Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2363 Sacrificial Clothes

When she left the palace?
Ying Baoyue was startled.

During the seven years from when she was ten to seventeen years old, she left Afang Palace many times.But it can specifically refer to "leaving the palace" only once.

That was a year ago when she resigned from all official positions and military ranks, including the title of princess, and was imprisoned in the cloud forest to await her guilt.

If there was any difference between that time and so many times in the past, no one saluted her that time.

The palace is the most flattering place in the world.

According to the rules in the Great Qin Palace, palace residents are not allowed to look directly into the faces of the nobles of the palace. Even if they have no time to kneel down, they must turn and face the wall. Otherwise, they will be punished with a stick or their eyes will be gouged out.

When Ying Baoyue was in power before, every time Ying Baoyue walked in Afang Palace, everyone in the palace would kneel down and give in according to the rules.

But when she left a year ago, she was no longer a celebrity in front of the emperor and a soon-to-be princess, but a sinner of the Qin Dynasty who would never recover.On the day she left, no official came to see her off, and the palace officials no longer knelt down to her.There were even many eunuchs and maids hiding in the corner, looking at her face unscrupulously while laughing and chatting.

But when most of the palace people took the opportunity to be rude, Ying Baoyue remembered that a few people still knelt down in the corner.

Among the group of palace people standing and whispering, the kneeling ones seemed extremely out of place, which left an impression on Ying Baoyue.

But she didn't expect that among the honest maids kneeling, someone would secretly look up at her.

Sensing the long silence of the person opposite, Palace Maid Yao trembled even more, "I am guilty. I know that peeking at you is a capital crime..."

Ying Baoyue sighed and reached out to pull the little palace maid up from the ground.

She actually didn't mind how rude the palace people were to her when she left.After wearing it for a while, she was not used to others bowing down to her.

"Where did your sin come from?"

Ying Baoyue forced the little palace lady Yao to sit down on the box, and sat on the other side.

"I'm no longer the princess. You don't even have to kneel down to me. What's the matter with just looking at me?"

"No!" The originally submissive little palace maid suddenly became excited, "You will always be the princess in my slave's heart, and you are the great young master Siming!"

Ying Baoyue was stunned.She carefully looked at the palace maid next to her, whom she had never seen eight years ago, and asked, "Is your hometown at the border?"

The little palace maid was stunned, "No. Why do you ask that?"

If he was the child of a common people at the border, Ying Baoyue could barely understand why the other party respected her so much. After all, she had guarded the border all year round and saved many people.

But I didn't expect that Ms. Yao was not.

"If not, why do you recognize me?" Ying Baoyue smiled bitterly.

The little palace maid in front of her widened her eyes and looked at her with a strange expression, "Is there anyone among the people of Da Qin who doesn't know Lord Shao Siming?"

But is her reputation that good?
Ying Baoyue recalled that she had been called a witch along the way and had been subjected to endless slander and abuse. She felt a little strange. Thinking of the other party peeking at her, she asked curiously, "Are you interested in me?"


The little palace maid's ears suddenly turned red and she nodded.

"Slave... I have always admired you."

"But aren't you afraid of me?"

Ying Baoyue smiled and said, "People outside now say that I am the eternal sinner of Great Qin."

"No, you are not such a person," Ms. Yao shook her head fiercely.

"Although this servant doesn't know how to practice, but..."

"But what?"

Ying Baoyue asked, it was a good thing to be favored by others, but she and Ms. Yao were not familiar with each other. She didn't understand why the little palace maid blindly chose to believe her despite all the scoldings.

Palace Lady Yao was speechless for a long time, then suddenly said, "Those people who scold you don't care about what you have done for Great Qin. They only think that you have robbed them of their things!" Ying Baoyue was stunned again.

She didn't expect that such a little palace maid living in a humble palace could have such an idea.

"No wonder Master asked you to clean here," Ying Baoyue looked around, "She asked you to clean it, right?"

"Yes," the little palace maid nodded.

"How did you bump into the Imperial Master?" Ying Baoyue looked her up and down, "You must be the Sasuo palace maid on the outskirts of the Ganlu Palace, right?"

There is also a strict hierarchy among the palace maids. Generally, only those with smart minds and outstanding looks can serve them personally.Others will be assigned other duties, and the cleaning ladies belong to the bottom of each hall.

Ying Baoyue looked at the upright little maid in front of her. It was obvious that she could not be the emperor's personal maid.

Ms. Yao nodded, "I was originally responsible for cleaning the corridor outside the hall, but once I bumped into my sister who was delivering food to His Majesty, and I was punished to kneel outside the corridor for a day and a night. I happened to be bumped into by the Imperial Master, and she asked me to follow her. ."

The sister who delivers meals to His Majesty...

Ying Baoyue knew very well that the sisters mentioned by the palace maids were not their biological sisters, but palace palace maids who entered the palace earlier than them and had higher status than them.

"You, you will always be bullied no matter what time you are."

The little palace maid sitting next to Ying Baoyue looked blankly in her eyes, "Has Your Highness ever seen me being bullied?"

We met before, but it was eight years later.

"A stupid person like me is not suitable to serve in the palace." Miss Yao looked ashamed when she saw Ying Baoyue didn't speak. "If it hadn't been for the Imperial Preceptor to rescue me, I would have died long ago. Even if I escaped, I would have died long ago." One life, I'm so clumsy, I probably won't live for a few years..."

"Don't worry, I promise you," Ying Baoyue looked at the gloomy little palace maid and reached out to touch her head, "you can live a long time. You can even become a female official in the future."

"Can I become a female official?" Palace Lady Yao looked at her in disbelief.

"That's right, believe me," Ying Baoyue stood up with a smile, "You will definitely succeed."

"You are not as clumsy as you think," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "On the contrary, you will be a clever person in the future."

The little palace maid was dumbfounded and felt that Ying Baoyue was coaxing her.

But Ms. Yao vowed to always remember the words of the person she had always admired.Even if you can’t succeed, you still have to work hard towards this goal.

"By the way, Your Highness, why did you come to Lingxiao Pavilion?" Female Officer Yao asked, "Did the Imperial Master ask you to come?"

"That's... that's right."

Ying Baoyue hesitated for a moment and was forced to choose to lie.

If the other party knew that she had come secretly without telling Lin Shubai, even if she was Young Master Lin Baoyue, Ying Baoyue would have no doubt that this loyal and stubborn little palace maid would kick her out immediately.

"Master asked me to find a piece of clothing," Ying Baoyue pointed to the sacrificial robe on her body, "It's similar to this one, but not exactly the same."

Official Yao's eyes lit up, "Are you looking for the Imperial Master's sacrificial robes?"

"you know?"

The little palace maid looked at the row of wardrobes in the depths and pointed to the leftmost door, "There."

Ying Baoyue stood up and walked to the closet door.

The moment she pulled it apart, she seemed to feel the water vapor on the scales of the Soaring Snake God rushing towards her face.

Looking at the black sacrificial dress deep in the closet, Ying Baoyue's eyes deepened.

"Ms. Yao, please help me change my clothes."

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