Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2400 Original

There was a stabbing pain on the shoulder blade of my back, as if something was about to burst out from under the skin.

The pain restored some clarity to Ying Baoyue's mind. She struggled to open her eyes, and finally saw a small flame in her chaotic vision.

"That is……"

The fire was as bright as a bean, but it was like a beacon in the dark night, keeping her from going crazy.

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide, her originally scattered consciousness gradually gathered together, and she was able to see her surroundings clearly again.

The flame flickered and swayed outside the barrier. It could not guide her forward, but could only keep her conscious.

She was still surrounded by thick barriers and couldn't see her way out.

"Phew, it was so dangerous. I almost lost consciousness."

Outside the storm, a fiery red bird squatted on Zhao Guang's shoulder. The old god sighed, "Relying on me alone is not enough."

Zhao Guang froze on his horse, not daring to express his anger.

The bird on his shoulders was not heavy, but he felt as if it was weighing down a mountain.

Hearing the little red bird sigh, he trembled and said, "Master Suzaku God?"

"Huh?" The little red bird turned its neck, "No need to call me Suzaku God, I'm just a clone."

Xirong is too far away, and it is really impossible for the main body to come over. It is not safe for the golden-winged roc to come as deep as the White Wolf King's Court.He could only temporarily steal a bird's body and show up on the grassland.


The little red bird sighed again, "I'm so exhausted."

It is really not easy for him to be a fire magic beast god. No fire magician has ever come to Xirong grassland to break the boundary before. It is not easy for him to travel so far just to survive.

Although the bird on his shoulder was just a clone, Zhao Guang was still frightened.Fortunately, it wasn't the real body. If it were, he would probably have been crushed to death by now.

Zhao Guang had never thought before that the Suzaku God would really come in person. Could it be that Ying Baoyue was actually a fire magician?
Regardless of fire or water, as long as God comes!

Zhao Guang seemed to have found a life-saving straw and looked at the little red bird expectantly, "Lord God, please save Baoyue!"

"Don't look at me, I can't save her."

The little red bird tilted its head and stared at the girl in the storm, "I'm just a fool."

"D-make soy sauce?"

What do you mean?
Zhao Guang was confused, but he couldn't question the beast god's words. Everything the god said was an oracle, and it must have deep meaning.He had no choice but to pick up something he could understand and ask, "Master Beast God, what did you mean when you just said that Baoyue's consciousness has disappeared?"

"Didn't you see? Oh, you can't tell," the little red bird glanced at the humble young man with disgust, "That girl was in a very dangerous situation just now, and she almost lost consciousness completely."

If a practitioner loses consciousness in a broken state, even if he survives, he will become a useless person who has lost his mind.

"Is it the Beast God who restored Baoyue's sanity?"

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on Zhao Guang's forehead, "Thank you, thank you so much."

He was originally afraid of the bird on his shoulder, but now he was extremely grateful.If the Suzaku God arrived a little later, he really didn't know how to explain to Li Ji.

"You don't need to thank me." Unexpectedly, Little Red Bird's expression became strange. "She woke up on her own just now. I just stabilized her mind after she woke up."

Originally, Ying Baoyue was about to sink completely into the storm, but somehow she was stimulated and suddenly woke up.

"Did Baoyue wake up on his own?"

Zhao Guang was stunned, and a glimmer of hope suddenly appeared in his eyes, "Does that mean she can successfully break through on her own?"

Maybe there are really people who can break through the heavenly realm without the guidance of the Eight Beast Gods!

"How is that possible?"

The little red bird glanced at Zhao Guang speechlessly, "She is a human, not a god. It would be easy to say if she breaks through level two, but level three is the first hurdle on the road to becoming a god. It is impossible for people to find the direction." Only divine beasts do not need guidance when breaking through the heavenly realm, because they have been beasts for many years and inherently know how to get along with the vitality of heaven and earth.

But it's different when breaking through the Heavenly Realm. It means changing your way of living, and even your body structure will be completely changed.

No matter how talented a practitioner is, it is impossible to be born a god.

"Back then, when Lin Shubai broke through to the Heavenly Realm, I was the one who led the way," the little red bird curled his lips, "No matter how powerful this girl is, there is no way she can find the way to the Heavenly Realm by herself."

"Then help her quickly!" Zhao Guang was about to cry. "If we delay it any longer, it will be too late."

The longer a practitioner waits to break through, the lower the chance of success.
"It's not that I won't help her," the little red bird looked at the sky speechlessly, "I just said it, I can't do it alone."

Although Ying Baoyue is now considered a water and fire practitioner, when she became a practitioner in this life, she followed the path of water.

Nowadays, the structure of her body is mainly based on water methods, with a little fire method.

This is also the reason why He can sense that her breaking through the situation can play a small role, but it cannot play a decisive role.

"She is like this, and the Azure Dragon God must come to save her."

The little red bird squatted on Zhao Guang's shoulder, looking at the increasingly violent storm in front of him with melancholy eyes.

"In this life, I can't call her back."

After going round and round, the result is that the Green Dragon God still comes?

"Lord Suzaku, isn't the Azure Dragon God already..."

Zhao Guang hesitated to speak.

what happened?Doesn’t the Suzaku God know that the Azure Dragon God is no longer here?

Could it be that they were both gods, and Suzaku was just being polite, so it was difficult to say that the other beast god was dead.

But when Li Ji broke through the realm, the Green Dragon God did not appear. As a Soochow man, Zhao Guang no longer had any hope for the god who had disappeared for many years.

Unexpectedly, the little red bird glanced at Zhao Guang, "Do you think the Green Dragon God is dead?"

if not?
and many more……

This is Suzaku, what he asked back from Suzaku's mouth!
Zhao Guang's eyes suddenly widened, "Isn't the Azure Dragon God dead?"

Zhao Guang even felt dizzy because he was so shocked.

"How can we confirm that the guy is dead if we haven't found the body?" The little red bird looked straight at the storm in front of him, "You people are very particular about seeing people in life and seeing corpses in death. Isn't the Beast God better than you people?" Are you alive?"

Even if he is murdered, it is not so easy to disappear.


Zhao Guang was speechless, "He has obviously been breathless for so many years..."

He had no more words to say, "When my second brother broke through, the Azure Dragon God clearly didn't come..."

"That's right!" Zhao Guang suddenly felt blessed in his heart, "You said that a practitioner cannot break through the heavenly realm on his own, but when my second brother broke through, he was able to save the day without the guidance of the Eight Beast Gods!"

Li Ji can do it, why can't Ying Baoyue?

What Suzaku just said was too absolute!
Zhao Guang became proud, thinking that he had found the loophole of the beast god, but he did not expect that Suzaku's next words would directly make him confused.

"The Eight Beast Gods didn't come?"

The little red bird glanced at him with beady eyes, "What stupid things are you kidding?"

"When Zhaohua Jun of Dongwu broke through the heavenly realm, the aura of the Azure Dragon God clearly appeared."

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