Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2398 Dangerous

Above the grassland and under the sky, the wind is surging.

The girl who originally had no aura of a cultivator, now became the center of a huge whirlpool. Countless winds surrounded her. The huge energy of heaven and earth rose up and down, and the whole world darkened.

"Wind Master?"

Suman narrowed his eyes and looked at the slender figure, and his eyes changed, "That's wrong."

"Ancestor? What happened to that woman?"

"Should we find someone to kill her?"

Chunyu Xiong rushed to Suman in three steps and asked in panic.

Even practitioners with low levels of cultivation instinctively sensed something was wrong with the atmosphere.After all, such a large-scale change in the world has never occurred before, even when a heaven-level practitioner from the White Wolf Court broke through.

"Heavenly rank?"

Suman glanced at the panicked junior, "Do you think a heaven-level practitioner can kill her?"

This girl had just made a move without anyone seeing it clearly, and broke the swords of two heaven-level practitioners at the same time. Her strength was unfathomable.It is impossible for an ordinary heaven-level practitioner to kill her.

"That woman obviously doesn't have the aura of a cultivator!"

The pressure between heaven and earth was getting heavier and heavier, but Chunyu Xiong couldn't figure out where this feeling of oppression came from, and his whole body felt uncomfortable. He shouted in a panic, "It's just a woman, how powerful can it be? "

"I'm going to kill this girl who is pretending to be a ghost!"

Just like when a person faces the fear of the unknown, Chunyu Xiong could only embolden himself by roaring at this time.


Suman turned over a rosary expressionlessly and said, "Don't embarrass yourself."

"You can't even kill her as a heaven-level practitioner, so what's the use of you?" Suman couldn't be bothered to pay attention to this stupid junior, and said calmly, "Being killed on the spot will make our warriors lose morale?"

"Can't even the heavenly level kill her?" Chunyu Xiong finally understood the implication of Suman's words and was shocked. "What kind of state is this woman in?"

"Her realm..."

Suman stared coldly at the crowd in the distance and moved his lips.

The two heaven-level practitioners whose swords were broken turned around, looked at each other, and disappeared in front of Zhao Guang and Baili Celing.

The next moment, the two of them appeared in front of Suman and bowed down, "Ancestor."

Suman stared at the two of them, "How?"

One of these two people was named Chunyu Dunbo and the other was named Chunyu Wumao. Neither of them were nobles directly related to the Chunyu family.One is a distant branch of the aristocracy and the other is an orphan who was born in a Zen monastery. Both of them showed their talent in cultivation and were adopted by the nobles and changed their surnames to Chunyu.

Heaven-level practitioners are rare, and the Chunyu clan has not had a young heaven-level practitioner for a long time.

These two adopted people are now the two most powerful swords of the Chunyu clan.

But the blades of these two knives had just been broken by a woman at the same time.

Chunyu Dunbo and Chunyu Wumao looked at each other, with confusion and resentment in their eyes.

They are obviously the strongest masters on the grassland, but they are like young boys who have just entered the world of cultivation, and their faces are disgraced.

As heaven-level practitioners, the two of them roamed the grassland with almost no defeat, but they suffered such unexplained humiliation.

What's even more embarrassing is that they don't even know each other's reality.

"Ancestor, we were careless just now. I'm afraid there are experts hiding in the dark."

Rather than the girl of unknown origin, it would be better to leave everything to a "master" in the dark, which would save their face.

"You're such an old man, stop talking nonsense," Suman didn't bother to listen to excuses, "You still want to cover up in front of me? Do you want to be removed from the family?"

"Are you two so blind that you can't even see which direction the attack is coming from?"

Suman was reprimanding the two Heavenly Orders as their grandsons, and the battlefield centered on King Zhai's army was in a stalemate.

Baili Celing and Zhao Guang escaped. Although no one saw who helped them, the sight of both Heaven-level weapons being broken shocked most Xirong practitioners.The Xirong practitioners who had been massacred all stopped and waited for Suman's order.

