I was young, I also fell in love with a woman who was older than me."

Ji Qingyuan's ears moved, and he couldn't help being aroused.

In the past journeys, Li Ji rarely talked about himself, let alone his past affairs.This scene can be called the blossoming of iron trees, even Ji Qingyuan couldn't help but want to find out.

"How old were you when you fell in love?"

Li Ji glanced at him silently, meaning you talk first and I'll talk later.

It's not a disadvantage to get Li Ji's story, Ji Qingyuan took a deep breath.

"I saw her for the first time when I was eight years old."

The black boy in Li Ji's mask flickered, "Then you are really precocious."

Does this person have the right to speak of him?

Ji Qingyuan snorted coldly, "What about you?"

"Me?" Li Ji looked far away, "I saw her for the first time when I was about 12 years old."

"Probably?" Ji Qingyuan dissatisfied, "Can't you even remember the time when you saw your beloved?"

"It's not that I can't remember clearly," Li Ji said calmly, "I just don't know my exact age."

After all, no one ever told him when he was born, and he didn't even know his own birthday clearly.

Ji Qingyuan was stunned.

"But I probably know how many years I have lived," Li Ji said calmly, "Although I was already twelve or thirteen years old when I met her, the year after I met her, I asked her to marry me."

Why does this man sound so proud...

But it sounds like he is stronger.

"Okay," Ji Qingyuan said calmly, "You are really quick to strike."

"You are too slow to start." Li Ji glanced at him quietly, "From eight to 21 years old, why have you never told her?"

Ji Qingyuan fixed his eyes on his face, "How do you know I don't?"

"If you had said that, she wouldn't have such an attitude towards you," Li Ji's gaze was a little erratic, "She has always cherished other people's thoughts."

But in the same way, if the people around her don't tell, Ying Baoyue will act as if she doesn't know anything.

That woman, she is too smart and too gentle.

Ji Qingyuan's eyes flickered, and he looked at Li Ji strangely.

"What's wrong?" Li Ji glanced at him.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking, what position does Baoyue occupy in your heart?"

Ji Qingyuan shrugged, "Your tone doesn't sound like you're commenting on your enemy."

"I've been contradicting myself for a long time," Li Ji said calmly, "That's why I've been lying to myself all this time."

"So? Why did you lie to yourself before?"

Ji Qingyuan just asked casually, but never thought that Li Ji would look at him quietly and speak quietly.

"Because I love her."

Because, I love her.

It was such a simple five words, but Ji Qingyuan was dumbfounded.

He stood motionless in front of Li Ji, his eyes staring like copper bells.

It's no wonder that he lost his composure, but it's hard for me personally to believe that such a straightforward confession would come from Li Ji who is usually dull.

"Why, is it surprising that I said such a thing?"

Li Ji said calmly, "It's ridiculous to fall in love with one's enemy, isn't it?"

"It's not ridiculous," Ji Qingyuan settled down, "It's just that I didn't expect that Mr. Zhaohua would be so straightforward."

"What's the point of hiding things now?" Li Ji laughed at himself. "It's taken me too long to figure out this fact."

Ji Qingyuan stared blankly at the man in front of him, and suddenly lowered his eyes, "If only I had half your courage and sobriety back then, I would be fine."

"It's not because of lack of courage, is it?"

Li Ji looked at him, "It's just that some people walked in front of us and couldn't speak?"

Ji Qingyuan was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head abruptly.

"I can say this in front of you," Li Ji smiled, "If Chunhua were here, I wouldn't say a word."

If Ji Jiashu were here...

Ji Qingyuan suddenly understood Li Ji's mood.

"This is just my superficial guess." Li Ji looked at Ji Qingyuan's eyebrows, "Young Master Ji, it's not that you didn't want to say it back then, but you couldn't say it, right?"

The person I met in the Forest of the Dead in Soochow was really wonderful.

Ji Qingyuan looked into Li Ji's eyes, "I know myself, I am not good enough for her from the beginning to the end."

In her previous life, she had the eldest son of the emperor who held her in the palm of his hand.

In this life, she has been chased by the most outstanding men in their life.

He, who has not even stepped into the ground until now, has never been qualified or able to stand by her side.

Li Ji looked at Ji Qingyuan's sad and inferior eyes, opened his mouth, and finally said nothing.

Everyone has their own scruples and happiness that they are not aware of.

"Speaking of which, we're both equally unlucky."

Ji Qingyuan was only hurt for a short moment, then raised his head and smiled wryly, "It's not something a gentleman would do to fall in love with a woman who has a fiancé."

"That's natural." Li Ji looked into his eyes, with emotions that Ji Qingyuan still couldn't understand in his eyes, "If you don't mind, can you tell me about the young master's life back then?"

Ji Qingyuan opened his eyes slightly, "What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything," Li Ji said softly, "Don't worry, I won't take revenge on her until I find out who tampered with my memory."

"I'm just a little curious about what kind of person she was before she became like this."

Ji Qingyuan hesitated.But if I think about it carefully, if Li Ji can understand Ying Baoyue's personality more clearly, it may help to resolve the misunderstanding between them.

He sat down cross-legged.

"Well, what do you want to know?"

Li Ji looked deeply into his eyes, "Let's start with what happened between you and her."

Ji Qingyuan took a deep breath, "That was my eighth birthday..."



"Although she wanted to hide it from me, I knew the moment I saw her eyes that she was back."

After Ji Qingyuan said the last sentence, "I have nothing to say about what happened later, now that you are here."

Li Ji was silent for a while after listening.

He did know what happened next.

He even knew what happened to Ying Baoyue before he came to Nanchu.

"I didn't expect that there would really be people who came back from the dead in this world."

Li Ji's sigh was heard by Ji Qingyuan, and for some reason, he always felt that the tone was a bit strange.

"This can't be regarded as resurrection from the dead, it should be regarded as a seizure." Ji Qingyuan frowned, "After all, she has completely changed her appearance."

Li Ji clenched his five fingers on the sand, "What does she look like?"

Ji Qingyuan felt strange, "Why do you ask that?"

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