Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2426 Disappearance

The bloody figure turned around, and it was Ying Xun who entered the Manlu Hall one step ahead.

Seeing his appearance, Li Ji felt a chill in his heart.

Ying Xun's cheeks and hands were covered in blood, making it difficult to imagine what had just happened.

Next to the dragon chair is Ying Hanri's dormitory. The bedding on the hospital bed in the dormitory is scattered. Except for scattered blood stains, there is no trace of a person.

"Ying Xun, what happened? Where is Ying Hanri?"

Li Ji immediately rushed to Ganlu Hall after helping Ying Baoyue regain consciousness after breaking through the realm. Unexpectedly, he was still a step too late.

He originally thought he would see a fight between Ying Xun's faction and Ying Hanri's faction, but he never expected that he only saw a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The corpses lying upside down in the main hall include those brought by Ying Xun, as well as the original eunuchs and guards in the Manlu Palace. Many people dressed in the same style inserted weapons into each other's hearts.

It should have been caused by people from Ying Xun's faction stationed in Ganlu Hall and those loyal to Ying Hanri killing each other.

They are all people with similar ability levels in the first place. Once they take action, they can only perish together.

But why is Ying Xun the only one left here? Where is Ying Hanri?

"Ying Hanri is gone," Ying Xun held the box with empty eyes, "The patient on the bed is a eunuch pretending to be a eunuch. I have cut him into two pieces to confirm that it is not him anymore."

Li Ji felt panicked, "Then he escaped?"

All of Ying Hanri's personal guards were dead. With Ying Hanri's level, where else could he go?

"This is impossible," Ying Xun insisted, "Our people have surrounded Ganlu Hall and no one can escape."

He had already placed people around Ying Hanri, and even bribed the eunuch. Even if Ying Hanri asked the eunuch to pretend to be himself, it would only happen within today, otherwise he would definitely receive the news.

"Then where can Ying Han go?"

Li Ji was stunned. The Manna Hall had turned into a secret room. Did Ying Hanri disappear from the secret room?

"There must be other secret passages under this palace," Ying Xun lowered his head and looked at his feet, "This is the palace built by Emperor Taizu. There must be other secret passages between him and Da Siming."

Maybe this is the secret passed down by word of mouth between the kings of Qin.

Ying Xun had searched all over the palace just now, but could not find the entrance to the secret passage.

That's right, how could the secret passage designed by those two people be discovered so easily.

"I can't find the entrance to the secret passage," Ying Xun looked straight at Li Ji with frighteningly red eyes, "but someone must know the location of the entrance."

Li Ji felt bad, "Who are you talking about?"

"Hug the moon."

Ying Xun didn't say which Baoyue it was. He walked up to Li Ji holding the blood box in his hand and looked directly at him, "Jun Zhaohua, where is Baoyue? Can you feel her position, right?"

Crazy, really crazy.

Li Ji realized that the so-called fight for the throne could really drive a good person crazy.

"Before that, can you take a look at yourself?"

Li Ji couldn't bear it and pulled out the giant sword, countless drops of water appeared all over his body. The remaining flames in the Manna Hall were instantly wiped out, and the air in the hall instantly became cool.

What was wiped away was the blood on Ying Xun's body. Li Ji Duotou poured a large basin of cold water on him.

Ying Xun's body was dripping with water, and the redness in his eyes faded, gradually returning to clarity.

"Are you awake?" Li Ji said coldly, "You looked like a ghost just now."

"I...Jun Zhaohua..."

After Ying Xun woke up, his eyes became confused and painful, "I just killed..."

"Who did you kill? Ying Hanri?"

Li Ji quickly interrupted him and brought the matter back to the topic, which also prevented Ying Xun from thinking of those dark memories.

"No, I didn't find him." Ying Xun lowered his head and looked at the box in his hand. "Not only is he missing, but the military talisman is also missing."

"Weapon Talisman?"

Li Ji was stunned, "What is this in your hand?"

Before Ying Xun could answer, the box in Ying Xun's hand shattered under the influence of water drops.

A bright jade seal appeared in front of the two of them.

Li Ji opened his eyes wide, "Is this the imperial seal?"