Baili Celing took the opportunity to escape the pursuit, glanced at Ying Baoyue, who was standing motionless and wrapped in the vitality of heaven and earth, and yelled at Zhao Guang.

"King Shizhai! Protector!"

Zhao Guang understood immediately, and immediately waved his hand to order his cavalry to form a circle, surrounding Ying Baoyue's position, forming a protective barrier.

No matter how slow he is, he can realize that Ying Baoyue is about to break through. A practitioner is most vulnerable when breaking through. Moreover, Ying Baoyue is already at level four. If he breaks through again this time, he will have to step into the realm of heaven. It's extremely dangerous.

"We must protect her," Baili Celing rode to Zhao Guang's side with a stern look, "It should be very dangerous for her to break through this time."

Ying Baoyue's appearance saved both of their lives, but dragged herself into danger.

Breaking through the realm is a gate to hell.

Ordinary high-level practitioners who want to break into the heavenly realm must choose a hidden geomantic treasure land in advance and find a master to protect them. Even so, the success rate is only one out of ten.

Ying Baoyue broke through the situation at this time, and the timing and situation were extremely bad.

This is no different than a woman suddenly giving birth in the middle of a battlefield.

At this time, the vitality of heaven and earth around Ying Baoyue had been raging to a terrifying level. Even the heavy armored cavalry brought by Zhao Guang could not get within ten feet of her.

But if a high-level practitioner forcibly enters and interrupts, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Zhao Guang, find someone to protect her. You must not let high-level practitioners get close to her!"

"I understand," cold sweat broke out on Zhao Guang's forehead, "but I don't have any high-level practitioners above level four here."


Zhao Guang shouted desperately in his heart.

The last time Ying Baoyue broke through, Li Ji and Ji Jiashu were by her side, but this time she broke through to the heavenly level, there was no high-level practitioner around her who could protect her, only him, a weakling.

How to do……

Zhao Guang still remembered the terrifying scene when Li Ji broke through the heavenly realm in Nanchu, and he became increasingly nervous.

"Don't be too afraid," Baili Celing saw Zhao Guang turning green with fright and comforted him, "It stands to reason that when a heaven-level cultivator breaks through, there will be eight beast gods to guide him."

"She should still be a fire magician, right?" Baili Celing raised his head and looked at the darkening sky, "The Suzaku God should be coming soon."

"Eight Beast Gods? Will Suzaku come?"

However, Zhao Guang's face became even paler when he heard Baili Celing's comfort.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the Suzaku God?" Baili Celing noticed his strange behavior and asked in shock.

"That's not the problem," Zhao Guang looked like he was about to cry, "Baoyue, Baoyue is not a fire magician!"

Baili Celing was stunned, "What did you say?"

How could she not be a fire caster?

Zhao Guang didn't know the origin of Baili Celing and Ying Baoyue. He only thought that the leader of the rebel army had stayed on the grassland for a long time and didn't understand the world.

"The former Qin Princess Ying Baoyue was born in the Water Academy of Jixia Academy," Zhao Guang said with a mournful face, "Baoyue is a water magician!"

Although the scenes where Ying Baoyue breaks through the realm have become more special every time since the beginning of the Divine Dance Realm, with both water and fire spells appearing at the same time, there is no doubt that she is still a water caster.

Zhao Guang knows better than anyone else how terrifying it is for water magicians to break through the heavenly realm, because he has witnessed it once with his own eyes.

Until Li Ji succeeded in breaking through half a year ago, there had been no water magic heaven-level births on the Shanhai Continent for eight years.

"If she is a water caster, then..."

Baili Celing's face also turned pale, "The Green Dragon God is no longer here."

The spirit that guided the water magicians has disappeared, so who will come when Ying Baoyue breaks through to the heavenly level this time?

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