Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2422 Willing

The sun in the Changsheng sky has not changed, but the sky in Xirong is likely to change.

If that person doesn't come back yet.

Suman twisted the rosary, "Do you think the feud for so many years can be resolved so easily?"

Letting a fifteen-year-old boy with no foundation in Xirong ascend the throne is simply a child's play decision.

"Of course I know it can't be done," Ying Baoyue said lightly, "It's just to solve an urgent need."

If Xirong could be pacified so easily, her master and Emperor Taizu wouldn't have to fight for so many years.

The hatred accumulated over the years can only be resolved in the same amount of time. It cannot be resolved by a prince with blood from both countries ascending to the throne.

If his thoughts were so naive, Zhao Guang would die faster than any other White Wolf King.

Of course she knew that Zhao Guang was not suitable to ascend the throne at this time. The problem was that no one among the King Zhai was suitable. If this continued, there would only be endless fighting.

This farce will not end until the candidate for the White Wolf King is decided first. Zhao Guang and Baili Celing could only lead their men to continue fighting until all the soldiers were defeated.

Then even if they win in the end, it doesn't make sense.

The black tiger hidden stake that has been dormant for many years and the rebel army that finally got here should not be wasted in the hands of Chun Yuyi and Chun Yuhe, the two soldiers of King Zhai.

It's not worth it.

Ying Baoyue knew very well that their real opponents were not these two people. She wants to save her power for the real mastermind.

Then let’s put an end to the current farce.

She believed Suman could understand what she meant.

This person's behavior is different from Chun Yuhan's. He is able to bend and stretch, and he is an old turtle who is best at begging.

Sure enough, Suman looked at her for a while and said, "Your proposal is worth talking about, but you don't have enough chips."

"Even if I agree, other Xirong nobles will not agree."

Suman's eyes fell on Zhao Guang, who was looking confused in the distance, "Is this kid married?"

Ying Baoyue instantly understood what Suman meant. Marriage is the most common and useful way for royal families to consolidate their strength. Among the twelve Zhai kings, except Zhao Guang, the other Zhai kings basically rely on the power of other great nobles.

Either the mother clan is strong, or the wife clan has strong support.

But Zhao Guang did not have such a background.

Regarding his parents, he was originally the king of Soochow, but after choosing to join the Chunyu family, it was another matter whether the Soochow royal family was willing to recognize him as a descendant, let alone what help he could provide.

Then the remaining help he can provide is the wife clan.

"He is not officially married yet," Ying Baoyue said. "If the patriarch is willing, he can personally host his wedding."

"Not married? That's good," Suman narrowed his eyes, "Chun Yuyi's eldest daughter happens to be the same age as him and is not yet married. Let him marry you and I will agree to your terms."

When Zhao Guang heard these words from afar, his expression suddenly changed.

Ying Baoyue fell silent.

Judging from the situation, Suman's proposal is the best choice and the best way to balance the forces of all parties.

Of course Chun Yuyi will be unconvinced, but if his father-in-law can become the White Wolf King, he can stop his mouth, and his grandson will be the next White Wolf King.

The marriage between Zhao Guang and Chun Yuyi's daughter can settle all kinds of disputes in one fell swoop. His throne can be more secure, and a lot less bloodshed will be shed by all parties.

Royal marriage is this kind of thing.

"Hug...hug the moon?"

Zhao Guang looked at Ying Baoyue's back with despair, because he could not think of the reason why Shao Siming would refuse. After experiencing so many disasters in Xirong, he has understood that a person cannot only look at his past, but also his position.

Ying Baoyue is no longer the marriage princess who needed to be protected in the past. She is Shao Siming, one of the eight gods. That was a name that was very unfamiliar to him and existed only in legends.

Shao Siming's top priority is to keep so many people following her alive and no longer make unnecessary sacrifices.

Then his personal opinion is irrelevant. He couldn't shake anything. He was trapped in the identity of Chun Yuguang and was already in a difficult position.

Zhao Guang does not regret becoming King Zhai. If he had not chosen that way at that time, he and Ji Ange would not have survived.

He closed his eyes and waited for Ying Baoyue's final verdict.

Unexpectedly, after a moment of silence, Ying Baoyue said calmly, "This is a good idea, but I have a better idea."

Suman narrowed his eyes with an evil look, "What's a good idea? Will you marry him yourself?"

He didn't expect Ying Baoyue to reject this proposal. After all, Xirong had already taken a step back. Even so, it would take a lot of effort for him to suppress the objections of his tribe.

Unless Ying Baoyue is planning to marry Zhao Guang himself, then he can still consider it. Back then, the former White Wolf King had sent an envoy to the Emperor of Qin to propose marriage to Princess Zhaoyang. As a result, the marriage proposal documents were sent back together with the envoy's ears, and the hatred between the two countries deepened.

The title of Shao Siming has a different meaning to the people of Xirong. Regardless of whether Zhao Guang is only half of Xirong blood, if the descendants of the Chunyu family can marry Lin Baoyue back, it will be regarded as revenge for the one-sided affair. hatred.

Ying Baoyue shook her head, "I can't marry him, it would mess up the hierarchy."

This won't work, and that won't work, she thought.

Suman's eyes instantly turned cold, "It seems that Your Highness the Princess is not sincere and just wants to delay time. Then we have nothing to talk about."

"It's not that I'm insincere," Ying Baoyue said lightly, "but that I have a better candidate for the princess."


Ying Baoyue looked at the sword in her palm, made a big decision, and used her true energy to spread her voice.

Ji Ange, who had returned to the carriage, suddenly heard Ying Baoyue's voice,

"An Ge, are you willing to stay with him?"

"Don't come out if you don't want to. I promise to send you home safely and won't let anyone say anything wrong to you."

"This is not an ordinary decision. You should think about it carefully."

Ji Ange's whole body was filled with excitement. She didn't know where Ying Baoyue was, but Ying Baoyue's voice was as clear as if he was sitting in front of her.

A chill slowly swept through Ji Ange's body from head to toe.

She didn't know what was happening outside, but when she heard Ying Baoyue ask, she understood everything.

Many scenes passed before her eyes, and she finally settled on the night when she and Zhao Guang hid in the cave.

Zhao Guang looked at the cold moonlight and asked her with inexplicable sadness, "Will you stay with me?"

At that time, she didn't understand the meaning of Zhao Guang's question, nor why he was so happy after she agreed. Now she understands.

"Sister," Ji Ange looked up at the car curtain and spoke slowly, "I do."

She is willing.

She is willing to stay here and accompany him for the rest of her life.

Ying Baoyue closed her eyes, feeling extremely complicated.

"Okay, come out and take off your veil."

This is Da Siming’s daughter

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