Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2370

Chapter 2370
This is a dilapidated courtyard.

Only half of the wooden door is left, and the overgrown weeds are half a person's height.Peering in through the rotten paper window, one could see that the furniture inside was covered in thick dust, and a spinning wheel had fallen in the middle of the room, covered with cobwebs.

Guichen held his sister's hand and stood in the yard, silently looking at their past home.

"It's only been more than half a year since I left..."

Guili looked at Guijia's small courtyard in disbelief.

What happened in this small courtyard is still vivid in my mind, but things have changed before my eyes.

Gui Li looked back at the tattered threshold.She still remembered that it was at that place that the woman who had been rescued from the mountain by her brother stepped in and revealed her identity to her father who was about to take her away by force.

The girl knocked away the bull-like soldier with one punch, and smiled at the arrogant Grand Sima of Nanchu.

"Long time no see. Guichang, do you still recognize this face?"

Gui Li stood in the small courtyard, and that scene seemed to have happened yesterday.For her, that was the moment her life changed dramatically.

Her father, who had inflicted a lot of pain on her life and was too powerful to be attached to in her heart, was defeated in front of her eyes.Even if she wasn't completely defeated, the girl showed her what courage and true strength were.

The inspiration she felt at that moment was something no one but her could have imagined.

Gui Li looked at his brother beside him, and Gui Chen was also looking at the threshold.Guili knew that his brother must have remembered that day.

But her brother's life may have changed earlier than hers.

From the moment he met the girl at the foot of the mountain, his life began to change.

This small courtyard was originally a shackles for them, but now it has become the treasure box of their lives.

"Who would have thought," Guichen walked to the well in the center of the courtyard and squatted down, "she couldn't do anything back then, so she would just barbecue in this courtyard with us."

Guili looked at his brother's back and knew what his brother was lamenting.

Both she and her brother had witnessed Ying Baoyue's weakest moments.

Who could have thought at that time that the ordinary girl squatting with them in the small courtyard to warm themselves by the fire would become a high-level practitioner in the six countries?

At that time, Ying Baoyue was not even a practitioner.

"It's a pity that sister will not come back with us again," Gui Li walked over and took his brother's hand again, feeling a little sad.

"We can't come back either," Guichen looked back at his sister, with emotions in his eyes that Gui Li couldn't understand, "A Li, I have already decided."

"What to decide?" Gui Li was frightened by Gui Chen's eyes.

In fact, she didn't understand why she was still in Xirong one moment and already at Qian Qin's home courtyard the next moment.

According to Gui Chen, it was because he wanted to take another look at Gui Home.

Gui Li didn't know why Gui Chen was coming back. The place they were returning to now couldn't be considered home in the strict sense.

"Brother, do you want to take a look at the mansion?" Gui Li asked hesitantly.

This courtyard was just the place where they lived when they and their mother were kicked out and returned home. The real home was in another direction.

"Father is not here, but Chu Ji is probably still there."

"Chuck Ji..."

Guichen murmured and repeated the name of the woman who had brought him so much pain when he was a boy.

He once regarded this woman as his biggest enemy in life, but looking back now, she was nothing more than that.

Compared with the people he met later who wanted to harm him and Ying Baoyue, that woman turned out to be nothing.

"I won't go," Gui Chen said calmly, "That's not our home."

The divine power of Soaring Snake God brought him here, probably because he sensed the hesitation in his heart and helped him cut off the last trace of hesitation in his heart.

He came here today to say goodbye to his past self.

"A-Li, I have decided." Guichen said softly, "If I see my father again, I will kill him."

Gui Li's hands trembled and he looked at his brother in astonishment.

Of course she also hated that man, maybe even more than her brother. After all, Guichang wanted to marry her to the old man to fill a house, and also sent Guichen to the death camp.

But that man was their biological father after all, and she never thought of killing him.

"A Li, my father is your majesty's supporter," Gui Chen closed his eyes, "but I will not regard the current majesty as king."

He has made up his mind to be a traitor.

Ying Hanri is not his king, but he is the returned king led by Guichang.Guichen knew very well that he and his father had reached a fork in the road.

If they meet again, even if he doesn't kill his father, Guichang will kill his son out of righteousness.

"Brother, who do you want to be your king?" Gui Li was trembling all over, "Master Xun?"

Gui Chen shook his head and looked into Gui Li's eyes.

"I swore a long time ago."

I entrust all my life to the sword that protects the princess, and regard her as my only master. We will live and die together and never be separated.

This was the oath he made outside Yunmengze when he carried his sister on his back and ran towards the girl who reached out to him in the carriage.

His king has only been her from beginning to end.

In his heart, there was only one person worthy of the supreme position.

"Let's go," Guichen took one last look at the place where it all started with his sister, then turned and stepped out of the threshold.

"To our real home."



The thick fog on the Misty Ridge was still the same as before, and it seemed so thick that there was no end.

Guichen held his sister's hand and looked at the two characters "Mu's Mansion" on the plaque hidden in the thick fog ten steps away.

He didn't expect that Soaring Snake's wings could be so powerful and actually move them from the foot of Mount Li to the Misty Ridge in the blink of an eye.He even broke through the Mu family's enchantment formation and threw them in front of the gate of Mu's mansion.

The last time they came here, all of them went through a test of fantasy before they reached the threshold of the Mu family.

Just when Gui Chen felt that all this was like a dream, there was a creak, and the door on the stone platform of Mu Mansion, which was more than one foot high, actually opened.

Guichen instinctively hid, but there was no water column coming out of the door like last time.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

A cold but familiar voice sounded above his head. Guichen raised his eyes and felt in a trance.

This scene seemed to be the same as when they first came.

The cold young man in a Confucian shirt was leaning against the door, squinting at him.

"Mu Qi," Gui Chen raised his head and looked at this traveling companion who had been traveling with him for some time.

When he left the Mu family before, it was the seventh son of Mu who led the Mu family army and followed them to the capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Xiling Snow Mountain.Later, a letter from the Mu family called these people back, and Guichen never saw them again.

Mu Qi had changed out of his fancy clothes and put on his Confucian shirt again, which seemed to show that the Mu family had returned to its previous state of seclusion.

The next moment, Mu Qi's words made everything seem different again.

Unlike the last time when he stood at the door to block people, Mu Qi turned sideways and spoke expressionlessly.

"Come in, grandpa is waiting for you."

(End of this chapter)

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