Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2404

Facing her call, Li Ji knelt in the corner and remained motionless, like a stone.

Official Yao ran over and knelt down, and was surprised when she saw Li Ji's appearance.

Li Ji's face was pale, one hand pressed on his chest, his eyes were closed and his brows were furrowed.

In Miss Yao's impression, Li Ji was always calm and unhurried, even when he was in the cold palace, he was always at ease. She had never seen him look so unwell.

Official Yao took a closer look, but found no external injuries on Li Ji's body, and there were no signs of fighting around him.

How is this going?

"Jun Zhaohua, are you hurt? Can you hear my voice?"

Li Ji didn't respond. Official Yao mustered up the courage to touch his shoulder and her eyes widened suddenly.

Li Ji's body was as cold as a piece of ice at this time.

"Jun Zhaohua, what's wrong with you?"

If the person in front of her wasn't still breathing, Ms. Yao would really have thought it was a corpse. She panicked and reached out to shake Li Ji's body.

After shaking it vigorously several times, the person in front of him finally responded.


Li Ji coughed suddenly, his whole body trembled, and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Jun Zhaohua! Are you okay? You..."

Ms. Yao spoke in surprise, but her voice suddenly stopped. Just because Li Ji's eyes made her feel very strange.

Li Ji's eyes were not as indifferent and profound as she was familiar with, but confused and ignorant, like a lost child.

"Jun Zhaohua, you..." Ms. Yao glanced at him hesitantly, "What's wrong with you?"

Li Ji shook his head, "I'm fine, please stay away from me."

Since it's okay, why do you want her to stay away?
Official Yao was still in shock, but she must listen to the words of the heaven-level cultivator, so she could only stand up hesitantly and take a few steps back slowly.

Almost at the moment when Ms. Yao stepped back, several gusts of wind suddenly rose around Li Ji, spinning rapidly around his body.

Official Yao's eyes widened. The reason why she could see a few gusts of wind was because the wind was actually mixed with tiny water drops, which reflected a bright red light against the firelight.

"This is……"

There were blazing flames all around, and the air exuded a dry and burnt smell. In such a place, only water droplets gathered around Li Ji.

The water droplets are constantly evaporating and condensing. Li Ji's body is surrounded by water mist that keeps changing its shape, which looks extremely strange.

The scene in front of me was like a miracle, but the miracle was mixed with violence.

Ms. Yao looked dumbfounded and couldn't help but move forward.

"do not go!"

A big hand suddenly pulled her back from behind, and Officer Yao's back leaned against a pair of armor with a bang.

Hearing this familiar voice, Ms. Yao turned around in surprise, "Xiaolou!"

"I'm looking for you!"

Lou Xiaolou was also looking for her, but when she found the person she was looking for, there was no joy in the man's eyes.

He stared at Li Ji who was surrounded by mist not far away with a stern expression, "How could Mr. Zhaohua become like this?"

"Who did he just fight with?"

"what happened?"

Ms. Yao asked blankly, "When I met him, he was lying alone in the corner. He didn't seem to have made a move with anyone."

"No?" Lou Xiaolou was stunned, "Then how could all the true energy in his body go berserk?"

"Zhenyuan... goes berserk?"

Ms. Yao didn't know anything about spiritual practice, but that didn't stop her from hearing something bad in Lou Xiaolou's words.

"All the true energy in his body is leaking out, and he can't get it in no matter how hard he tries," Lou Xiaolou said with a confused expression, "But this is not possible for a heaven-level practitioner."

Heaven-level practitioners have already mastered the control of true energy to the state of transformation, and they can always control it freely. It is impossible for such low-level behavior as the leakage of true energy to occur.

But at this time, Li Ji was unable to control his true energy from leaking out.

There is only one explanation for this. As a heavenly practitioner, Li Ji is on the verge of losing control.

Lou Xiaolou has never seen a heaven-level practitioner lose control with his own eyes, but he has heard of it. The destructive power of the Tianjie when it is completely out of control is comparable to a natural disaster that destroys the world. If there were no higher-level practitioners to suppress it, the consequences would be disastrous.

But at this time, in the entire former Qin Dynasty, there was no practitioner with a higher level than Li Ji!
Lou Xiaolou's face turned pale, he held Ms. Yao under his arm with one hand, pointed his toes, and quickly turned away.

"Xiaolou, what are you doing! Mr. Zhaohua is still there!"

"How could we leave him!"

Officer Yao became anxious and struggled violently with all her strength. Lou Xiaolou tried to escape while suppressing her, and Officer Yao accidentally fell down.


Ms. Yao rolled on the ground several times, her forehead was bruised, and she got up despite the pain all over her body.

But she ignored Lou Xiaolou's shouts, got up and ran in the direction of Li Ji.

"Ayao, you are crazy! Don't get close to him!"

Lou Xiaolou grabbed her arm from behind and yelled angrily.

"He has lost his mind and has no way to control himself!"

"I'm not crazy!"

Ms. Yao screamed, "I heard it, he just called Her Royal Highness the Princess's name!"


Lou Xiaolou was stunned, "What did you say?"



The sound of Yao Yao and Lou Xiaolou arguing vaguely reached his ears, but Li Ji could not respond.

He just hoped that these two people could run away.

Just as Lou Xiaolou said, he had lost control of his body at this time. His whole body seemed to be soaked in viscous liquid, and his consciousness became increasingly blurred.

Li Ji didn't know what happened to him.

Everything happened very suddenly.

A quarter of an hour ago, he passed through countless burning buildings and came to the vicinity of Ganlu Hall to look for Ms. Yao and prepare to put out the fire. While he was running, his heart suddenly jumped.


Li Ji stopped and heard the vibration in his chest.


Li Ji slowly knelt down and covered his chest.

Unimaginable pain surged from his limbs and bones, and finally gathered in his heart. Li Ji knelt on the ground and lowered his head, breathing hard.

The burning flames around him gradually blurred his vision, and gradually, the world became completely silent.

In the dead silence, Li Ji heard the sound of his own breathing, and his breathing seemed to be painful.

And just in the midst of his breathing, he heard another breathing.

It was a woman's voice. Her breathing was rapid and heavy, as if she was suffering from great pain.

Her breathing gradually merged with his voice, and Li Ji felt that every inch of his body was being pulled by this voice.

At this moment, he understood what happened.


"Jun Zhaohua, what did you say?"

Lou Xiaolou and Ms. Yao returned to Li Ji at this time and found that Li Ji's lips were moving in the mist and he was saying something.

Li Ji struggled to open his eyes, looked at the two people outside the mist, and showed a complicated smile.

"Baoyue, I'm back."

Back from eight years ago.

He thought he could forget, but it turned out that he had been waiting for her.

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