Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2417 Fire

Chapter 2417 Fire

The commotion was not big, but like a fire ignited by stars, its scope continued to expand.

Behind the royal armies of the First Royal Court and the Second Royal Court, cavalrymen kept falling down. The strange thing was that no one could be seen taking action.

Let alone the cavalry or the practitioners, not even a single figure could be seen.

The nearby cavalry turned their heads and looked down at their feet, with a look of ridicule on their faces at first, but then their expressions turned into astonishment. Before Zhao Guang could pay more attention, the onlookers disappeared on horseback.

But I couldn't see what was dragging me down.

What happened?

Zhao Guang looked at the strange movement over there and took a deep breath.

"What's going on over there? What's attacking those people?"

Listening to Ying Baoyue's tone just now, he thought there were reinforcements or something, but in the end he didn't see anything that could be called reinforcements at all.

The cavalry of King Dazhai and King Erzhai were indeed disturbed, but the movement was more like being attacked from the ground by some wild beast.

What kind of soldier can be so short? They were all submerged under the horse's legs.

Ying Baoyue remained silent and did not speak. Zhao Guang could only continue to follow her, but as he watched, his eyes widened little by little.

The densely packed army is like an ocean. At this time, there is a force that is dividing the ocean.

The tall cavalry formation was cut open bit by bit and crushed bit by bit. Zhao Guang opened his eyes wide and looked down with all his strength, and finally saw clearly.

They were not wild beasts, but a group of ragged, strange-looking people.

It's weird, but it's not weird at all. The whip marks all over their bodies and their hunched and thin figures were the slaves who could be seen everywhere in the royal court of Xirong doing the most inconspicuous menial work.

But when this group of slaves appeared in the center of the cavalry team, they seemed extremely out of place.

They should kneel in the corner of the tent and wipe the floor, pinch the feet of the nobles, shovel horse manure in the stable, and serve wine and meat with their heads on their heads...

In short, they will appear in countless dark corners, but they should not appear in the center of the battlefield.

The elite Xirong cavalry and a group of aging slaves are simply two extreme contrasts in strength.

Not only was Zhao Guang surprised, but he was even more shocked by the two groups of royal troops who passed through the middle.

The White Wolf Court was a place where all King Zhai's troops would come, so the cavalry had seen these slaves at banquets. At this time, seeing this group of slaves that they usually beat and scold at will dare to break into the battlefield, they first burst into laughter, and then became extremely disgusted.

"Which dog has escaped? I don't need to clean my boots now, get out!"

A cavalryman grinned and kicked an old slave who had cleaned his boots before. However, the next moment, he felt a chill in his crotch.

The cavalryman's thigh was hooked by a sharp sickle and he was pulled off the horse.

The old slave holding the scythe bent down and expressionlessly cut the throat of the cavalryman lying on the ground with his eyes wide open.

At this moment, he is no longer a slave to be beaten and scolded, but a reaper of death.

The cavalryman stared blankly at the sky, unable to understand until his death how these slaves, whom he always looked down upon the most, dared to swing their swords at their master, and even kill him with one blow.

"Eternal Life Heaven!"


"Kill these bugs!"

When the surrounding cavalrymen saw this scene, their eyes burst into flames. They didn't even care about King Zhai's orders and rushed towards the slaves carrying various farm tools.

Once the cavalry changed direction, their formation was disrupted. The number of the royal army was large, and the heavy armor made it difficult for the horses to move and took up space. In the crowd, more cavalry were pulled off their horses.

In the memories of the noble cavalry, the slow-moving, old and frail slaves seemed to have changed. They hunched over and moved between the horse's legs like ghosts. Once someone fell under the horse, a skinny old hand would touch it from behind. His neck.

As soon as the neck is cold, the person's throat will be cut with various unexpected tools such as razors, sharpened branches, crushed wine glasses, wires used to tie wooden stakes, and guillotines used to crush grass.

Quick, accurate and ruthless, killing with one blow.

The cavalrymen, who were charging forward with grins and roars, thinking that they could frighten the insects lying on the ground with just a wave of their swords, gradually stopped moving.

Looking at this group of low slaves, the Xirong cavalry gradually showed fear in their eyes.

King Dazhai and King Erzhai, who were originally directing the battle at the front, finally noticed this group of people. They originally thought that sending one or two small teams would be able to deal with this group of insects that appeared inexplicably on the battlefield. As a result, not only was it not solved, the small team sent to the rear was also wiped out in an instant.

what happened?

Are these slaves possessed?

Faced with incomprehensible things, Xirong people have only one explanation.

That is when evil spirits enter the body.

"It's the devil!"

"The devil is possessed!"

The screams in the Xirong language spread like wildfire among the cavalry, which only increased the fear of the cavalry. The ranks of the First Royal Court and the Second Royal Court became increasingly chaotic. In addition to the assassinated cavalry, there were many The cavalry was trampled to death.

"shut up!"

At this time, a sound like a loud bell resounded throughout the battlefield, and the panicked Xirong soldiers stopped.

Suman stood in front of the king's tent, his robes fluttering.

Two heaven-level practitioners stood on his left and right, like protectors.

Suman's gray eyes were colder than ever before, "What kind of devil! These people are the workmen of the Central Plains!"

Any cultivator with eyesight can see that although these slaves wear slave-like skins, their murderous movements are crisp and clean. This cannot be practiced by killing sheep and cattle. Their team seemed scattered, but their actions hinted at some kind of formation, and everyone showed signs of cooperating and covering each other.

Although his personal ability is extremely high, he can still advance and retreat in unison, and can cooperate and attack without command.

Suman had only seen such a scene in one kind of person.

That is the army of cultivators led by Lin Shubai, the great commander.

Suman looked at the group of slaves who didn't notice anything unusual, and said three words from between his teeth.

"Black, Tiger, Army."

"What?" The two Heavenly Orders beside him looked at him in surprise, "How is it possible? How could the Black Tiger Army look like that?"

In their memories, the Black Tiger Army was the most elite black cavalry in the Qin Dynasty, more majestic and more powerful than the royal army of Xirong.

That group of slaves, all toothless and old, looked more like killers in the gutter than noble cavalry.

"It's just the way it looks that you can't recognize it!"

Apart from the Black Tiger Army who were most loyal to Lin Shubai, who else could have such a character and be able to hide anonymously in a bitter cold place for more than ten years?

"I've heard rumors about the Black Tiger Hidden Pile, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Suman looked at the group of slaves with hatred and complicated eyes.

Under his and the White Wolf King's noses, the Black Tiger Army had actually been lurking for so long. This made Suman hate him to the core, but as a practitioner, he couldn't admire him from the bottom of his heart.

It was they who truly became slaves of the Xirong people, and they stayed there for more than ten years before they completely hid their identities.

What's even more frightening is that after Lin Shubai's death, this group of people continued their lurking mission like a group of fools for ten years.

He actually didn't give up, and could even maintain such terrifying fighting power.

A practitioner's ability is not immutable. If it is not practiced every day, no matter how excellent your skills are, they will be lost.

So how do these people play slaves while taking time to practice and maintain their level of killing?

And what kind of belief allows this group of people to preserve their abilities and wait for someone who will never come back?

Suman couldn't understand.

It's incomprehensible and therefore terrifying.

Suman did not expect that he would realize the horror of that woman again in the seventh year after Lin Shubai's death.

These people are the seeds of the fire planted by Lin Shubai.

And these fires were awakened by another woman.

(End of this chapter)

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