Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2402 Reasoning

Since other beast gods can notice it, then the enemies of the Azure Dragon God must also be able to notice it.

Moreover, the Qinglong God's aura disappeared shortly after it appeared, and nothing major happened in the practice world, so why did that guy show up specifically?
No matter what the reason was, as long as it wasn't a major disaster, Suzaku couldn't understand why he would take such a big risk.

Since you want to disappear, then hide it better!

The little red bird couldn't help shouting in his heart.

Although the disappearance of Qinglong has brought big troubles to both the beast god and the spiritual world. As the beast god whose strength is second only to Qinglong, he is also forced to bear a heavy burden, but Suzaku in his heart approves of Qinglong God's choice to disappear.

Because in Suzaku's view, the Azure Dragon God was betrayed by the practitioners he saved with his own hands.

If it were him, he would never give up without turning the practice world upside down and killing those ungrateful practitioners.But the Azure Dragon God did not choose to punish anyone in the end, but disappeared alone.

The little red bird sighed deeply.He didn't know whether to feel sad or angry.

If the Azure Dragon God was so utterly devastated, this world would really be doomed.

Fortunately, God has eyes. When he felt the Qinglong God's aura again eight years ago, although Suzaku was frightened, he also felt a little comfort.

The Qinglong God's breath was also very short that time, but the important thing is that it was very different from the previous weak state.

Although it is not restored to the state of its heyday, it shows the majesty and oppression unique to the gods.

It was only a short moment, but the aura that appeared this time convinced Suzaku that Qinglong was still alive and still maintained his rank as the number one beast god.

But just as a practitioner will retreat after being seriously injured, the beast god's rank will also be affected after being seriously injured.

The retreat of Dongfang Yi, the son of the Azure Dragon God, shows that the power of the Azure Dragon God has indeed weakened.

Not even taking care of his own divine son, the remaining power of the Azure Dragon God, let alone the beast god, may not even be comparable to ordinary divine beasts.

But in such a dangerous situation, how did the Azure Dragon God maintain his rank as the strongest beast god?

Suzaku is still puzzled by this.

After suddenly appearing once eight years ago, the Green Dragon God fell into silence again.During this period, water magic almost suffered a disaster, and no outstanding water magicians were born in Shanhai Continent.Water law has also rapidly declined from being the largest school that could be considered alongside fire law to the point where no one cares about it.

If it weren't for a few fools in Shuiyuan struggling to support it, the water magicians might have become extinct on the Shanhai Continent.

But the Suzaku God is more concerned about the whereabouts of the Azure Dragon God than the water magician's survival.

Fortunately, He finally waited.

After that appearance eight years ago, the little red bird was not so surprised when the Qinglong God's aura reappeared eight years later.

Because water magicians are rare, the existence of Zhaohua Jun Li Ji of the Eastern Wu Dynasty is very special.With the speed at which Li Ji's cultivation realm has improved, if he had not been a water magician with no future, he would have been strangled by the cultivation world very early.

The concealment of the Azure Dragon God himself gave the water magician a little room for survival.

When Li Ji made a desperate move and chose to break through the Heavenly Realm in Nanchu, even Suzaku had to praise his courage.

Even the beast gods like them are not sure whether the Azure Dragon God can reappear in the world. It is really brave for a young man to dare to risk his life to challenge.

Probably because of this, he was able to win the favor of that special god?
After all, with Qinglong's kind heart towards human beings, he really couldn't let such a talented person die like this.


This is Qinglong.

"That guy Qinglong is a soft-hearted master," the little red bird came back from the memories, straightened the feathers on his chest with his beak, and patted Zhao Guang on the shoulder, "He appeared when your brother broke through and encountered difficulties. , I probably won’t just let Ying Baoyue die here.”

There is a first time for everything and a second time.

The little red bird looked very understanding, but Zhao Guang was dumbfounded.


Zhao Guang almost doubted whether he was really there when Li Ji broke through. "Did the Azure Dragon God really come that day? He... How did Lord Dragon God appear at that time?"

Is it because his realm is too low that he cannot see the gods appearing?But when the Soaring Snake God jumped out of the Lancang River, he clearly saw it!
"Huh? Were you there?"

The little red bird realized in hindsight, "Why, didn't you see the blue dragon?"

Zhao Guang indeed did not see anything related to "dragon" and asked carefully, "Excuse me, what does Lord Qinglong God look like?"

"What does it look like?"

The little red bird was stunned. The body of the Green Dragon God was as huge as the sky and the sun. Even the humanoid clone after its transformation was extremely eye-catching. Zhao Guang would not have noticed it if it appeared.

Water and fire were in conflict, and the barrier when Li Ji broke through was unusually thick. Suzaku did not see the scene clearly at that time, but felt the aura of the Azure Dragon God from a long distance away.

It's unlikely that the main body will appear, and the clone won't go either?

"Remember carefully, are there any people who don't look normal at the scene?"

"You don't look normal?" Zhao Guang's mouth twitched, "What do you mean?"

"Hmm..." Little Red Bird frowned and spoke reluctantly, "To put it bluntly, it's just that it's unusually beautiful, and it doesn't look like something a human could look like."


Zhao Guang was stunned for a moment, "The storm was unusually strong at that time, and no strangers came close."

"Maybe it doesn't look like a human being," the little red bird gestured with its wings, "or maybe it's like me now, possessed by other birds and beasts."

"Do you have any unusually beautiful snakes or worm-like things on site?"

I always feel like this guy is praising himself...

Zhao Guang didn't even notice the insects on the ground, but the waterspout set off by Li Ji at that time almost caused birds and beasts to flee within ten miles, and no small beasts could get close at all.

"No? Is there really nothing?"

The little red bird looked at Zhao Guang's confused face and opened its eyes wide.

Could it be that it was really a fake corpse?
"Think about it again, was there really no living thing approaching your second brother at that time?"

"If we talk about living creatures, there are some," Zhao Guang said, his face a little pale, "There is only one."

When it comes to getting closer, there is only one possibility left.

"Yes, it should be that one!" The little red bird's eyes lit up, "Tell me, what is it?"

"No matter what he looks like, he must be the Azure Dragon God!"

"That one."

Zhao Guang pointed at Ying Baoyue in the storm.

"When the second brother was breaking through, the only person who entered the storm and came into contact with him was Baoyue."

"Baoyue was in a very low state at that time, but if she had to go in, she wouldn't listen to anyone who stopped her."

"After she went in, it didn't take long for the storm to stop."

"The second brother later succeeded in breaking through."

Zhao Guang's voice fell.

One person and one bird, their eyes facing each other, looking at each other.


Zhao Guang spoke with difficulty, "Baoyue is the Qinglong God?"

Little Red Bird: Three views have been refreshed

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