Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2390 Rescue

Chapter 2390 Rescue
There is a bright wolf head tattooed on the young man's open chest, showing his identity as a descendant of the Chunyu family.

Judging from the size of the cavalry team behind him and the feather crown on his head, there is no doubt that this is King Zhai.But he was too young and looked younger than Chun Yuye.

Baili Celing did not remember that there was a King Zhai in Xirong who was younger than Chunyuye. What was even more outrageous was that he recognized this boy.

When he was following Ying Baoyue and others, he had seen this young man with amber eyes next to Ying Baoyue.Although he has been away from Soochow for many years, Soochow is his hometown after all, and Baili Celing has not given up receiving news from Soochow.

He had also heard about this young man.

Just after the death of his sister, the King of Soochow had a concubine. He was born with an alien appearance and was not popular with others.After the death of the late king, Zhao Mu favored his younger brother, who was regarded as a bastard, and made him the county king.

When this young man appeared next to Li Ji, Baili Celing recognized him at a glance.

His Royal Highness Dongwu, Zhao Guang, King of Dongling County.

But now we can no longer call this young man that.

Seeing the young man dressed as a Xirong man with his tattoo on his chest exposed, Bailice Ling had mixed feelings.

He had guessed that this young man had Xirong blood, but he did not expect that Zhao Guang would actually appear here as King Zhai at this time.

In this situation, the Xirong people were hit harder than the rebels.

"Wait, who is that?"

"Isn't that the king's army of King Shizhai? Who is the leader? Which family does he have?"

"Why have you never seen this kid before? The son of King Shi Zhai?"

"No, King Shizhai's legitimate son doesn't look like this. Uncle Wang, have you seen him?"

The nobles of Xirong were in a mess. After asking around, no one had seen this relative.

A descendant with enough blood to ascend the throne of King Zhai, but none of his relatives knew him. This was simply outrageous.

Even Chun Yuyi and Chun Yuhe, who had originally focused all their attention on each other, were stunned.

"Ahem, cough, cough," just when all the Xirong nobles looked like they had seen a ghost, a familiar face came out from behind Zhao Guang.

"Chun Yupan?!"

"King Shiyi Zhai, do you know this guy?"

Chun Yutan appeared from behind Zhao Guang with his own king's army. He was just about to explain Zhao Guang's identity, but he was shocked when he saw Chun Yuhan's body in front of the king's tent and the two kings of Zhai who were facing each other tit for tat.

When he arrived, he saw soldiers and horses fighting in the distance. He thought there was some minor conflict between King Zhai, but looking at it this way, it was clear that something big had happened.

Chun Yutan came all the way with his troops just to take advantage of it, but he didn't expect to run into such a big scene.

There are minor conflicts here and there, this is clearly a battle for the throne!
Chunyu Tan suddenly had a headache.

His status is not enough to covet the throne, but if Haosushi comes here at this time, the contenders for the throne will definitely ask him to take sides!
He was a junior king from a remote place and had no desire to get involved in this kind of thing.

But he also brought Zhao Guang here, and he was going to become the target of public criticism.

The situation turned out as Chunyu Tang expected. As soon as he appeared, all the Xirong nobles pointed their spearheads at him.

Several strong young practitioners rushed directly in front of him and grabbed the reins of his horse.

"Don't be like this, don't be like this, we are all relatives."

"Hey, second cousin, don't be impatient."

"Uncle Third, this is a long story."

Chun Yupan smiled apologetically, and faced the crowd of nobles standing outside the king's tent, who were watching eagerly, and pushed Zhao Guang forward.

"I'm just about to introduce you all. This is the new Tenth King Zhai. His name is Chun Yuguang."


The nobles of Xirong looked at each other.

"Hey, kid, who is your father? Are you the son of King Shizhai?"

Chunyu Xiong walked out of the crowd and yelled at Zhao Guang with an evil look on his face.

He knew all of Chun Yuhan's sons, including the illegitimate ones, and could confirm that this boy was not the White Wolf King's biological son. As long as he was not the White Wolf King's biological son, then this bloodline was nothing special.

If it weren't for the wolf's head tattooed on his chest, Chunyu Xiong would have pulled down this guy of unknown origin long ago.Facing a bunch of nobles from the Chunyu family in front of me, it would be a lie to say that I wasn't nervous.Zhao Guang glanced at a carriage behind the team from the corner of his eye, calmed down, and jumped off the horse.

Judging from Chun Yutan's name, the people in front of him should all have the surname Chun Yu, but he didn't recognize any of them.

He noticed that something was wrong in the battle in the White Wolf King's Court. Looking at the corpse lying in front of the king's tent in the distance, Zhao Guang calmed down and spoke calmly, "I am the son of Zhao Dan, King of Eastern Wu. Zhao Guang ."


"People from Soochow?!"

The nobles of Xirong were immediately in an uproar.Chunyu Xiong suddenly pulled out his saber, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Hey, hey, you should finish your sentence!"

Chun Yutan shouted angrily, "You don't want to live anymore?"

Zhao Guang continued, "My mother is Princess Ciyun of Xirong."

"Princess Ciyun?"

"Who is that? Is there such a princess?"

This name once again caused a shock among the nobles.

The younger ones looked confused, but the way the older nobles looked at Zhao Guang suddenly changed.


The change in Chunyu Xiong's expression was the biggest. He glared at Zhao Guang, and his cheeks could not help but tremble.

Chunyu Pan realized that Chunyu Xiong was the only remaining brother of the White Wolf King. No one else knew about Princess Ciyun, but Chunyu Xiong must know everything about her.

After all, to Chunyu Xiong, she was also his biological sister.

"Hey, Zhao Guang," Chunyu Tan poked Zhao Guang and pointed at Chunyu Xiong, "I forgot to tell you that this is your uncle."

Zhao Guang looked at the fierce-looking man in front of him and didn't know what to say.This uncle, whom he had never met before, wanted to kill him as soon as he came up.

"How did you become the King of Shizhai? Where did the original King of Shizhai go?"

Chun Yuhan asked loudly in the distance.

For him who already considers himself the White Wolf King, this is the most important thing.The succession and replacement of King Zhai must be approved by the White Wolf King. Regardless of whether the blood is pure or not, this boy secretly mobilized the king's army of the Shi Zhai King, which is a challenge to the authority of the White Wolf King.

"he died."

Zhao Guang said calmly, "I will kill him."

"The winner is the king. If he dies in my hands, his position as King Zhai and his troops should naturally belong to me."

The Xirong nobles present were shocked again.

It is not uncommon for the Xirong people to kill people to seize the throne.But this young man, who had just admitted that he was half-Han, said such cruel words with such a blank expression, everyone didn't know how to react.


Chunyu Yi was stunned for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, he immediately became furious and felt offended.

"Only the White Wolf King is qualified to grant the title of King Zhai. Who do you think you are? You should be punished with your life if you kill King Zhai!"

"You said this throne belongs to you? Why don't you tie this kid up quickly!"

However, few cavalry around him responded. Instead, the cavalry behind Zhao Guang drew his sword out of its sheath with a swish sound, full of murderous intent.

"That loser died under my hand even though he was protected by thousands of troops. He is not worthy of being King Zhai. I snatched this position from him, and it should be mine."

Zhao Guang looked expressionlessly at Chun Yuhan, who had an unfamiliar face in the distance.He didn't know this person, he only knew that he was not the White Wolf King based on his age.

"who are you?"

Zhao Guang frowned.

"Do I deserve it? It's your turn to dictate?"

 Zhao Guang: Who are you?
(End of this chapter)

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