Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2406 Catch

"Jun Zhaohua!"

The anxious voices of Lou Xiaolou and Lady Yao rang in his ears. Li Ji could hear them but could not respond.

The scenery in front of him took away all his thoughts.

The voice in his ears clearly told him that he was still in Afang Palace, outside the burning palace, but as soon as he closed and opened his eyes, everything was different.

Li Ji opened his eyes and suddenly found that he was standing on the edge of a cliff, with an abyss beneath his feet.


Li Ji took a breath of cold air and couldn't help but take a step back.

He thought it was his hallucination and shook his head desperately, but the scene in front of him did not disappear.

Li Ji was in a heavy fog. Judging from the distant scenery, it was a wilderness.

The wilderness is endless, with no end in sight, and every end is covered by thick fog.

There are no people around, no houses, no cattle or sheep. There is frozen soil covered with thin frost everywhere, and there are only large areas of blue-black moss on the soil, making the place look even more desolate.

The life was gone, the silence was desolate, the only sound was the cold wind blowing through the frozen soil.

Li Ji stood alone on the blue-black wilderness.

Under his feet was an almost vertical cliff, as if it had been cut by an axe. Li Ji looked down and could not see the end, only thick fog.

This cliff is also extremely long. Looking along the edge, it almost extends into the depths of the thick fog, and there is still no end in sight.

What the hell is this place? Why is he here?
Did Soaring Snake transfer him? Was it an illusion created by himself? Is it the sea of ​​consciousness? Or a small world of some god?

Li Ji had a series of questions in his mind, but he had no clue.

He never heard the voices of Lou Xiaolou and Miss Yao again. What was even more frightening was that he could no longer feel Ying Baoyue's position and distance.

He was really the only one in the entire wasteland.

He is isolated from the world.

Li Ji stood silently with his head lowered for a while, turned around, turned his back to the cliff, and walked towards the opposite vast wasteland.



What is this place?
Ying Baoyue was exhausted by the rushing breath in her body. She just wanted to close her eyes and rest, not wanting to fight any more.

But the faint firelight flickering in the corner of her eyes kept supporting her consciousness, reminding her not to fall asleep.

But she was really tired.

She has been walking alone for a long time.

Southern Chu, Eastern Wu, Northern Wei, Hou Liao, Xirong...

From a married princess in a coffin to an ordinary person with no power to tie a chicken, to a narrow escape to reach Nanchu, and to climb up step by step from level [-] to level [-]...

Beginner level ceremony, intermediate level ceremony, advanced level ceremony...

She was really, really tired.

After being tired for so long, it shouldn’t be too much to take a rest, right?

Why did she stay awake until now?
Speaking of which...she seems to be waiting for someone?

By the way, she's waiting for someone.

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes with a start, and her eyes regained a trace of purity, but they were quickly covered up by exhaustion.

Who is she waiting for? Why haven't you come yet?
Why haven't you come yet? Never come again... never come again...

Ying Baoyue's consciousness became blurred, and the idea that she was waiting for someone gradually disappeared from her mind.

That person probably...won't come, right?

In the storm, she slowly closed her eyes.


"Hey, wake up!"

A little boy's voice suddenly sounded in Ying Baoyue's ears, startling her like a thunder.

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes suddenly and found that the scenery around her had changed.

The originally chaotic storms and deserts disappeared, replaced by lush green giant trees that blocked the sky and the sun.

"here it is……"

Ying Baoyue was stunned, "Cloud Forest?"

The scene in front of me is undoubtedly a cloud forest.

Why did she suddenly return to the Cloud Forest? How's the break? Where are the Xirong soldiers? Where is Zhao Guang?
"you're awake?"

The voice that woke her up sounded again. Ying Baoyue looked along the sound and saw a small figure she had seen before standing under the tree.

It's Xiao Li Ji. The young man was wearing clothes that had been torn by a whip, and his black hair was unkempt, hanging long behind his back. He was holding on to the tree trunk and looking at her without blinking an eye.

This familiar scene made Ying Baoyue tremble and wake up completely.

Seeing this young man's appearance, Ying Baoyue was in a trance for a moment, thinking that she was back to the time when she had just picked up little Li Ji.

But the next moment, the boy's eyes woke her up.

This is Xiao Li Ji, but not Xiao Li Ji.

This was not the ignorant boy she had just picked up nine years ago, but the other little Li Ji she saw when she left eight years ago when Li Ji was sleeping in the tree house.

Unlike Li Ji when he was young, the eyes of this young man wearing tattered clothes were very mature and calm, even unfathomable.

This young man once told her that he was part of Xiao Li Ji. Ying Baoyue didn't think clearly when she was remembering it, but now she probably understands it.

The boy under the shadow of the tree is probably another personality in Li Ji's body, which will appear at specific moments.

"You recognize me."

The young man under the shadow of the tree looked deeply at Ying Baoyue, with an expression in his dark eyes that she couldn't understand, "You can actually retain that memory."

"It stands to reason that you shouldn't remember."

Ying Baoyue knew that he was referring to her meeting him before, "Why shouldn't I remember?"

"With your rank, you shouldn't remember things that I don't want you to remember."

"You are an exception."

The young man in the shadow of the tree smiled bitterly, "It seems to be true. Is it the effect of the formation you set up? There should be a part of me in your body."

What do you mean?
Ying Baoyue's thoughts were already confused, but they were even more confused by the young man's words.

"What do you mean I have a part of you in my body? Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am," the tree shadow young man said softly, "the important thing is that you don't forget who you are."

"who am I?"

Ying Baoyue repeated blankly.

"You are Ying Baoyue, and you are also Lin Baoyue." The young man dragged the chain on his ankle and walked up to her, looking up at her, "You are a fire magician and a water magician."

"You are the one who saved me and shared my life with me."

The young man's eyes were as vast as the sea of ​​stars, as if there were stars in the sky.

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide in surprise.

"You are……"

Before she could finish asking, Ying Baoyue's feet were empty.

The ground she was on suddenly collapsed like a landslide!

The mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and there was a deafening roar.

Ying Baoyue fell together with the collapsed earth and rocks, watching the young man's face above him gradually go away.

"Don't forget the promise you made to me!"

The boy's voice came from above.


In the overwhelming feeling of weightlessness, Ying Baoyue thought of the promise she made to the boy by the bridge.

"Let's meet again in the next life."

"In the next life, we will definitely be able to meet again."

"If we never see each other again in this life, then in the next life, I promise you, I will definitely find you again."

She promised him that she would find him again.

She promised him.

As the earth and rocks continued to fall, Ying Baoyue always felt that she had experienced this feeling of falling from a high place before.

Yes, when she was chased by men in black in Afang Palace, she also lost her footing and fell from the palace wall.

How was she saved at that time?
Yes, she was grabbed.

Among the overwhelming earth and rocks, Ying Baoyue stretched out her hand desperately.

Her body was almost completely buried in the strong wind, with only one hand sticking out.

Countless time, countless hardships, and countless years have passed.

She stretched out hard.

The next moment, her palms felt warm.

Someone took her hand.

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