Ying Xun nodded.

At the beginning of the founding of the Qin Dynasty, Emperor Taizu Yingdi took jade from Kunshan and carved a jade seal to pass down the country. Even though the Qin Empire no longer exists, this jade seal has been passed down.

Ying Xun looked at this jade seal. This was what the survivors of the former Qin Dynasty had been longing for for so long. He found it, but he didn't feel very happy.

Li Ji couldn't be happy either. The jade seal has fallen into the hands of Ying Xun. The attempt by Ying Xun's faction to seize the throne seems to have been successful, but when you think about it, there are a lot of problems.

Ying Han disappeared, no one was seen alive, no body was seen dead.

Ying Xun only found the jade seal, but not the military talisman.

For a king, there are two most important things, one is the jade seal and the other is the military talisman.

Emperor Taizu created the tiger talisman system, half of which was given to the general and the other half was kept by the emperor. Only when two tiger talismans are used together at the same time can the holder gain the right to dispatch troops and generals.

According to the military system of the Qin State, the heavy troops of the Qin State only recognized the tiger talisman and not the jade seal, so Ying Xun and others lost their military power.

Ying Xun can even find the jade seal, which proves that he has been lurking around Ying Hanri for so long and has already figured out the location of the two things.

It was impossible for something so important to be lost, it could only have been taken away.

Then who took away the military talisman?

If Ying Hanri escaped on his own, it was impossible for him to take away only the military talisman and not the jade seal. Therefore, he was probably taken away while unconscious, and the person who took him away valued military power more than the Jade Seal.

It’s not just a weapon talisman, there’s something more important!

"Ying Xun, where is Ye Lujing?" Li Ji looked at Ying Xun suddenly, "Where is Queen Qin?"

That is a key chess piece!

"Huo Zhan led his men to chase him," Ying Xun said dejectedly, "We split into two groups from the beginning."

Yelujing is pregnant with Ying Hanri's flesh and blood. If she runs away, the consequences will be serious.

Ying Xun's group was quite well prepared, but when Ying Han's side did this, Li Ji had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, before Ying Xun could say anything more, sparse footsteps came from outside the hall.

"Eldest son."

The two looked up and saw Huo Zhan standing outside the hall wearing blood-stained armor, with several strange middle-aged men standing beside him.

Huo Zhan's face was filled with regret, "He ran away."


Ying Xun hugged Yuxi tightly and ran to Huo Zhan in three steps and two steps at a time, "Who ran away?"


Huo Zhan's face was full of disbelief, "What a ghost. Our people have already surrounded the palace, and no one came in or out. The woman with a big belly disappeared from the palace."

Didn't you see a ghost?

Li Ji closed his eyes and thought of the ghost fetus in Ye Lujing's belly, and the ominous feeling became stronger.

At this time, several middle-aged people around Huo Zhan noticed the jade seal in Ying Xun's hand, and their eyes widened in surprise.

"Young Master! Have you got the jade seal?"

"we won!"

"Great revenge must be avenged!"

"Your Majesty, please ascend the throne as soon as possible!"

"Long live your majesty!"

The people who followed Ying Xun were all dead, but there were still some people who followed Huo Zhan. At this time, they all followed the middle-aged people and knelt down with joy, their faces full of joy, and they shouted long live the mountain.

Amidst the shouts of long live, Ying Xun's face was very pale.

Li Ji's face didn't look good either.

Ying Xun's group felt that they had won, but what happened today was completely controlled by another group of people.

The disaster is yet to come.

Sure enough, amidst the congratulations, a frightened soldier rushed to Huo Zhan, "Master Huo, let me go and look at the city gate, the city gate...over there..."

"What's going on over there at the city gate?"

Ying Xun held the jade seal with one hand and grabbed the person's collar from the side, "Speak quickly!"

"There is a large group of troops leaving the city at the city gate!"

Li Ji's pupils shrank and he grabbed the man's collar, "Who is leading it? Which direction are you going?"

"That man is wearing a ghost mask, and he looks like... Gui Huajun! The direction he is going is..."

The soldier was out of breath and finally managed to spit out four words.

"The Great Wall of Night!"

"They went to the Great Wall of Night!"

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