Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2253

Chapter 2253
Ying Baoyue felt that the illusion she was in at this time was very special, just like a person dreaming in a waking state. Compared with being in a dream without knowing it, she can test the lower limit of the dream now.

"Master, I was impulsive in the main hall before, which caused you a lot of trouble." Ying Baoyue took a deep breath and observed the change of Lin Shubai's expression, "I have figured it out now, you have raised me so much, I will not let you down." You can’t just take care of yourself and be self-willed.”

"It doesn't matter what position you have. If the pressure in the court is really high, why don't I go back?"

Lin Shubai froze, staring straight at Ying Baoyue, as if looking at a stranger.

"What are you talking about, kid?"

Before Lin Shubai could speak, Teng Snake couldn't help it, "You almost pierced the sky before, but Shubai managed to save you, but you want to go out again?"

"If you still want to be Daqin's immortal official, why didn't you think about it when you did it before? Do you know that Shubai..."

"Teng snake!"

Lin Shubai stopped Teng Snake, and stood in front of Ying Baoyue, with serious eyes, "I said before, there is no need to mention what happened that day, and Baoyue did nothing wrong."

"She did nothing wrong, and that bastard deserves to die, but has she considered your position? In order to save her life and Emperor Ying's bastard..."

"Teng Snake!" Lin Shubai's voice suddenly became severe, "I told you, shut up!"

Teng Snake looked unwilling, but kept silent.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to take care of your people's affairs, so you can take care of yourself," the woman in black disappeared into the void after speaking.

Ying Baoyue was left alone standing under the tree.

What did Teng Snake say just now?
What did Master and Yingdi that bastard do?Made a deal?

Thinking about it now, there was indeed something wrong with her successful retreat nine years ago.She almost killed Ying Hao, the only remaining seedling of Emperor Ying at that time, in the main hall, tantamount to threatening the imperial power.

But in the end, apart from losing her military power, she hardly suffered any damage, and it can be said that she was able to retreat completely.

Emperor Taizu, Emperor Yingdi, valued imperial power and control over other people the most.But when she retired, Emperor Ying didn't put forward any conditions to her, nor abolished her realm, nor let her be guarded. Her current state is not even confined.

But when Emperor Ying was fighting for the world, he banned a large number of princes and nobles, and even beheaded his own brother.

Compared with these people, her punishment can be said to be minimal.

Ying Baoyue is not so narcissistic that she thinks all of this is Emperor Ying's preference for her.

"Master," Ying Baoyue stood there, looking at Lin Shubai calmly, "Did you make any deal with His Majesty for my retreat?"

Lin Shubai closed his eyes, then smiled relaxedly, "It's nothing, you don't have to think too much."

"If you don't tell me, I can check it myself," Ying Baoyue looked at her expressionlessly, "You don't really think that I can't do anything if I'm trapped here?"

The veins on Lin Shubai's forehead twitched, and his eyes suddenly became serious.

"Ah Yue, I was just going to tell you that you should try not to contact Yin Chanwei during this time, especially Li Meiniang and the others."

Ying Baoyue's heart skipped a beat, "Why?"

"Recently, the situation in Xirong is not stable," Lin Shubai's eyes sank, "Besides, His Majesty intends to disband the Yin Chan Guard."

Lin Shubai glanced at Ying Baoyue, "Didn't you ask about the deal just now? This is one of the conditions His Majesty promised you to go back to hermit."

Does that mean to make Yinchanwei cease to exist?

Ying Baoyue closed her eyes, "I knew there would be such a day."

"But you don't have to worry," Lin Shubai said in relief. "It's just that the number is cancelled. I have already arranged everything. I will secretly recruit the soldiers who are still willing to stay into the Black Tiger Army to protect their lives."

Only in the near future, the Black Tiger Army will disappear.

Ying Baoyue looked at Lin Shubai's lively eyebrows, and couldn't bear to speak again.

"You also said it's just one of the deals," she sighed, "what else?"

"Other things are not a big deal," Lin Shubai said with a smile, "Your Majesty, you know that man, he just wants military power and power. I transferred part of the military power of the Black Tiger Army to him, and then used Tai'a Sword , it’s solved.”

The military power of the Black Tiger Army?Tai Ah Jian?

These are almost the two most important things to Lin Shubai!
Ying Baoyue's eyes widened suddenly, "What did you say? How is this possible?"

"Don't worry, your master is not such a bully," Lin Shubai said with a smile, "I manipulated the military power, but actually only gave it to a small part, not half of the people."

"As for Tai Ah Jian, it's even simpler." Lin Shubai narrowed his eyes, "Tai Ah Jian is very self-willed. Since he has recognized me as master, he will never recognize a second practitioner as his master before I die. Lord, even if I force Him, it won’t work.”

"So His Majesty and I just reached an agreement, and I will give him this sword after I die."

"After death?" Ying Baoyue was speechless for a while, "But His Majesty's lifespan..."

Emperor Ying is a heavenly rank, Lin Shubai is a god, does he think he will outlive Lin Shubai?

"Anyway, he thinks he can live forever." Lin Shubai winked at Ying Baoyue with a playful look on his face, "It's not good for me to dampen his self-confidence."

Ying Baoyue looked at her silently, not daring to tell her the cruel truth.

"Okay, anyway, since you have chosen to save that child, I can't say anything more," Lin Shubai sighed, "but promise me to hold the moon, and don't risk yourself again."

"I can't bear to lose you."

Ying Baoyue nodded, feeling complicated and unspeakable.

Even if she doesn't cherish her own life, she can't ignore Lin Shubai's feelings.

Eight years ago, what happened that made her choose to leave Lin Shubai so cruelly?
"As for returning to the court, let's say goodbye for the time being." Lin Shubai lowered his head, his face hidden in the shadow of the trees, "There are still many ministers in the court clamoring to punish you for serious crimes. After the limelight passes, I will arrange It's the right time for you to come back."

Ying Baoyue nodded, she had no other choice now.Since Lin Shubai didn't want to tell, she could only find a way to find out by herself.

It's just that she knew in her heart that not only did the limelight not pass away, but the situation in the court was no longer stable.

The storm that involved them all was getting closer and closer.

In just one year, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

After Lin Shubai went back, Ying Baoyue's memories suddenly accelerated.

Time flies like a white horse, and half a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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