Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2420 Stalemate

"Heaven-level killer, what do you mean?"

The Xirong noble next to him repeated blankly. He is only thirty years old and is already a fourth-level practitioner. He has always been regarded as a powerful successor to the next generation of national masters within Xirong.

It was precisely because he had always been favored that he dared to approach Suman and tease her.

"What do you mean?" Suman said coldly, "It means that she is the best at killing heaven-level practitioners."

"Specialized in killing heavenly people? How is that possible?"

The young man looked at the dying Chunyu Dun'o and Chun Yu Wumao at the bottom of the pit, and shouted, "Master Dun'o and Master Wumao must have been plotted! I'll bring them back!"

The young man was about to rush over at the tip of his toes. If Suman couldn't stop Tian Jie, why couldn't he stop him? The old man reached out and grabbed the young man's collar, lifted him up, and threw him to the ground with a bang.

"Beast, can you keep your eyes open!"

The young man on the ground screamed after being thrown. When he got up, his eyes were still full of arrogance, "Ancestor, why did you stop me!"

"Because if you go there, you will die!"

Suman's head felt severe pain, and he suddenly felt that Lin Baoyue had indeed been dead for too long, which made him unable to let these little brats understand the horror of Shao Siming.

"Is there any conspiracy among heaven-level practitioners?"

Among everyone present, Suman was probably the only one who had just seen clearly the process of the three men's actions.

Chunyu Dunbo and Chunyu Wumao seemed to act impulsively, but when they made a move, they cooperated perfectly, and it was obvious that they had planned it in advance.

The two of them were probably planning to attack from both sides and kill Ying Baoyue with one blow. Relying on the speed of heaven-level practitioners, they passed through the crowd in the blink of an eye and arrived in front of Ying Baoyue one after another.

Chunyu Dunwei was in front, slashing Ying Baoyue's face with his palm, Chunyu Wu spear was behind, blocking the way back, and elbowing Ying Baoyue in the back.

The two men's movements and strategies were perfect. If executed smoothly, any heaven-level practitioner would be killed in one blow.

The problem is that Ying Baoyue's speed and reaction are faster than them.

There cannot be much difference in speed between heavenly levels. Being able to react so quickly proved that she had been guarding against these two people for a long time.

"Those two silly boys," Suman muttered, his tone changing from furious to sad.

Chunyu Dun'o and Chunyu Wumao were so talented that they rarely encountered opponents in Xirong. This also made the two of them develop arrogant characters.

The two people thought they were caught off guard, but they didn't expect that their actions had been predicted by Ying Baoyue.

Just before the two set off, Ying Baoyue had already sensed their murderous intent and was ready.

Suman closed his eyes, and the scene he just saw passed before his eyes. Just when Chunyu Dunwei and Chunyu Wumao took up positions and prepared to flank the girl in red, Ying Baoyue had disappeared from the place, and what they were aiming at was just her afterimage.

This is a top-notch showdown between practitioners. As he just said, there is no conspiracy between heaven-level practitioners at all, there is just a peak showdown between speed and killing skills.

Ying Baoyue first ducked behind Chunyu Dunbo and inserted her fingers into the back of his head. Chunyu Dunbo threw himself on the ground, revealing Chunyu Dunbo's figure. Chun Yu Wu Mao hit Ying Baoyue in the back with his back elbow. Before he could turn around, Ying Baoyue's arm brushed Chun Yu Dun's head and his fingers inserted into the back of Chun Yu Wu Mao's neck.

Then, the battle is over.

Ying Baoyue struck directly at the vital point and directly broke the backbones of the two of them.

Regardless of the timing, strength, or angle, everything is in the hands of the girl in red.

After watching this scene, Suman no longer doubted the identity of the girl.

No matter what kind of appearance he wears, facing the flanking attack of two heaven-level practitioners, Lin Baoyue is the only one in the world who can fight such a battle except Lin Shubai.

Although Da Siming and Shao Siming are masters and apprentices, their fighting methods are slightly different. Compared with Lin Shubai, who has great swordsmanship, Lin Baoyue has been hunted since childhood and defeated the strong several times, so he is proficient in more assassination methods and is better at killing with one blow from tricky angles.

