Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 2434 Meeting

Ji Jiashu lay on the city wall, staring quietly at the horizon in the distance.

The city gate that was originally filled with corpses had been cleaned by now. The people brought by the shining armor knight even found some city defense equipment such as caltrops and wooden thorn chariots from the barracks warehouse, and they were all piled in the ditch in front of the city gate.

The dozens of cavalrymen brought by the knight in silver armor turned out to be just the vanguard, but within half an hour, dozens more squadrons arrived one after another. They were all in strict military discipline and totaled more than 3,000 people.

It was impossible for such a number of people to appear out of thin air. Ji Jiashu discovered that judging from their equipment, these people should all be defenders on the Great Wall, mixed with some civilians and slaves. Most of the three thousand people were from the Northern Wei Dynasty, and many of them had Hou Liao accents. Judging from the armor, they turned out to be the defenders on the Hou Liao Great Wall.

This group of people all looked quite embarrassed. Except for the fact that many of their weapons were newly made, the armors they wore were all worn out. Except for the dozens of people in the front who were wearing uniform silver armor, the others had all kinds of looks. Many people even had no armor and only wore leather armor tied randomly to their bodies with hemp ropes.

There is no doubt that this group of people did not belong to the same team in the past. They were more like deserters from the garrison on different sections of the city wall.

Ji Jiashu heard that the life of the defenders on the Evernight Great Wall was difficult. Some officers withheld military pay. Many people did not have enough to eat and had to flee into the wilderness. Many criminals were even sent into exile. The composition of the people was complex, and it was common for them to escape and scatter.

Being able to bring together such a group of people from different backgrounds and train them into an army...

Ji Jiashu glanced at the knight in shining armor standing next to him and wondered how this man did it.

There is no doubt that this is not something ordinary people can do.

It's just that practitioners with high realms can't do it. If they are not experienced generals or generals descended from the sky, it is impossible to do all this.

Who is this person?

Ji Jiashu didn't have time to think about this problem. The enemy from afar had already arrived.

Sand and dust were rising on the horizon, and the black cavalry seemed to have no end in sight, coming close to the horizon.

The inferences of the knight in shining armor and the man with the ax were absolutely correct. Even if they had not seen the whole picture, they were at least more than ten thousand cavalry.

Ten thousand cavalry and tens of thousands of horses are by no means a force that can be used casually.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the last heritage of a country.

The knight in silver armor stood next to Ji Jiashu, looking at the cavalry in the distance with extremely complicated eyes.

"Master Captain, which country's cavalry is this? Can you tell?"

Ji Jiashu didn't know this man's name, he only knew that people around him called him Captain. But the talent and vision this person displayed were far beyond what a small captain could compare to.

Ji Jiashu didn't expect to get an answer. After all, the group of cavalry was still far away. He could only say that they didn't look like Xirong people in their dress.

The knight in shining armor's answer was unexpected.

"They are soldiers from the former Qin Dynasty," the knight in silver armor said one word after another. "Looking like they are dressed as elite soldiers from the three major battalions of the Forbidden Army and the capital."

"This group of people has average combat experience but is well-equipped. There are many practitioners among them."

The three major battalions of the Forbidden Army and the Capital were to guard the emperor. Many nobles would choose to send their children and grandchildren to join them. In terms of birth status alone, they were the highest in the Qin army, and the instructors who trained them were all extraordinary people.

Ji Jiashu understood. The Imperial Army of Nanchu was personally trained by the Great Sima of Nanchu, and it was the strongest army in Nanchu.

The situation in the former Qin Dynasty was not necessarily the same, but these people were definitely elite soldiers and generals.

At this time, many of the Northern Wei garrison in Shanhaiguan participated in the rebellion against Meng Shi and were either killed or fled, leaving less than 500 people.

In addition to the people brought by the Shining Armor Knight, the Shanhaiju disciples and some practitioners from Liuyun Tower, the total number of troops in Shanhaiguan was less than 6,000.

With such a force facing 30,000 elite soldiers coming from afar, it can be said that an egg hits a stone.

Even Ji Jiashu, a newbie in the war, could see such a disparity in power, and he believed that the knight in shining armor would understand better.

But the other party's reaction was very calm. Facing the arrival of the army, he only took a careful look twice before starting to give orders.

"Be sure to guard the city gate tightly. Anyone who approaches the exit will be killed immediately." Silver Armor commanded his most elite forward team to guard the city gate, and let the soldiers without horses climb to the top of the city, ready with hot oil and bows and arrows.

The disciples of Shanhaiju continued to deliver supplies to the city gate. Even when the ground began to shake due to the sound of horse hooves and the people in the city were terrified, this group of people cooperated tacitly and in an orderly manner.

"Archers prepare, the front troops will reach the shooting range in half a quarter of an hour."

The voice of the knight in shining armor was faster than the arrow, "Pull the bow in the front row."

"The first row squatted down to set their arrows after shooting, and the second row stood up to shoot." The heart-wrenching sound of bowstrings being pulled apart row by row sounded from the top of the city.

"If the opponent has a sharpshooter, arrows will come even faster," the knight in silver armor said sharply, "Practitioners prepare."

"Lancers ready."

Echoes echoed from the city walls.

Ji Jiashu watched this person's preparation and command, with cold sweat breaking out on his back.

Compared with this person's command, their previous command on the city wall was like children.

The knight in shining armor even had time to notice the look in his eyes while giving the order, "Watch carefully, you can do it in the future, but you have to survive this battle now."

Ji Jiashu gritted his teeth, "Can we win with a small number against a large number of people?"

"I have never fought a battle that I must win," the knight in shining armor said in a voice as cold as snow, "Everyone can only do what they should do."

Things to do…

Ji Jiashu grasped the hilt of the Spring Thunder Sword at his waist. Looking at the black spot in front of the cavalry team that was less than 500 feet away from the Great Wall, my breathing became rapid.

"Sure enough, it's him."

The knight in shining armor also fixed his gaze on the black cloaked figure at the front of the cavalry, "Is he the person you guessed?"

The leader of the cavalry at the front was wearing black armor and a black cloak. He wore a Shura mask on his face, so his face could not be seen clearly.

But that mask and this person's aura are so familiar.

Ji Jiashu couldn't understand why this man could lead the army of the former Qin Dynasty.

He nodded, "It's someone I know."

When Ji Jiashu just said those words, his pupils shrank.

The figure in front of the cavalry disappeared!

The next moment a dark figure appeared under the city gate.

The knight in shining armor reacted as fast as lightning, "Shoot!"

The black shadow came so fast and so close that the defenders at the city gate had no time to react, and screams instantly broke out.

No one even saw clearly where the other party came from and how he took action.

Thunder rumbled above the Great Wall.

The knight in shining armor took a deep breath and stretched out his hand.

Ji Jiashu disappeared.

"Chun Yuye!"

The young man's figure appeared in front of the Black Knight with a roar. He fell from the sky, and his sword fell like a meteor.

This was an inevitable sword strike, but Ji Jiashu slashed the black knight's side.

Ji Jiashu's eyes widened and he realized that half of the other party's body was empty, and one of his arms was missing.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"You're not dead yet, Chunhua."

A black light lit up from the left side of Ji Jiashu like a poisonous snake and pierced straight into his neck!

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