Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2201 Diversion

Chapter 2201 Diversion
Under the dunes, the two men looked at each other.

Everything is silent.

"Then, Mr. Ji, goodbye."

Li Ji grabbed Ji Qingyuan's shoulder and lifted it vigorously.

Ji Qingyuan only felt that his whole body was surrounded by a powerful qi, and his whole body rose rapidly. The sand dunes above his head suddenly dispersed, countless sand grains poured down, and his vision was instantly swallowed by the yellow sand.

Li Ji's figure disappeared behind the quicksand.

"Mr. Zhaohua!"

At the moment when Li Ji was about to disappear, Ji Qingyuan didn't know where the strength came from, and suddenly shouted with all his strength.

"I wish you prosperous martial arts!"

Wu Yun is prosperous.

When he yelled these words, Ji Qingyuan felt in a daze that he had returned to the foot of Zihua Mountain in Southern Chu, the shore of the Black Sea in Soochow, and the snow mountain of Xiling in Houliao.

This sentence was the blessing that Li Ji and Ying Baoyue, their partners, would send each time before they participated in the decisive battle of the grand ceremony.

Now the ceremonies of all ranks are over, but Li Ji's battle is not over. What he is going to go to next is a decisive battle.

This decisive battle is related to the fate of many people.

At the same time, unlike every previous battle, Li Ji chose to go alone.

Facing Li Ji who was leaving alone, Ji Qingyuan could do nothing but watch him leave.

No one knows if they will meet again, but Ji Qingyuan admires this man's courage from the bottom of his heart.

With a crash, his head popped out of the dune.

Ji Qingyuan staggered, staggered a few steps and fell on the sand.

The harsh light penetrated his eyelids, and he squinted his eyes, sitting on the sand and looking around blankly.

The surrounding scenery had changed, and the sand dunes he had seen before falling had disappeared, leaving only the open wilderness.

Those sand dunes are probably all sunk into the ground.

What happened underground seemed to be a dream, Ji Qingyuan stared blankly at the empty sand in front of him, his whole body trembled.

"By the way, where's Chunyu Ye?"

Before he fell into the sand dune, he was standing in front of Chunyu Ye, but when he came out, Chunyu Ye had disappeared.

Not only did Chunyu Ye disappear, but Murong Heng and Heli also disappeared.

According to Li Ji, Chunyu Ye had already gone to other places, but in such a short time, where would Chunyu Ye go?

Why did Chunyu Ye leave suddenly?

Ji Qingyuan managed to stand up and looked at Shacheng not far away.

The small town was still shrouded in sandstorms, and there was no difference.The quieter Shacheng was, the more uneasy Ji Qingyuan felt.

If Chunyuye and Li Ji were really facing each other, the movement of Tianjie's fight could be heard ten miles away.

But he didn't hear anything.

So where are those two now?
Li Ji said before that he would catch up with Chunyuye from the ground, Ji Qingyuan didn't notice anything wrong at that time, but now he suddenly felt something was wrong.With the strength of a celestial cultivator, he can cross the mainland overnight. Where is Chun Yuye, and Li Ji wants to chase him from the ground?

Where did Chunyu Ye go?

Ji Qingyuan clenched his fists, feeling more and more anxious.

At this time, a call came from far away in his ear.

"Brother Ji!"

Ji Qingyuan looked up and saw Yeluhua and Meng Shi running side by side towards his direction.

"Brother Ji."

Yeluhua stopped in front of Ji Qingyuan, with a tense expression and guilty eyes, "Sorry, we're late. Are you okay?"

Originally, he wanted Ji Qingyuan and Li Ji to spend some time alone, so he deliberately stopped Meng Shi from arriving later.But in the process of dawdling, Ji Qingyuan's aura suddenly disappeared.

This frightened Yeluhua half to death, and hurriedly took Meng Shi to the direction of the sand dunes.As a result, the two of them ran into a black sandstorm head-on. He managed to break out with Meng Shi, but it was already a quarter of an hour late.

Fortunately, Ji Qingyuan seemed to be fine.

Yeluhua circled around Ji Qingyuan, and asked in shock, "Brother Ji, why did your aura disappear just now? Where are Zhaohua and Guihua?"

Ji Qingyuan briefly explained what happened to Li Ji and him underground.

"Mr. Zhaohua... want to settle accounts with Mr. Guihua?"

Meng Shi's voice came from one side, her eyes suddenly widened, "Wait, could it be that the black sandstorm just now was..."

"Black sandstorm?"

Ji Qingyuan frowned, "What is that?"

"When Guanghua and I arrived just now, we ran into a black sandstorm head-on," Meng Shi said solemnly.

It is not uncommon to encounter sandstorms near Sand City, but the one they encountered was pure black, as if it had been soaked in ink.When they hit it head-on, it was like being hit by iron pellets. If it was an ordinary person, they would probably be beaten with holes.

The two of them escaped after mobilizing their true energy to the limit, and the black sandstorm swept towards the north at an extremely fast speed, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Looking at it now, the black sandstorm was completely strange, and Chunyu Ye who disappeared...

"Could it be that Gui Huajun was in that sandstorm at that time?"

Meng Shi's words made the two men shudder, Ji Qingyuan and Yeluhua looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"What Meng Jizi said is entirely possible."

Ji Qingyuan calmed down and said.

If Chunyuye was really in the sandstorm, then his sudden departure might not have been his intention.

Chunyuye was probably engulfed by some mysterious force.

This can also explain why Li Ji chased him from the ground. Chunyuye was surrounded by that weird sandstorm. It was difficult for Li Ji to get close to Chunyuye when he walked on the ground.

"In any case, this is no longer something we can interfere with."

After listening to Ji Qingyuan's explanation, Yeluhua took a deep breath and said.

He and Meng Shi tried their best just now to escape from the sandstorm, and they didn't have the strength to fight against the sandstorm.

They are not qualified to participate in the battle between the heavenly ranks.

"Then what should we do now?"

Meng Shi sighed, "The person my sister asked us to take care of is gone, what should we do next? Why are you waiting here?"

Ji Qingyuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Both Li Ji and Ji Qingyuan had already left, so the three of them also lost the meaning of staying in Shacheng.

It doesn't matter where he goes, but both Yeluhua and Meng Shi are fourth-level practitioners, and they are extremely important combat forces.

After a while, Ji Qingyuan made up his mind, "Let's go to the Buddhist monastery."

"Chanyuan? Go find your sister?"

Ji Qingyuan nodded, "Are you willing?"

With the departure of Li Ji and Chun Yuye, Ji Qingyuan had a premonition that the entire pattern of Xirong was about to change.

At this critical moment, he hopes to stay by Ying Baoyue's side.

Meng Shi and Yeluhua looked at each other and nodded.

"It's not too late, let's go."

Yeluhua grabbed Ji Qingyuan's shoulders, and the figures of the three disappeared on the sand dune.

 In the next chapter, I can finally see Baoyue.Sorry for not finishing writing, the next chapter will be updated tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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