Big Moon Ballad

2197 Threshold

"Wait, what do you mean by that?"

Ji Qingyuan grabbed Li Ji's arm with his backhand, and a cold air rushed straight to Tianling Gai.

Li Ji's tone was very calm, but there was something strange in the so-called farewell words.

"It's nothing complicated," Li Ji smiled. "The fate of us practitioners has always been unpredictable. No one knows what kind of end awaits us if we continue to climb. I just said it casually, you don't need to worry about it."

Say it casually?

Ji Qingyuan's heart skipped a beat.

If it were another person, he might be lured by the lake, but he has been coaxed countless times in the past, and he will not easily believe the "casual words" of these high-level practitioners.

Because Ying Baoyue and his mother were like this at the beginning, they seemed to say something casually, but often every word had a deep meaning.

Maybe after leaving a sentence, we will be separated from him.

Ji Qingyuan clenched his fists, "You said, what do you mean by wishing you were still a human being?"

He stared closely at Li Ji's eyes, not letting go of any change in the other's expression, "Could it be that you will become something that is not human?"

Li Ji smiled wryly, "If I had known you were so serious, I wouldn't have said that."

He just wanted to say goodbye to the last companion he saw, but he didn't expect Ji Qingyuan to be so careful and sensitive.

"Mr. Zhaohua, I am a strict-mouthed person. There is no one else here. If something happens to you, please tell me."

Ji Qingyuan looked serious, "Although I'm not an excellent practitioner, there are some things, maybe I can help you make up your mind."

It's a bit presumptuous to say so, but among their companions, if Li Ji really has any troubles, I'm afraid he can really only talk to him.

Li Ji fell silent, what Ji Qingyuan said was right.

Among their companions, only Ji Qingyuan was really close in mental age to him.

Zhao Guang's temperament is jumpy, his mouth is not strict, and he can't discuss important matters with him.The princes of other countries have conflicts of interest with themselves, so they may not be able to keep secrets for him.

Of course, the most reliable one is Ying Baoyue.But he had some things that he absolutely couldn't tell her.

If he really wanted to ask someone for help, it seemed that he could only talk to this son of Ji Mo, whom he had never met before.

Li Ji raised his eyes and glanced at the opposite side, wondering if it was fate, the last person he saw was Ji Qingyuan.

No, not fate.

It was Ji Qingyuan who asked to stay and take care of him.

"Why, Mr. Zhaohua still can't trust me?"

Ji Qingyuan stared at Li Ji's silent and restrained eyes, and suddenly felt a little sympathetic to the man in front of him.

Li Ji was too powerful and mature, so that their traveling companions would unconsciously rely on him, and they would go to him to discuss everything and ask for his help.

But when Li Ji encounters painful things, who can this always strong man rely on?
"Mr. Zhaohua, if you are worried, I can swear that I will never tell your secret."

Li Ji sighed in his heart, if he kept silent, it would make the other party suspicious.

"Have you ever heard of what happened to Chunyu Ye on the top of Yunshou Peak before?"

"Are you saying..."

Ji Qingyuan's eyes widened. He had heard Chen Zihan mention that Chunyuye had been parasitized by the clone of the White Dog God on Yunshou Peak before, and turned into a monster that was neither human nor ghost.

But Chunyu Ye was promoted to the third rank because of this, and became a practitioner of the heavenly rank.

Li Ji mentioned this matter at this time, is it implying that he will also become like Chun Yuye back then?
Thinking of Li Ji saying that he was going to find Chunyuye next, Ji Qingyuan couldn't help shivering.

"I really just said it casually before, and everything was just my unfounded worry.

"However, for practitioners, the higher they climb, the farther away they are from people."

Li Ji's eyes were full of emotions that Ji Qingyuan couldn't understand, and he quietly looked at his palm.

"In a sense, we've long ceased to be human beings."

The closer to the way of heaven, the farther away from the way of humanity.

"From the moment we become practitioners, we are leaving the human realm."

"It's even more so after becoming a heavenly rank."

Ji Qingyuan felt cold all over, he understood what Li Ji meant.

He had heard a long time ago that the reason why practitioners of the heavenly rank are so strong that they are completely different from other practitioners is because in the process of ascending to the heavenly rank, the whole body structure of a person will change.

After all, how can a mere mortal womb be invulnerable and travel thousands of miles a day?
Nine out of ten practitioners who have advanced to the heavenly rank will fail, and failure is either death or madness because of this.After all, if you fail in the process of transforming a man into a god, you can't be a man anymore, you can only become a monster who is neither human nor ghost.

Ji Qingyuan's Adam's apple twitched, and he couldn't help but think of his mother's title back then.


In the body of a human being, he is comparable to a god.

What then becomes of the part of man himself?

"Speaking of which, I've heard a saying before that the Son of the Eight Beast Gods will integrate part of the gods into his body during the process of being promoted to the second rank," Li Ji said quietly.

Ji Qingyuan has also heard this saying, after all, his parents have a close relationship with the Eight Beast Gods.

But when he heard Li Ji mentioning this matter in this underground cave, he suddenly felt a little creepy.

"Why did you bring this up all of a sudden?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that this step is a bit similar to what Chunyu Ye encountered when he became a demon before." Li Ji smiled. "Since gods can do this, how do you distinguish between evil gods and righteous gods?"

The hairs all over Ji Qingyuan's body stood on end.

Li Ji's words were no longer outrageous, but comparing the other eight beast gods with the evil gods, he was already in a state of madness.

No, Li Ji said before that he wanted to retreat to overcome his inner demons, so what happened to his inner demons?

Ji Qingyuan looked at the man in front of him with tired eyes but sober eyes, and swallowed.

Li Ji's eyes were no longer as chaotic as last night, and his speech was also clear, not possessed at all.

Then... there are only two possibilities left.

One is that Li Ji has been completely devoured by the inner demon, and the Li Ji standing in front of him is already someone else.The second is that Li Ji has defeated the inner demon, and once again reborn and gained a new life...

For practitioners at any stage, inner demons can be regarded as the greatest test.Li Ji was already a heavenly cultivator, if he had completely defeated his inner demons at the third stage...

"It's strange to say that now, I can somewhat understand your father's mood."


Ji Qingyuan thought of a possibility, but he still couldn't believe it.

Li Ji said softly, "The way up is really cold."

It was an extremely lonely and extremely cold road.

Or, it is an inhuman road.

"Wait, Mr. Zhaohua, don't you..."

Ji Qingyuan stared fixedly at the man in front of him, as if looking at an extremely strange existence.


Li Ji looked up at him.

"I touched the threshold of the second rank."

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