So this girl in red is undoubtedly Shao Siming.

Suman extremely regretted not breaking the legs of Chunyu Wumao and Chunyu Dunwei before, completely restricting their movements.

The reason why he called them both back was because he was afraid that they would act rashly and lose their lives in vain. Compared with the two of them, Shao Siming, who has experienced hundreds of battles, is many times better in terms of fighting methods and experience. If she really ran into Shao Siming, unless her realm was much higher than hers, no one would have a chance of winning.

Unexpectedly, he didn't stop him.

Lin Baoyue really came to life and was hit by him.

Suman twisted the rosary beads one by one. Even though he had been practicing Qi-nurturing Kung Fu for many years, the sudden loss of two heaven-level generals still made his blood surge all over his body.

Originally, he was not too panicked when the White Wolf King died unexpectedly. After all, the White Wolf King had enough sons, so even if the slaves rebelled, it would not be a big deal. They were just a bunch of rabble, but now he felt that the situation was really tricky.

"Ancestor...really don't need to bring the two masters back?"

The Xirong noble on the side swallowed his saliva and wanted to say something. Suman glanced at him coldly and said, "Those two people are useless. If you really want to die, just kill those old slaves."

"But remember, don't make a move on that woman."

Even Heaven-level practitioners could not heal their severed meridians. Heaven-level practitioners with severed meridians all over their bodies were no different from dead dogs. Suman was too lazy to care about those two people anymore.

According to the rules, heaven-level practitioners cannot attack those whose realm is lower than that of heaven-level practitioners, unless the other party initiates an attack. So as long as the practitioners on their side don't take the initiative to attack Ying Baoyue, she shouldn't be able to kill too many people.

But Suman knew in his heart that the situation on their side was completely unfavorable.

Suman knew in his heart what choice he should make, but he was still unwilling to give in and hoped to struggle again.

The originally quiet battlefield became boiling again.

After Chun Yuyi and Chun Yuhe woke up, they also found that two of their heaven-level practitioners had been killed. They were shocked and flew into a rage. He commanded his cavalry to snatch back the dying Chunyu Dunwo and Chunyu Wushao. Ying Baoyue stood still the whole time. Not moving at the same spot, two cavalrymen couldn't help but attack her, and one of them was cut off from their horse with one sword.

It was completely quiet around Ying Baoyue.

The battlefield once again became a duel between the king's army and the king's army, but as time passed, the situation gradually changed.

The teams of Chun Yuyi and Chun Yuhe showed signs of decline, and their morale was greatly reduced. The Xirong practitioners who originally intervened were also controlled by the rebels and the Black Lake Hidden Stakeholders, and could no longer bring terror to the cavalry.

Yes, all the slaves who broke out joined the battle.

Baili Celing felt his blood boil as he watched Xie Liu, Lao Ba and others fighting bloody battles among the cavalry.

Just after Ying Baoyue took action to kill two Xirong Heavenly Rankers, no one doubted her identity anymore. They all spontaneously joined the battle and began to cooperate with the rebel army's formation.

The Black Tiger Army was completely integrated.

They created a miracle, and Ying Baoyue also created a miracle for them.

The originally headwind battle situation has been completely turned around!

But Chun Yuhe and Chun Yuyi had too many troops. Although the rebel army and the Tenth and Eleventh King's armies fought with great momentum, Di was unable to completely eliminate each other, and the battle gradually fell into a stalemate.

Ying Baoyue stood on the top of the pit and watched the situation on the battlefield. The next moment she closed her eyes.

Suman had a splitting headache and was just holding on to observe the battle situation, when suddenly his vision went dark.

The breeze blew slowly, and a bright red color appeared in front of his eyes.

Ying Baoyue actually appeared in front of him without any bodyguards.


The other Xirong practitioners around were shocked and were about to rush over. Suman raised his hand and said, "Wait a minute!"

Ying Baoyue looked at him and opened her red lips lightly.

"let's talk."

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